What if You Got A Chance To Time Travel... Which Era It Would Be & WHY?? |

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)


I am writing this post at the last hour of the contest. I saw some extensive entries so I know I haven't got a chance to win anyways because I can't probably challenge them with few minutes left. lol. You must be wondering, why am I here then?
Firstly, the topic is interesting and secondly, the contest is organized by the members so as a member myself I should participate to support and encourage them to organize more contests in future.

(The time has extended so I should cut the first paragraph. Lol)

So Time Travel...

If you know about time travel, you must know the meaning of my username. Back when I created this account, I was truly obsessed with Space Science after watching the movies like Interstellar and Martians. I used to search a lot on concepts like General Relativity and Blackholes.

General Relativity is a concept explaining that time and space are inter linked and nothing can move faster than the speed of light in this universe.

Blackholes are a region in space where nothing can escape not even light. Time slows down near the black hole and freezes inside.

Now comes the Event Horizon - The boundary of a black hole where nothing can escape it nor cross it, not even light, that region is called the event horizon.

I was truly fascinated with event horizon. How it would feel to be there. Where the time stills.

Time travel is a real thing but not how it is explained in books or movies.

When we look at the distant stars or galaxies through powerful telescopes, we are not seeing their present condition. We get to see what they looked liked years ago.

I will explain how and why?

How we see things? When sunlight hits the object, the light reflects back to our eyes and then we see the object.

Similarly, it takes thousands of years to the sunlight to reach distant stars and then another thousand years to reflect back and reach our eyes. So till the time light reaches our eyes with the image of stars, they are already thousand of years old. So this way, we are seeing into the past technically.

But time travel in books and movies is a different concept which is something like being able to move yourself into a point in future or into the past.

It's not possible because it disobeys all the universal laws but as we are talking about a hypothetical situation so let's go with the flow then...

What if You Got A Chance to Time Travel?

It is highly unlikely, but if it ever gets possible to time travel, I would like to travel in the past.

I am a person who tries her best to live in the present because I don't believe in obsessing over the future or dwelling in the past. Not that I don't think about it, only I try to focus on the present. I try to live in the moment because you don't know what life will be like the next moment. Secondly, I wouldn't want to observe the future because I don't want to experience my life without my loved ones because there's a possibility that some close one is no more alive. I certainly don't want to see that before time.

Now why I want to visit the past? I don't want to amend things in my past or I miss something. Yes, it would be great if I relive my childhood once more.

But the main reason to visit the past is I want to see with my own eyes some different historic eras of the past.

I want to see our Prophet's times. How he (S.A.W) struggled for Islam and lived his life. What kind of life the pious sahabah lived. What difficulties they faced in order to spread Islam.

How Hazrat Musa (A. S) used to talk to Allah at koh-e-toor. How he survived the evil pharoah and crossed river Nile.

I want to witness the night when our prophet traveled to the skies on Buraq with the lightening speed or maybe more than that. That was a real life time travel incident.

I want to see the revelations of Allah on prophet Muhammad (S. A. W).

I think we are going far from religion so maybe if we were able to visit those times, then maybe we realize the importance of religion and our purpose in this material world.

Fast forward to 1900s....

I want to see the Quaid struggling for Pakistan.

When I see people hating Pakistan, talk about settling abroad, talk about there are no rules and cleanliness in Pakistan and on the other hand are the main cause of polluting roads, disobeying rules, and act like a good citizen abroad. I want those hypocrites to time travel with me to the past to see how our elders fought for this land.

When I watched the Pakistani drama "Daastan", it literally gave me goosebumps. It was the first show that made me cry, when I saw what our elders suffered from just to get a free homeland. Sometimes, when I myself lose hope in Pakistan, I just want to travel in the past to live those moments and to get good motivation to strive for the betterment of Pakistan.

That's all from my side. I hope didn't bore you down.

Tagging @vvarishayy, @attiyaasghar and @sanyazulfiqar.


Link to My Achievement 1


very well written and i also loved it to about blackholes, bermuda, galaxy etc

 3 years ago 

These are all fascinating subjects.

its not fascinating ...its fantastic...it actually happening around us and happened many time in past...

 3 years ago 

Yes! Bermuda is a fascinating topic indeed.

 3 years ago 

You wrote very well, indeed if we could see all those struggles in real maybe we act more sensible and less judgemental.

In today's world, many people are taking things for granted just because they haven't seen how our elders sacrificed their lives and families for our comfort.

p.s the deadline of the contest has extended till 6th May 11.59 p.m

 3 years ago 
In today's world, many people are taking things for granted just because they haven't seen how our elders sacrificed their lives and families for our comfort.


Wait. What!? Why I don't know about this? My post feels more like a big rant. I couldn't properly write all the things that were in my mind. 😂

I should edit some lines that need more explanation. 😁

 3 years ago 

hehe, for sure you have plenty of time now :p

 3 years ago 


This is such a good write-up @event-horizon. The story behind your username especially is fascinating (surprise surprise fellow space geek alert). Your post really made me nostalgic for the time when my search history used to be filled with cosmic terms after binge-watching sci-fi.
It such a great thought to have chosen to go back to the Prophet's time and witness the trials and tribulations, and altruistic to try to evoke contrition among the people of this nation with the hope of saving it.
Good luck!

 3 years ago 

Haha, good to know that you are a space geek too.

Yes, part of me wants to stir the contrition among this nation but mostly I want to witness these eras for self reflection.

 3 years ago 

(The time has extended so I should cut the first paragraph. Lol)

I read your previous one and when I scrolled down and saw the comment of @aniqamashkoor it cracked me up lol 😆

 3 years ago 

Hahaha. I was so pissed at myself, I didn't read the new deadline and made the post in such a hurry. Literally in few minutes. 😂

 3 years ago 

Hahaha I can understand

First of all thank you so much @event-horizon for inviting me to this contest.
I have read your post, quite interesting and amazing it is... I also want to go back to the time of prophet if I get a chance.
You have said rightly, because the purpose of all of us on this earth is something else, and I believe if we would be born in that era, may be we could understand our religion in a better way

BTW, finally I came to know the meaning of your username 🤗.. good one

 3 years ago 

I know my username sounds very stupid but actually it is a very interesting phenomenon. 😂

Hahah..no no not at all
I seems interesting and it is

 3 years ago 

Kis ne kaha? It's such a great username

 3 years ago 

I say :p
But thank you anyways.

 3 years ago 

Arey nhi. Fit username hai

 3 years ago (edited)

Great write up.

On lighter note, if I get a chance to travel in past I would be buying bitcoin when it was in cents :)

 3 years ago 

Hahah, what else could one expect from a crypto expert!

 3 years ago 

Why I said this because I knew bitcoin in 2011 and bought 1st in 2016.so yeh tishnagi to rahe gi k bhai us time q nhi kiya buy

 3 years ago 

Quite understandable!

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