STEEM system config(2024-5.20)

in The Steem history27 days ago

head_block_number :85242708
head_block_id :0514b354b84e96a7ee55ff70488b20c333190ec7
time :2024-05-20T01:11:15
current_witness :symbionts
total_pow :514415
num_pow_witnesses :172
virtual_supply :510897675.429 STEEM
current_supply :462244560.926 STEEM
confidential_supply :0.000 STEEM
init_sbd_supply :0.000 SBD
current_sbd_supply :13330953.374 SBD
confidential_sbd_supply :0.000 SBD
total_vesting_fund_steem :177471496.727 STEEM
total_vesting_shares :304795205114.394763 VESTS
total_reward_fund_steem :0.000 STEEM
total_reward_shares2 :0
pending_rewarded_vesting_shares :964777809.641526 VESTS
pending_rewarded_vesting_steem :515944.079 STEEM
sbd_interest_rate :0
sbd_print_rate :4800
maximum_block_size :65536
required_actions_partition_percent :0
current_aslot :85777425
recent_slots_filled :340282366920938463463374607431768211451
participation_count :127
last_irreversible_block_num :85242688
vote_power_reserve_rate :10
delegation_return_period :432000
reverse_auction_seconds :300
available_account_subsidies :19612465
sbd_stop_percent :1000
sbd_start_percent :900
next_maintenance_time :2024-05-20T01:39:21
last_budget_time :2024-05-20T00:39:21
content_reward_percent :6500
vesting_reward_percent :1500
sps_fund_percent :1000
sps_interval_ledger :53.508 SBD
downvote_pool_percent :2500

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STEEM 0.23
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 66548.53
ETH 3594.05
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.91