Tells you to publish with Curated Themes in the Community-Part 1. [IND. ENG]

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago (edited)

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Note : 20% of Rewards Donated to Charity Account : @steemkindness and @adollaraday.

Hallo Entrepreneurs
Semoga hari ini menjadi hari terbaik dari hari-hari sebulumya dalam kehidupan kita semua.

Tim kurasi yang dibentuk oleh tim steemit sudah berjalan semenjak Februari 2022. Dengan kata lain, Ini sudah berjalan hampir mencapai Tujuh bulan semenjak inisiatif hebat ini di luncurkan melalui publikasi @steemitblog melalui The Community Curators are Back…. Setiap bulannya Tim steeemit memperbaharui tim kurator untuk tujuan pekerjaan yang maksimal.

Ada 6 tema yang diangkat ( Menjadi 5 tema semenjak Agustus) untuk memaksimalkan penerimaan kurasi yang merata dan menyeluruh bagi pengguna di Komunitas.

Untuk pengguna komunitas Steem Entrepreneur saya merasa kesempatan ini belum digunakan dengan maksimal. Mungkin karena alasan pemikiran anggota komunitas bahwa Komunitas Steem Entrepreneur sebuah komunitas unik yang umumnya digunakan untuk publikasi sektor bisnis.
Sebelumnya ingin saya sampaikan kepada semua pengguna komunitas Steem Entrepreneurs , Bahwa pemikiran itu merupakan sebuah kekeliruan yang akan merugikan pengguna itu sendiri. Komunitas Steem Entrepreneurs membuka ruang dengan berbagai publikasi konten yang berkualitas dan yang eklusif. Tentu untuk pengguna yang sudah diverifikasi di komunitas pendatang baru dan pengguna yang sudah bergabung minimal dalam #club5050. Kami sangat menghargai jika pengguna terus meningkatkan status klub hingga #club75 dan #club100.

Melalui postingan Tells you to publish with Curated Themes in the Community - part 1 ini saya terlebih dahulu ingin memperkenalkan Tema-Tema yang ada dan penggunaan tagar yang relevan dengan tema masing-masing.

Untuk Trik dan Tips tentang tata cara mempublikasikan masing-masing tema kurasi di Komunitas kebanggaan ini, Saya akan membagikan dalam Tells you to publish with Curated Themes in the Community bagian selanjutnya. Kita berharap dengan penggunaan tagar yang tepat akan mengundang Tim Kurator untuk memberi kurasi di postingan-postingan yang anda publikasikan di Komunitas ini.

Berikut ini adalah Tema-tema tersebut.

Tema 1 - Arts.

Tagar yang digunakan adalah #art, #crafts, #diy, #photography, #music, #poetry #creativity dan #creativewriting.
Akun kurasi : steemcurator04

Pedoman untuk mendapatkan kurasi silahkan kunjungi tautan ini.

The Efficient Seven - Guidelines and tags for theme 'Art' Oleh @suboohi

Tema 2 - My Life.

Tagar yang digunakan adalah #mylife #thediarygame, #mytownin10pics, #actsofkindness, #charity dan #news
Akun kurasi : steemcurator06

Pedoman untuk mendapatkan kurasi silahkan kunjungi tautan ini.

Team Global Curators - Guidelines and Tags for theme "My Life" Oleh @malikusman1

Tema 3 - Lifestyle.

Tagar yang digunakan adalah #lifestyle #health, #fitness, #sport, #leisure, #garden #gardening #food, #travel dan #pets
Akun kurasi : steemcurator08

Pedoman untuk mendapatkan kurasi silahkan kunjungi tautan ini.

Post Guidelines and Tags by Lifestyle Curation Team || Team Steemcor07 Oleh @ashkhan

Tema 4 - Steem Growth

Tagar yang didunakan adalah #steemgrowth, #contest dan #development
Akun kurasi : steemcurator07

Pedoman untuk mendapatkan kurasi silahkan kunjungi tautan ini.

Team Cosmopolitan - Guidelines and Tags for theme "Steemgrowth" Oleh @huzaifanaveed1

Tema 5 - Finance & Technology

Tagar yang digunakan adalah #fintech sebagai tagar utama #finance, #business, #crypto, #science, #technology, dan #computing
Akun kurasi : steemcurator05

Pedoman untuk mendapatkan kurasi silahkan kunjungi tautan ini.

