"Challenges, Solutions and World Waste Problems"

in STEEM INDONESIA5 months ago
She was punished for messing up the entire environment, this it what you always hear in a developed country that stands against waste problems. Many people don't know how harmful this act is to our body until we are affected by it. Throwing waste products anyhow and anywhere is very bad, and I dislike people who do such.

I am very happy to share my view on this wonderful topic, just like a blink of an eye we are into the 3rd week of this seasons engagement challenge and I hope to get more interesting topic to write about.

What do you think when you see someone throwing rubbish carelessly? and, in your country, what is the form of punishment for people who deliberately throw rubbish carelessly?


It pains me a lot when I see people, most especially a mature person throwing rubbish substance carelessly on the road, we all know the bad effects of throwing waste products carelessly, it's very dangerous to our health and it sometimes incurred a deadly disease to our body.

They were a woman in my area who always threw her child excreta carelessly on the floor, something fron of her compound, so one faithful night I was walking and mistakenly steeped on it.
I felt something plunder my shoe, and I started smiling. That was when I realised that I had just matched rubbish, I went to her house and complained bitterly about it and she pleaded that it won't happen again.

I even went ahead threatening her, and she promised not to do it again, since that day those nonsense acts of her stopped.


I am a person who loves cleanliness, and I always prioritize my personal hygiene first before any other thing. When we live a clean life, we will be free from sickness, and like they say, cleanliness is next to Godliness.
So each time I see someone throwing rubbish substance carelessly, I always shout at the person and caution him not to repeat such ever again.

The form of pinishment for people in my country who deliberately throw rubbish substance carelessly on the road is that they will be forced to pay a huge amount of money for littering the government road and un top of it they will be flogged severely by military personnel's inside the barracks, with such punishment they will never repeat such act ever again.
And ever since this punishment started, the rate of people throwing rubbish carelessly have massively reduced because they don't want to be punished by military personnel's.

At your place, is waste used to increase income? What are the benefits of waste that can make money there?


No, I live in a military base, so there's no waste substance used to increase income inside the barracks.
In fact, inside the barracks, it is highly prohibited to throw waste products any how because they don't use it to do anything, neither does it increase income or decrease the rate of unemployment.

The benefit of waste that can make little money in my area condemned iron that is metallic substance from spoiled items.
People normally come into the barracks to purchase them from us, and we make little money from it to support our financial needs.
They use those metallic substance that they buy from us to make new products, and it's very beneficial to us because sometimes we exchange our old products with new ones.

In your opinion, how do you manage household waste properly so that it does not have a bad impact on the environment?


I always provide a waste bin in our house to make sure that all waste products are kept there for some time, and once it gets full, I will just throw it away in our general refugee place. Where once in a while a major come to take everything away from there.

In order to manage household waste so it won't have a negative effect on society, we should always keep our environment safe and clean and make sure that we dispose of our waste products properly.
We all have a disposed place in our locality , so for us to be healthy and safe, we should always avoid throwing away household waste products carelessly.

Will the accumulation of large amounts of waste affect the comfort of people in your neighbouring country? How did that happen? share your opinion


Yes, it will definitely affect people leaving close to us because there's how a waste will saty for a long time and it will start smelling which is very bad, and it will end up polluting the air.

Pollution simply means the release of harmful substance into the environment, which is very dangerous to our health, and accumulation of large amounts of waste will end up affecting people close to us.

As humans, we can't live in a smelling environment. When the air we breathe is polluted, we will be very uncomfortable to live because it will disturb our health.
It is not good to keep waste for a long time because it will affect our health.

In conclusion

Releasing harmful substances into the environment is in the name of disposing waste products, which is very bad because it will affect our health and also people leaving around us.

If you are the type or you know a person that always throw rubbish on the floor carelessly, I advise uoi stop or caution such act because it's not safe

Myself I dislike people who throw rubbish carelessly, and each time I see them, I always caution them. No matter how much waste a product is, we can still get something good out of it, so in my area, condemned iron is used to make new products.

I am using this opportunity to invite @pandora2010, @josepha, @adriancabrera, @radleking, @marito74 and @rdp89 to join me and participate in this wonderful contest

 5 months ago 

The experience of stepping on human waste is both funny and annoying. Your steps to reprimand him are very good so that he doesn't do the same thing in the future.
The experience you write about is very good as a lesson for anyone. Writing about the bad behavior of littering is a way of campaigning for a better environment. Let's remind each other.
Success for you.

