"The moment changed my life"

in Steem Fashion&Style8 months ago

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Greetings to fellow steemians in steem for Fashion&Style, I trust y'all are doing great, it's a pleasure to join amd and share my post in this community and i believe you'll all love to read the inside.


Life is full of difficulties and challenges, success and failure is the result we got whenever we put our struggles on life, success is the positive result everyone crave for not failure, there's some moment in life that change people's life for good and they're moments that change people life for bad.

A moment can change our life for good when positive things or good opportunities come our ways, it might be a good job or emotional word of God, this two types of moments can effectively change our poor life to wealthy or change our wicked souls to

The moment which changed your life?


A soul were born to the world to a great family but due to some reason everything changes to struggles, the great family were separated and two souls begin to struggle for life, as a young boy a lot of pressure from peer group mounted on him and he began to imitate his peer group.

As the results, the boy began to practice some sins which didn't please God. One day two responsible people who hang bag on their shoulders and hold umbrella at hand approach him and start Sharing the word of God and read some Bible verses to him, before they left he was invited to church and he promised to attend.

From the moment the boy accepted those people to shared the world of good with him, his life where change from street boy to good and responsible person, Incase you wish to know the Bible verse that impact his life, here it is. 1 Corinth 6:9-11.

The moment here is all about @kidi40 and how his life were change from bad to good.

Do you think steemit platform has changed your life?


Of course, the steemit platform is a life changing platform that impact people's life for good, although I'm a newbie to the steemit platform but trust me I've seen a great positive change since the first day I started my journey on the platform.

In comparison, my wallet was empty the first day I came to exist in the steemit platform and it wasn't interesting at all but after a week, some tokens appeared in the empty wallet as a results of rewards from creating content.

My journey on steemit platform and how it begins to change my life isn't a magic, it all happened when I took a bold step and decided to work consistently in the platform, since then I've tried to navigate my worries properly through the help of steem earnings, this steemit platform is more than just a platform, it is a life changing platform.

Share your success story.


Like I said earlier, every human being is entitled to face two results in life, failure or success, these two results depend on us and it's our decision to choose between the two.

My success story on steemit begins the day I claim some reward of the content I created on the steemit platform, to write was my biggest fears in life and some of the doubts that keep drawing me back was, would people love reading my post? Will I get support? Will I maintain enthusiasm and keep writing? These were the questions that hit my chest.

On a very good day, something took me to @Patjewell blog and I took to reading her post, I was convinced when i read a post titled the mental health of a content creator by patjewell, post link here. That was where i learnt extreme lessons on how to deal with the difficulties faced by content creator such as discouragement, being stuck and how to maintain a healthy mind when writing, the post by patjewell highlight five factors that help a content creator to maintain a healthy mindset, these were.

.Find your interest
.Set your times
.Be gentle with yourself
.Let it go!

She didn't just mention these factors and left, she wrote note on each of the factors, after reading the post it was as if i awake from a deep sleep in the morning, I didn't screw out what i read away but i tried to practiced the five factors and found out that it all work, today i don't just like writing i love writing and I'm still writing.

I'm not yet fully successful on the steemit platform, there's lot of achievement to accomplish such as dolphin and becoming a moderator, to accomplish this archivement i need to keep procrastination aside and keep moving forward, one day I'll be fully successful on the steemit platform.


Moment that change our life can comes in different dimension or circumstances and it might be for good or bad, most importantly our reaction when getting the opportunity of changing our life determines our success and failure.

Working on steemit platform can be so frustrated sometimes but having the right mindset and motivation can salvage us from giving up, let's remember that steemit will not change our life through magic rather it will change our life through hardwork and consistency.

To this great people #patjewell #bossj23 and #goodybest, I hope my invitation to join this contest finds you all.

Cc; @drhira.

to everyone reading this post, I wish you all the best of Life❤️🫂.

Hi don't use newcomer tag in your posts. You have completed your 3 months on steemit. Thank you.

Ohh.. thanks for informing me, I appreciate...🤗🤗

 8 months ago 

You know there are times in your life when you feel so rewarded. Well, reading your post was one of those moments for me.
To read that a post helped a fellow Steemian is awesome!

You've got great talent, young man, and I have no doubt that you will still take it far.
Just don't give up and remember to post, vote, comment, and power up.

I wish you all the best, not only for this contest but also for your Steemit journey.

You really deserve to be praise grandma, your positive words are boosting people confidence in writing, thanks for the reply and support.

 8 months ago 

The pleasure is all mine.
Thank you!

You're welcome 🤗🤗..I wish I could've your WhatsApp contact.. 🙏🏽

 7 months ago 

I am on the Africa WhatsApp group.
You can get my number there. :-)

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