Steemit Engagement Challenge-S8W2 | Review Your Favorite Shopping Mall

in Steem Fashion&Style2 years ago

Ketahui makanan favorit mereka dan hidangan yang ingin mereka coba. (17).jpg

Review Your Favorite Shopping Mall

Berbelanja merupakan kegiatan sehari-hari yang banyak di lakukan masyarakat, ini tidak lepas dari cara masyarakat untuk memenuhi dan mencari kebutuhan hidup. Pasar merupakan tempat yang menyediakan segala kebutuhan tersebut, berbagai jenis bahan kebutuhan tersedia di sana. Seiring perkembangan jaman pasar terus berkembang dan menjadi lebih modern, pasar yang tadinya terpusat telah bersaing dengan pasar pasar modern lainnya. Mall dan pasar swalayan adalah beberapa diantaranya, dimana kebutuhan yang tidak terdapat pasar tradisional terdapat di tempat ini.

Shopping is a daily activity that many people do, this can not be separated from the way people meet and seek the needs of life. The market is a place that provides all these needs, various types of material needs are available there. As the development of the market continues to grow and become more modern, the market that was centralized has been competing with other modern market markets. Malls and supermarkets are some of them, where the need for which there is no traditional market is found in this place.

Saya pribadi juga memiliki beberapa tempat untuk membeli kebutuhan-kebutuhan hidup tersebut, dari bahan makanan atau pun juga bahan bahan perlengkapan keluarga dan rumah lainnya. Jika menyangkut kebutuhan dapur pasar tradisional merupakan tempat yang hampir setiap hari saya datangi, namun jika menyangkut keperluan perlengkapan rumah dan keluarga, pasar swalayan yang terdapat di kota tempat saya tinggal merupakan alternatif pilihan yang saya kunjungi.
I personally also have several places to buy the necessities of life, from groceries or other family and home supplies. When it comes to kitchen needs, traditional markets are places that I go to almost every day, but when it comes to home and family supplies, supermarkets located in the city where I live are an alternative option that I visit.

Pasar swalayan yang sering saya datangi untuk membeli keperluan rumah dan keluarga adalah pasar swalayan "Sejahtera", salah satu pasar swalayan yang cukup dikenal di kawasan Kota Lhokseumawe dan sekitarnya. Walau terdapat pasar swalayan sejenis, namun pasar swalayan "Sejahtera" adalah tempat favorit saya dan keluarga untuk berbelanja.
The supermarket that I often go to buy home and family needs is the "Sejahtera" supermarket, one of the well-known supermarkets in the Lhokseumawe City area and its surroundings. Although there are similar supermarkets, "Sejahtera" supermarkets are my and my family's favorite places to shop..


Mengapa ini mal favorit Anda & bagikan lokasi w3wn - Why it's your favorite mall & share the w3w location
Pasar swalayan "Sejahtera" berada tepat di tengah kota Lhokseumawe, pusat dimana segala aktivitas serta kegiatan warga Lhokseumawe dijalani. Pasar swalayan "Sejahtera" menyediakan segala jenis kelengkapan kebutuhan rumah dan keluarga, dengan harga yang bersaing serta tempat yang terbilang nyaman untuk berbelanja.
The "Sejahtera" supermarket is right in the middle of Lhokseumawe city, the center where all activities and activities of Lhokseumawe residents are carried out. Supermarket" Sejahtera " provides all kinds of home and family needs, with competitive prices and a fairly comfortable place to shop.

Location Sejahtera Supermarket

Pasar swalayan yang berdiri satu lantai ini memiliki akses parkir yang baik serta berada di pusat kota, itu sebabnya menjadi salah satu alasan saya menjadikan tempat ini menjadi tempat favorit untuk berbelanja. Hal lainnya yang terpenting pasar swalayan "Sejahtera" dapat diakses dari jalan utama mana saja yang terdapat di Kota Lhokseumawe, karena berada di pusat Kota.
This one-story supermarket has good parking access and is in the city center, which is one of the reasons I made this place a favorite place to shop. Another important thing is that the "Sejahtera" supermarket can be accessed from any main road in Lhokseumawe City because it is in the city center.


