Monthly Review - Steemit Sri Lanka Community | 10% to SL-Charity


Today we are going to express our monthly progress through the last two months. Throughout the last two months, we have shown impressive progress than other communities. In the beginning our purpose of the community was to gather all Sri Lankan members into one place. But with time, we could increase Steem Sri Lanka Community on a large scale to help all steemians without considering the country. Let’s talk about what we did during the last month.

  • Growth Of The Community


This was taken before one month and we had only 319 subscribers at that moment. But now we could increase the number of subscribers up to 585 subscribers. We always try to support members who are posting in our community. We always try to stick to the quality of the posts and If you hope to post in our community please refer our Rules of the community about plagiarism, crossposting, and others.


  • Achieved 80000 SP Milestone for The Curator Account

We are really happy about our progress within several few months. With the support of generous delegators, we could increase our Effective Sp up to 80k Sp Effective Power. We got support from not only the community members but also from several great steemians who are outside the community and wish the success of the Steem Sri Lanka community.

  • Achieved more than 11K Sp as Author rewards


We are happy to say that within several months we could achieve 11000+ SP Author rewards for the curator account. And also we hope to increase our Author Sp amount by considering the steem price in the future.

  • steem-sri.lanka Curation Trial

We are happy to say that we have established a curation trail to support members over Steemit. And also the curation trail is included 43+ members and having considerable power to vote on the posts. Thank you to everyone who joined with our trail to support members.

  • Steem Sri Lanka Discord Community


It's a great step which we started a Discord Community support members in Steemit. As one of the best services in our discord community, we are supporting interesting posts which are submitted through the #post-promotion channel and everyone has a chance to get votes from our trail. We are welcome you all to join our discord channel and share your links with us to get votes from our curation trail. Steem Sri Lanka Discord Channel

  • Steem Sri Lanka 3G | Contest Series and Charity Program


This project is launched to give the opportunity to 3G members from Sri Lanka to host a contest. The aim is to give opportunities for all Sri Lankan members to organize their own dream contests. Apart from that we have initiated a charity program that will be funded by our contest series and other posts from Sri Lankan members to do something valuable to society. For more details about our charity program: SL-Charity Proposal

What Come Next

  • We hope to achieve 100 K Effective Sp before the end of April.
  • We will inform you about the Charity program procedure in the future.


CC: @steemcurator01

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63792.82
ETH 2563.50
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66