Steemit Engagement Challenge-S8W1 | Cultural Fashion by @fantvwiki

in Steem Fashion&Style2 years ago

Di Balik Sebuah Pai Inggris (20).jpg

Cultural Fashion

Kontes minggu pertama yang juga menarik, dimana pengguna dapat memperkenalkan keunikan pakaian budaya dari daerah mereka masing-masing. Oleh karena hal tersebut saya juga akan berpartisipasi dalam kontes tantangan keterlibatan di minggu pertama ini, berikut ringkasan postingan saya :

The first week's contest is also interesting, where users can introduce the uniqueness of cultural clothing from their respective regions. Because of this, I will also be participating in the engagement Challenge contest this first week, here is a summary of my post :

Setiap daerah, wilayah dan juga negara memiliki keunikan mereka masing-masing, hal untuk atau khas tersebut bisa berupa keadaan alam, bahasa, rumah adat, tradisi, makanan hingga pakaian adat. Pakaian adat itu sendiri adalah pakaian tradisional yang sering di gunakan atau selalu digunakan untuk kegiatan keseharian mereka, atau juga untuk upacara-upacara tertentu. Dari pakaian budaya tersebut terlihat identitas suatu daerah bahkan bisa jadi melambangkan status sosial dari warga daerah tersebut, hal itu tidak lepas dari corak dan ornamen bernuansa Islam yang menghiasi pakaian budaya tersebut.
Each region, region, and country have its uniqueness, things for or typical of nature, language, traditional houses, traditions, food to traditional clothing. Traditional clothing itself is traditional clothing that is often used or always used for their daily activities, or also for certain ceremonies. From the cultural clothing, it can be seen that the identity of a region can even symbolize the social status of the residents of the area, it can not be separated from the Islamic shades and ornaments that adorn the cultural clothing.

Personal photo, when my family and I went to a cousin's wedding wearing Acehnese cultural clothing

Di Indonesia tempat saya tinggal terdapat banyak suku yang terdiri dari 38 Provinsi, ada ratusan suku dan etnis yang terdapat di negara kami. Begitu pun dengan pakaian budaya yang kami miliki, terutama di tempat saya tinggal saat ini di Provinsi Aceh.
In Indonesia where I live, there are many tribes consisting of 38 provinces, there are hundreds of tribes and ethnicities in our country. Likewise, with the cultural clothing we have, especially where I live today in Aceh province.

Apa pakaian budaya khusus Anda dan seberapa sering Anda memakainya? - What is your specific cultural attire and how frequently do you wear it?
Di provinsi Aceh pakaian budaya umum digunakan untuk kegiatan acara-acara besar dan juga Festival, pakaian tersebut menjadi satu keharusan yang mungkin masih tetap kami gunakan. Pakaian Provinsi Aceh atau pakaian adat Aceh memiliki nama tersendiri dengan berbagai bentuk dan fungsi, Pakaian-pakaian adat tersebut terdiri dari Meukeusah, Meukeutop, Sileuweu, dan baju kurung.
In Aceh province cultural clothing is commonly used for large events and festivals, these clothes become a necessity that we may still use. Aceh provincial clothing or Aceh traditional clothing has its name with various forms and functions, these traditional clothes consist of Meukeusah, Meukeutop, Sileuweu, and baju kurung.

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Photos of me at a wedding wearing Acehnese cultural clothing

Bagi saya pribadi, saya pernah menggunakan pakaian adat Linto Baro (pengantin pria) atau juga disebut pakaian Ulee Balang yang terdiri dari berbagai hiasan, Sedangkan pakaian untuk wanita disebut dengan pakaian adat Dara Baro (Pengantin Wanita). Bagi pengantin pria terdapat 3 bagian yang menjadi yang menjadi ciri khas dari pakaian linto baro, ketiga bagian tersebut adalah mahkota yang di sebut dengan Meukeutop yang terdapat pada bagian atas. Bagian tengah yang di sebut dengan Meukasah, bagian tengah Busana Adat ini mencerminkan kebesaran. Sedangkan pada bagian bawah disebut dengan Sileuweu atau celana panjang yang berwarna hitam, celana ini terbuat dari benang berwarna emas.
I have used traditional clothing Linto Baro (groom) or also called Ulee Balang clothing consisting of various ornaments, while clothing for women is called traditional clothing Dara Baro (bride). For the groom 3 parts become the hallmark of Linto Baro clothing, the third part is the Crown called the Meukeutop contained in the upper part. The middle part is called the Meukasah, the middle part of this traditional dress reflects greatness. While the bottom is called Sileuweu or black trousers, these pants are made of gold-colored thread.

Sebutkan dan jelaskan kegiatan yang Anda gunakan untuk pakaian budaya ini. - List and describe the activities for which you use this cultural attire.
Bagi masyarakat aceh penggunaan pakaian budaya ini banyak digunakan pada upacara-upacara penting, seperti pesta Pernikahan dan tarian-tarian adat aceh yang di adakan pada saat festival-festival hari besar, sebuah pakaian adat yang sakral untuk digunakan. Hal itu karena pakaian budaya itu memiliki bentuk seperti seorang raja di masa lalu, pakaian adat ini hanya digunakan pada acara-acara tersebut.
For the Acehnese people, the use of cultural clothing is widely used in important ceremonies, such as weddings and Acehnese traditional dances held during the big day festivals, a sacred traditional clothing to use. That's because the cultural clothing has a shape like a king in the past, this traditional clothing is only used on these occasions.