 5 months ago 

Thanks for your wonderful comment on my blog 😀 i really appreciate.

Indeed throwing rubbish on the floor anyhow is very dangerous to our health.
I wish you success 🙌 🙏


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Curated by: @sohanurrahman

 5 months ago 

Thanks for the support @dohanurrahman

La contaminación es un gran problema que nos afecta a todos, lo más triste es que es producida por las mismas personas, que tiran sus desechos en calles y quebradas

 5 months ago 

Te lo digo hermano mío, es un acto muy malo que debería detenerse porque es peligroso para nuestra salud. Gracias por agregar valor a mi publicación, realmente lo aprecio 😀 🙏 enviarles saludos desde esta parte del mundo 🌎 🇳🇬

 5 months ago 
Hola amigo, es un gusto saludarte. La verdad es que es muy preocupante e indignante ver como las personas arrojan basura por doquier sin pensar en la salud de todos quienes habitamos en el mismo lugar. Que mala experiencia tuviste con la vecina, que bueno que atendió a los reclamos y dejó de hacer esto.

Sería muy feliz si en mi país multaran y azotaran a quienes dañan al medioambiente, a ver si de esta manera cambiar su proceder. El cuidar nuestro Planeta debe empezar en casa con el manejo adecuado del los residuos.

Éxitos en el desafío. Saludos y bendiciones.

 5 months ago 

Muchas gracias por tu maravilloso comentario 😀, realmente lo aprecio. De hecho, desechar productos de desecho de cualquier forma es muy peligroso para nuestra salud. Yo soy muy alérgico a ello. Te deseo éxito 🙌 también

 5 months ago 

You are right we all know the ill effects of careless disposal of waste products. Thank you indeed for the problems you complained to the woman we need to resolve. Like you I am a clean person and I love cleanliness. Because of which I always keep my surroundings clean. In my country also people deliberately throw garbage on the roads which makes the roads dirty and people face various problems. Glad to know that you are a military man and have no means of raising income from waste in your barracks. Anyway very nice write up, best of luck to you.

 5 months ago 

Thank you very much my brother, for your insight comment 👍 i really appreciate 😀 🙏

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

@bonaventure 24, hola amigo

Me sorprendió le que tu vecina la angel excremento de su hijo a la calle es algo totalmente desagradable para cualquiera que ponga el pie sobre elllo. 😤

No hay nada mejor que vivir rodeado de todo limpio y contribuir a que nuestro gran regalo de parte del creador,el planeta tierra este de esa forma.

Lastima que muchas personas no lo entienden y más bien ensucian y contaminan ya sea por medio de fábricas o dejando la basura en las calles.
Solo de esa forma las personas actúan bien,por no recibir un castigo, de esa forma se preocupan en no arrojar la donde sea.

Allá usan el hierro para nuevos productos y por acá es el plástico y cartón. Tienen una 2da oportunidad.

Gusto leerte. Tenía tiempo que no te apoyaba dejando un comentario. Acabo de dejar mi participación si gustas leerla 😉

 5 months ago 

Greetings friend bonaventure24, I appreciate your invitation, I hope it goes well for you.

I agree with you that in your country a punishment is applied for discarding wild garbage from its strategic place with fines, because this would be more ideal to force and raise awareness among citizens.

It was a bad moment, that trip you had because of your neighbor's recklessness for throwing away her son's waste, that makes you look bad.

In the barracks there is a cleanliness discipline and that is an example to follow for citizens in general.

Thanks for participating and give a good opinion friend.

 5 months ago 

I appreciate 🙏 your healthy comment 😀 my friend

 5 months ago 

You're welcome friend bonaventure24, greeting and blessings for to You.

 5 months ago 

Hai teman....

Senang membaca artikel anda itu sangat informatif, benar kata anda membuang sampah sembarangan adalah perbuatan yang tidak baik karena dapat mengganggu orang lain dan lingkungan sekitar.

Di negara Anda, orang yang membuang sampah sembarangan sedikit berkurang karena jika mereka melakukan itu mereka harus membayar denda dan dicambuk oleh aparat militer.

Kita berharap semoga lingkungan kita terbebas dari sampah agar terciptanya suasana yang nyaman dan tenang.

Semoga sukses teman.

 5 months ago 

Terima kasih banyak atas komentar Anda yang luar biasa 😀 saya sangat menghargai 🙏 😊

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