Bagaimana kualitas produk & apakah lingkungan aman untuk berbelanja? - What is the quality of products & is it's environment safe for shopping?
Produk yang dijual di tempat ini terbilang sama dengan produk-produk yang terdapat di pasar swalayan lainnya, namun kenyamanan saat berbelanja serta keamanan yang tempat ini sediakan adalah nilai plus yang bisa menjadi pendukung pasar swalayan ini terus berkembang dan diminati oleh masyarakat Kota Lhokseumawe.
The products sold in this place are fairly similar to the products found in other supermarkets, but the comfort when shopping and the security that this place provides is a plus that can be a supporter of this supermarket continues to grow and is in demand by the people of Lhokseumawe city.


Activities when I shop at Sejahtera supermarket

Memang ukuran pasar swalayan ini tidak begitu besar sebagaimana Mall pada umumnya, situasi serta kebersihan pasar swalayan juga menjadi faktor pendukung kenyamanan berbelanja di tempat ini.
Indeed, the size of this supermarket is not as big as the Mall in general, the situation and cleanliness of the supermarket is also a factor supporting the convenience of shopping in th


Apa hal favorit Anda di mal ini? - What is your favorite thing in this mall?
Selain keadaan juga kenyamanan di Pasar Swalayan ini, hal yang menjadi favorit kami berbelanja adalah kelengkapan barang yang diperlukan. Segala jenis barang rumah tangga serta keluarga yang kami cari tersedia. Makanan ringan, sabun, shampo, peralatan kosmetik, Pempers anak, susu, keperluan alat tulis, Keperluan kantor, obat-obatan sampai dengan barang perkakas semua ada di sini dengan merek dan harga yang bervariasi.
In addition to the state also comfort in this supermarket, our favorite thing to shop for is the completeness of the necessary items. All kinds of the household as well as family items we are looking for are available. Snacks, soaps, shampoos, cosmetic equipment, Children's Pampers, milk, stationery, office supplies, medicines to tool items are all here with varying brands and prices.


Goods found in supermarkets prosperoust


Bagikan harga produk dalam mata uang lokal Anda serta yang setara di Steem/ TRX - Share products prices in your local currency as well as the equivalent in Steem/ TRX
Pempers Mamy PokoSize S fill 58IDR 82.50027 Steem
SGM children's milk1 KgIDR 96.00031.6 Steem
Milk Boy 5+ Dancow ChocolateIDR 100.000IDR 82.50033 Steem
Sugar1 KgIDR 14.5004.7 Steem
Sosis Frozen1 KgIDR 45.00015 Steem
AA notebook 50 sheets1 dozenIDR 62.50020.4 Steem

Dan masih banyak barang lainnya yang saya beli bulan ini, yang tidak dapat saya tulis satu persatu.
And there are many other items that I bought this month, which I cannot write down one by one.

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-08 at 19.52.51 (1).jpeg


My shopping this month


Sekian postingan saya untuk kali ini, saya mengundang @muthmainnah, @munaa dan @steem-for-future, untuk berpartisipasi, sukses terus untuk para senior saya.
That's my post for this time, I invite @muthmainnah, @munaa and @steem-for-future to participate, continued success for my seniors.

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 2 years ago 

Greetings my friend @fantvwiki 🙋‍♂️,

I am feeling happy to read your post about your favorite mall, "Sejahtera" supermarket. It is interesting to know about how you have compared traditional markets with modern supermarkets and found and decide alternative option for your home and family needs.

Keep continue sharing your experiences and expertise with us. Thank you for sharing your provoking thoughts, and keep up the good work! 👍


¡Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through -steemcurator06.
We support quality posts, and good comments anywhere, with any tags.

Curated by :<@graceleon>

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your support.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your kind comments my brother.


Hello dear, @fantvwiki

  • Very nicely presented bhai which impressed me . You have presented the price of each thing very nicely among us. Here's wishing you the best bro.

Best regards from @robin42

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your support.

Welcome dear 🤗

¡Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through -steemcurator06.
We support quality posts, and good comments anywhere, with any tags.

Curated by :<@graceleon>

I came to know about the contest through your precious mansion. And thank you for inviting me. Of course I will try to participate in the Engagement Challenge Season Eight. thank you

 2 years ago 

Greetings your post has been supported by our official community account @hive-126193. To get more information about our community, visit our community introduction post click here. To get further knowledge join our Official discord channel of Steem fashion & style link here


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