Revenge of the Empires or the Decentralized World

in Deep Dives4 years ago

End of the nation state nigh-corr.jpg

There is an excellent short consideration about the Nation State destiny by Dominic Frisby. In his opinion, the concept of the nation state is exhausted. Is that good or bad?

Well, from the standpoint of its function – it is. Nation states were made just some 250 years before (American revolution 1776 and French revolution 1789 were the beginning of the nation states era) with the proclaimed idea to protect the population and abolish ever growing Imerial taxes. What was the World looked like before the nation states? As Jamie Bartlett said:

A sprawl of empires-corr.jpg

Unclaimed lands had to be claimed ‘in the name of the Empire’, and since nobody waged wars with its own money, taxes were the way to raise battle funds. That was the rule with every Empire, from the Egyptian, Chinese, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, French, Spanish, British, Austro-Hungarian, Russian… No Exceptions. The nation state was a hope that the republic will create just society in which the safety could be established through control of bureaucracy. Alas, bureaucracy is a beast that cannot be tamed. Any centralized hierarchical political matrix always sinks into corruption. But let’s listen to Dominic Frisby first:

So, instead of protecting its population and securing the liberties, nation state actually brought borders and with every technological advancement, it brought a higher level of control removing the liberties of its population. Hidden Empire, with a modern name: ‘The largest financial capital’ have taken over the nation states through corruption, and brought them to the point of destruction. And now we are at the new historical crossroad: There are two false choices. Both are actually revenge of the Empires. One is ‘progressive’, into a ‘new World order’ and one World government, and the other is ‘libertarian’, which means go back to nation states and repeat the cycle of destruction once again…

Therefore, one should not feel sorry for the nation state at all. Instead, people should accept the only real choice: to reject both centralized models and choose natural order: decentralized World without authority and with reconstruction of the state model from the centralized nation state to a decentralized set of services who are paid only so much as their service is of use to the population.

Easier said then done, right? How it would be even possible? It is a historical inevitability. Frisby correctly quotes:

Karl Marx famously observed: When the dominant mode of production changes, so do the political and social structures the nation state and its tax systems were built up around.

We do have a new ‘digital mode of production’ that is already driving change of the political and social structures. But the bad news are that changes are not always towards better World, and that you can’t get a better world without a revolution.

Rulers never surrender their positions without blood. Are you ready?

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals

* * *

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Дело не в централизации или децентрализации. Дело в том в чьих интересах производится централизация. Когда власть в руках народа, как при социализме централизация крайне полезна.

It's not about centralization or decentralization. The point is in whose interests the centralization is carried out. When power is in the hands of the people, as under socialism, centralization is extremely useful.

No, @rosgard – every centralization end in corruption agony. You can’t make centralized political organization sustainable.

У нас в России очень много поклонников партии большевиков и Сталина. Думаю в этом вопросе мы не сможем найти общее мнение.

You can believe in the centralized hierarchy as much as you like @rosgard, it will still not make it sustainable. History confirms it. USSR does not exist any more.

СССР прекратил существование, когда началась децентрализация. Я помню заявления Бориса Ельцина
"Берите независимости сколько сможете" в результате началась серия гражданских войн. Децентрализация болезнь, которая идет из Европы и европейских ценностей. Она предназначена для стран, которые они желают превратить в колонии. Не одна маленькая и слабая страна не сможет противостоять НАТО.
Возьмем Ливию, самая богатая страна Африки, была децентрализация. Много денег у населения и слабая армия. Итог? Где теперь эта Ливия?

Do not equalize decentralization and disintegration, @rosgard. They are not the same.

У нас есть СМИ которые очень ориентированы на Запад : "Это Москвы", "Дождь" и подобные. Они откровенно призывают расчленить Россию и уничтожить население. Они говорят о том, как здорово провести децентрализацию. Я не верю Западным СМИ. Эти СМИ имеют статус иностранных агентов т.к. финансируются из Европы и США.

Well, Western propaganda is doing just that – they say ‘decentralization’ while they are thinking ‘disintegration’. That is why it is necessary to differ those two.

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