The Daily Diary Game|| 3rd -April-2021 | Best day of April so far ~ met my nani ❤️️

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Hey fellows Assalam u alikum. I am doing well alhamdulillah hope so you people will be doing well too and in the best of your health. Again a reminder Keep yourself hydrated as much as you can. Sorry It's my diary for 3rd April I am a bit back with the dates but soon I'll cover them all actually I have been quite busy for few days

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I mentioned in my last diary that my sister is here for a stay till Sunday so this the diary of 3rd April 2021. I got up at 10 a.m. and my sister had left the house for her school. I got up I cleaned the house and went into the kitchen, my mother had already gone to meet my Nani on Friday night so I have to do everything on my own. I made breakfast for my father then woke him up. Besides this 2 students were also waiting for who had their paper. I gave breakfast to baba and I was not feeling hungry at all I just had my morning tea then had this pakola chocolate-flavored milk.

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Then I got a call from my mother that the uncle who used to come to pick my parcels for Daraz will be at our place any time so I should pack the packages. I took out all the stuff and packed it then set the printer and too out the printout of invoices and assembled everything and packed them.

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Then I do dusting of the house that is in front of our house is under construction so there is a lot of dust every time. As soon as I got free I got a call from my sister to cut onion and other things for the lunch because some guest will come to my father and it was the time for lunch so we should present him with proper lunch. So while I was preparing it she came and we both cook soon my students were there I was teaching them too It was a very hectic situation. it was hot and everything was in chaos. One of my students had a maths paper she has joined me just a month before and she didn't even know how to add or subtract I was so angry. Already things were already tough and then she was asking me that how much will be 5+3, Somehow I managed to make her understand all the concepts of add and subtract. My father bought this sugar cane juice.

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Then my father told me that I and my sister should also visit nani ammi as she is not well. It's the weekend so we should not waste it then there will be ramzan so we should go now. I was ready on spot obviously I wanted to meet her for so long. My sister was very tired so she slept. I called my mamu he works in an industrial area which is very near from our place and he said he'll come to pick us at 6 p.m. and I was literally on my toes. At first, I went to the dining room and everything was on the table it would not be wrong to say the entire kitchen was on the table. I put everything in its place and washed all the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Then I pressed to mine and api's dresses. In between, I woke my sister up and she also gets ready. Then my two students were still there I listened to her whole copy then performed my asr prayer then I went to the kitchen to prepare tea and I was exhausted :p Then finally I got ready and had my tea with peace <3

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Then I put everything in its place, as every room was in a mess with misplacement of things. I put my father's medicine ad all his important things near his bed because we all were going to stay. I checked n Alex put his food on a plate near him and told my cousin to look after him. Then I performed maghrib prayer and mamu was still not here :p I filled the water bottle and put snacks and cupcakes in my sister's bag and she was like "Aniqa? are we going on a picnic or what :p" and I replied it's too far we'll have a party in between. Those who live in Karachi must have an idea of the distance between Korangi and the Buffer zone. We left finally it took us more than an hour to reach there.

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I reached there met my nana abbu and went directly to Nani. Since then I have met her my heart is literally crying. She has become so weak. I had the best time there with her talking to her and listening to her. I met her after almost 2 3 months and she was crying. My Nani has always been love I still remember when I was a child and we used to visit her she always make tang and other things for us and she has loved me a lot. Please pray for hr health and ease. She has become so weak both mentally and physically that she starts crying every time while talking just because she is tired of her health. May Allah grant her health and speedy recovery aameen. I spent most of my time with her. I miss my grandfather I have seen how difficult time it was for him and the same thing I found with Nani ammi. May Allah ease this old era of life for everyone aameen.

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Then I made her sleep because she was not sleeping she was saying as soon as I'll sleep you'll go back and I'll become alone. I am a chatterbox maybe you all have known this too. I can talk about anything with a person in front of me. So, this is what she wants. she wants someone to be with her all the time talking to her because she felt alone while just lying in the bed. After promising her that I am here to stay and I won't leave she slept. She has done her dinner before then we all had the dinner.

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Then there are two little boys "Mustufa and Mujtaba" my mamu's sons. They were having firecrackers so I also tried one as I have never done this before. Then we played so many games because we were there for a long time and everybody wants to make the most of it. We played catch catch with this :p

Then my mother went to market in noon with my khala and mami to buy things for eid and she bought these cute little ear studs too for me and my sister and I was like " why for me I don't wear them as I do scarf every time but she was like one is yours and other is of your sister." they were pretty and elegant. My sister's eid dress is red so she bought red for her and mine is casual like without any matching :p After watching all the shopping I placed everything back to its place and how much I missed my mother in a day. I talked to her and tell her all the details of my day then my khala lives in front of my Nani's house so I and my sister went to her place to meet them.

There I met everyone had a cup of tea and we had a lot of gossips, my cousin is of the same age as mine and we make a good duo she's doing electronic engineering from NED so we have a lot of gossips of the university also regarding courses and teachers :p then I found this stress releaser there. It was so engaging like you'll keep playing with it. After that My elder cousin came from the kitchen with this bowl of ice cream. It was vanilla and strawberry flavor.

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That was all about my busy and lovely day. Hope so you guys enjoyed reading it. To me, it was a great day I am back home but my heart is still with her. I live too far or else I would have stayed there with her and besides this, I have the responsibility of so many students which I can't neglect too. May Allah give her strength Aameen. Pray for my nani guys :)


Tae care of yourselves and the people around you. Follow the SOPs strictly and stay safe in your house it's too hot outside and please stay motivated nothing lasts forever if there is a bad time it will end soon. All my good wishes are with you all always

from @aniqamashkoor

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Well by reading your diary I felt like I was watching movie trust me I'm not joking

I really like the fact that you are tea lover

Inshallah your nani will get better soon and you did good that you met her as you said ramadan is coming soon so it would be really to go out

Over all nice diary

Tell me you not on discord

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for the compliment.
Jazak Allah for your prayers may she get well soon aameen.

And yes, I am not on discord.

why are you not on discord you should join

 3 years ago 

hehe, surely I'll join it.

 3 years ago (edited)

@aniqamashkoor I pray from bottom of my heart for the urgent wellness of your maternal grandmother. Grandparents are so lovely. I ask you to spend your maximum time. I used to enjoy my time when my grandma was alive. (Mother of my grandmother)

 3 years ago 

Jazak Allah! Indeed they are so precious.

 3 years ago 

Congratulations. Thankyou for participating.

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