Apakah menurut Anda pakaian budaya Anda unik dan berapa harganya dalam mata uang negara Anda? - Do you think your cultural attire is unique and how much does it cost in your country's currency?
Jika dilihat dari bentuk dan juga bahan yang digunakan pakaian adat dari Provinsi Aceh memiliki keunikan tersendiri, Kemewahan serta keindahan dari setiap bagian pakaian tersebut memiliki filosofi serta kebesaran tersendiri. Hal itu juga tidak lepas dari penggunaannya, yang hanya digunakan pada acara-acara tertentu saja.
When viewed from the form and also the material used traditional clothing from Aceh province has its uniqueness, luxury, and beauty of each piece of clothing has its philosophy and greatness. It also cannot be separated from its use, which is only used on certain occasions.

Harga khusus untuk baju adat Aceh yang memiliki sebutan tersendiri dari setiap jenisnya, memiliki harga yang bervariasi tergantung bahan yang digunakan serta kelengkapan bagian yang akan dibeli. Harganya pakaian budaya Aceh bisa mencapai ratusan ribu rupiah hingga jutaan ribu rupiah, artinya bisa dari IDR 400.000 hingga IDR 2.000.000, atau setara dengan 112 Steem hingga 554 Steem.
Special prices for Aceh traditional clothes have their designation of each type, have prices that vary depending on the materials used and the completeness of the parts to be purchased. The price of Acehnese cultural clothing can reach hundreds of thousands of rupiah to millions of rupiah, meaning it can be from IDR 400,000 to IDR 2,000,000, or equivalent to 112 Steem to 554 Steem.

Sekian postingan saya semoga menjadi bacaan yang bagus untuk di baca, saya mengundang @crismenia, @max-pro dan @ahyaoja untuk berpartisipasi, semoga beruntung.
That's all my post hopefully be a good read to read, I invite @crismenia, @max-pro and @ahyaoja to participate, good luck.

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 2 years ago 

Greetings! Thank you for being part of the community and participating in Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W1: "Yeah every region has its own culture which represents the specific culture of particular area either clothing, foods and anything else. The picture you shared Acehnese cultural clothing is awesome you and your family is looking very beautiful in their cultural outfits. Ulee Balang dress has Royal in look while bride in Dara Baro is mind blowing. I wish yoy best of luck for the contest. " .

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 2 years ago 

Thank you for appreciating this simple post, I really appreciate it and thank you also for the comments and support. Success always.

 2 years ago 

Harus buka album nikah 10 thn lalu nampaknya untuk ikut kontes ini... Hahah

 2 years ago 

Agar sesuai tema Pak, mau pakai foto saat Walimatul khitan jadoel lagi. He...he...

Semoga sukses selalu bg

 2 years ago 

Terima kasih, sukses juga untuk bang ari.hatake.

Jangan lupa singgah di rumah saya bg

 2 years ago (edited)

Siap bang aril.hatake, power up meubacut mangat tak jak uroe sabtu.

Jeut... Na meu 5 neu steem nyo

 2 years ago 

ok, lanjutkan bang aril.hatake. mangat ta pantau uroe sabtu.

 2 years ago 

Pakaian adat sangat sakral dengan nilai nilai dan latar belakang sejarah yang kental. Good post. Good luck for the contest. Saya juga telah berpartisipasi dalam kontes ini.

 2 years ago 

Greetings your post has been supported by our official community account @hive-126193. To get more information about our community, visit our community introduction post click here. To get further knowledge join our Official discord channel of Steem fashion & style link here


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 2 years ago 

Your cultural attire is very different especially . The Acehnese cultural in which you share picture with family its really very beautiful and gave a glamorous look. Every culture has its own grace and beauty no doubt.

Your post has been supported with a 35% upvote by @ashkhan from TEAM 2 of the Community Curation Program. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: March 02, 2023


 2 years ago 

Achenese is one of my favourite cultures of Indonesia. I always like indonesians whenever I saw them in this cultural attire.

This culture have its on uniqueness. I really love the way you Express be your feelings and I wish you a great success for winning

 2 years ago 

Achenes culture is most of the unique as well as famous culture its unique for those who don't know about it like the foreigners and its famous for the indonesians because every Indonesian must talking about this culture. You have also explain very well about your culture and your participation is very valid for me.

Friend it's good at you told about the costumes for girls and for boys both. You have shared a very valuable information with us that Dara baroe dress suits on girls because it is made up of them and obviously there is a costume also that is especially designed for boys. But your every costume seems to me very royal and beautiful.

Your article really inspires me and your mark down styling is most important and unique that I know have noticed. I wish you a great success at last for your participation

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