Along with the development of today's times, there is always a pattern of changes that affect behavior and behavior in people's lives, as well as fashion or fashion. Fashion or fashion itself is a way of dressing that marks a certain era and is loved and also followed. The development of fashion or fashion is inseparable from the history of human life and most other people, as well as showing a person's lifestyle. It shows the level or social status of a person.
Lewat perkembangan fashion dan mode ini juga terkadang timbul dampak negatif di kehidupan sosial masyarakat, remaja merupakan kelompok usia yang paling banyak membawa pengaruh pada Fashion dan mode, usia remaja dan anak muda adalah golongan usia yang banyak membawa pengaruh tersebut. Pakaian merupakan merupakan mode atau fashion yang sangat berpengaruh yang meliputi pakaian, celana, sepatu, tas dan juga aksesoris lainnya.
The development of fashion and fashion also sometimes hurts people's social lives, teenagers are the age group that is most influenced by Fashion and fashion, and teenagers and young people are the age group many bring influence to. Clothing is a very influential fashion or fashion which includes clothes, pants, shoes, bags, and other accessories.
Image Source: Pixabay
Lewat cara berpakaian tersebut akan timbul penggolongan status sosial tertentu misalnya saja penggunaan produk berkelas atau tidak berkelas, dan terkadang menjadi pengelompokan masyarakat, hal ini berkaitan dengan mereka yang mengikuti perkembangan fashion dan tidak mengikuti mengikuti perkembangan fashion. Terkadang ada di sebuah Daerah atau wilayah bahkan negara yang mengelompokkan mereka dengan barang-barang atau pun pakaian yang memiliki harga jual yang tinggi, pengelompokan status sosial ini terkadang menghilangkan rasa hormat, empati dan juga Solidaritas.
Through the way of dressing will arise a certain social status classification, for example, the use of classy or not classy products, and sometimes a grouping of people, this is related to those who follow the development of fashion and do not follow the development of fashion. In a region or even a country that groups them with goods or clothes that have high selling prices, this grouping of social status sometimes eliminates respect, empathy, and solidarity.
Image Source: Pixabay
Maka daripada itu perkembangan mode atau fashion juga mempengaruhi perubahan tingkah laku pada diri seseorang, pengelompokan berdasarkan fashion membuat beberapa orang di kalangan masyarakat memilih pertemanan atau pun interaksi hanya sebatas dengan kelompok pencinta fashion tertentu saja. Terlebih lagi pakaian atau aksesoris bermerek dan mahal, pengelompokan menjadi jarak pemisah antara status sosial tertentu.
Therefore, the development of fashion or fashion also affects changes in behavior in a person, grouping based on fashion makes some people in the community choose friendship or interaction is only limited to a certain group of fashion lovers. Moreover, branded and expensive clothes or accessories, grouping into a dividing distance between certain social statuses.
Namun demikian perubahan trend fashion dan juga mode berdampak positif bagi perkembangan kreativitas dan juga inovasi untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang unik dan bernilai, perubahan mode merupakan salah satu imajinasi daya pikir untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang menarik serta disukai oleh banyak orang di seluruh dunia. Lewat kreativitas inilah lahirlah fashion atau mode terbaru yang menjadi trend di kalangan tertentu atau umum, yang menghadirkan sesuatu kreativitas yang bernilai.
However, changes in fashion trends and fashion also have a positive impact on the development of creativity and innovation to create something unique and valuable, fashion change is one of the powers of thought and imagination to create something interesting and liked by many people around the world. Through this creativity was born in the latest fashion or fashion that is a trend in certain or general circles, which presents something of value creation.
Image Source: Pixabay
Merujuk dua hal tersebut baik positif dan negatifnya, perkembangan fashion dan mode adalah hal yang tidak akan terelakkan. Karena perubahan zaman serta kreativitas manusia untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang baru akan selalu mendapatkan apresiasi oleh masyarakat global, yang mendorong perkembangan dan kemajuan di dunia fashion dan mode.
Referring to these two things both positive and negative, the development of fashion and fashion is something that will not be inevitable. Due to the changing times as well as human creativity to create something new will always get appreciation from the global community, which encourages development and progress in the world of fashion and fashion.
Sekian postingan saya untuk minggu ke 3 ini, terima kasih kepada anda yang telah meluangkan waktu untuk membaca postingan ini, semoga bermanfaat. Saya juga mengundang
@dave-hanny dan
@daprado1999 untuk berpartisipasi mengemukakan pendapat tentang tema kontes ini, semoga beruntung.
That's my post for this 3rd week, thank you to those of you who have taken the time to read this post, hopefully, it will be useful. I also invite
@dave-hanny and
@daprado1999 to participate in expressing opinions on the theme of this contest, good luck.
Greetings! Thank you for being part of the community and participating in Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W3"Great to know your perspective about the importance and different impact's of fashion in our personality for looking good in society.Thanks for your engagement. Wish you good luck" .
I really appreciate the verification and support, thank you for your time. Have a nice day.
Thanks for the invite sir.
I am not discouraging the habit of fashion trends and I always encourage to be fashionable in your life but I think you should never forget your culture in this way and in remaining your culture and in remaining your limits you should have a fashion.
You have also explain very well about the fashion trends and you describe the very well the positive and the negative effects on our society really you are right that the positive side of the special trends is that we look small unique more confident and more smart when we are in a fashion and if we don't move on with the society and fashion then we will feel ourself very down low the other people so fashion trends is also important for all of us.
If we talk about the change in our personality after having a fashion then the change will be great we look more confident more beautiful and more groomed than before having a fashion.
Thanks for taking the time with this post, i really appreciate it.
Your welcome friend
Nice to read your post dear brother, You describe it very well. There is no doubt that the fashion trends really effect all of us and it will be totally change and forward day by day.
Thank you my brother 🙏🏻
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You have really given great hints on the fashion and styling world. I guess the culture should never be overlooked as regarding fashion. Dress modestly and fashion has brought about creativity, great innovation and specially changing the power of thought. Goodluck in the challenge my dear friend. Thanks for the invitation, I have duly participated in the challenge #steem-on