Curation Team Application [Finance & Technology]-For August Month Oleh @kouba01

Pengguna juga akan mendapat kurasi dari Tim kurator Lucky Dip. Tim ini akan mengkurasi berbagai posting berkualitas di mana saja dan tag apa pun.

Berharap akan meningkatkan publikasi di komunitas Steem Entrepreneurs. Saya juga akan menyajikan Trik dan Tip penulisan konten-konten sesuai dengan tagar masing-masing di postingan Tells you to publish with Curated Themes in the Community bagian selanjutnya.

Peringatan !.....

Lebih baik menghindari penggunaan tagar lebih dari satu tema karena beberapa Tim kurator akan meninggalkan postingan yang menggunakan tagar lebih dari satu Tema kurasi.


Hello Entrepreneurs
May today be the best day of the previous days in all of our lives.

The curation team formed by the steemit team has been running since February 2022. In other words, it has been almost seven months since this great initiative was launched through the publication of @steemitblog through The Community Curators are Back…. Every month the steeemit team renews the curator team for maximum work goals.

There are 6 themes raised (To 5 themes since August) to maximize the acceptance of curation evenly and thoroughly for users in the Community.

For users of the Steem Entrepreneur community, I feel that this opportunity has not been used to its full potential. Maybe it's for the reason that community members think that the Steem Entrepreneur Community is a unique community that is generally used for business sector publications.
Previously I would like to convey to all users of the Steem Entrepreneurs community, that this thought is a mistake that will harm the users themselves. The Steem Entrepreneurs community opens up space with a variety of quality and exclusive content publications. Of course for users who have been verified in the newcomer community and users who have joined at least #club5050. We really appreciate it if users continue to upgrade club status to #club75 and #club100.

Through this post Tells you to publish with Curated Themes in the Community - part 1, I would like to first introduce the existing themes and the use of hashtags that are relevant to each theme.

For Tricks and Tips on how to publish each curated theme in this proud Community, I will share in the next section Tells you to publish with Curated Themes in the Community. We hope that using the right hashtags will invite the Curator Team to curate the posts you publish in this Community.

Following are the themes.

Theme 1 - Arts.

The hashtags used are #art, #crafts, #diy, #photography, #music, #poetry #creativity and #creativewriting.
Account curation : steemcurator04

Guidelines for getting curation please visit this link.

The Efficient Seven - Guidelines and tags for theme 'Art' By @suboohi

Theme 2 - My Life.

The hashtags used are #mylife #thediarygame, #mytownin10pics, #actsofkindness, #charity and #news
Account curation : steemcurator06

Guidelines for getting curation please visit this link.

Team Global Curators - Guidelines and Tags for theme "My Life" By @malikusman1

Theme 3 - Lifestyle.

The hashtags used are #lifestyle #health, #fitness, #sport, #leisure, #garden #gardening #food, #travel and #pets
Account curation : steemcurator08

Guidelines for getting curation please visit this link.

Post Guidelines and Tags by Lifestyle Curation Team || Team Steemcor07 By @ashkhan

Theme 4 - Steem Growth

The hashtags used are #steemgrowth, #contest and #development
Account curation : steemcurator07

Guidelines for getting curation please visit this link.

Team Cosmopolitan - Guidelines and Tags for theme "Steemgrowth" By @huzaifanaveed1

Theme 5 - Finance & Technology

The hashtags used are #fintech as the main hashtags #finance, #business, #crypto, #science, #technology, and #computing
Account curation : steemcurator05

Guidelines for getting curation please visit this link.

Curation Team Application [Finance & Technology]-For August Month By @kouba01

Users will also receive curation from the Lucky Dip Curator Team. This team will curate quality posts anywhere and any tag.

Hoping to increase publicity in the Steem Entrepreneurs community. I will also present Tricks and Tips for writing content according to their respective hashtags in the next Tells you to publish with Curated Themes in the Community post.

Warning !.....

It's better to avoid using hashtags from more than one theme because some curation teams will leave posts that use hashtags from more than one curated theme.

Great thanks : @pennsif | @stephenkendal

Open opportunities for useful contributions and collaborations with steem power delegates for community development.

Please select one from the link :

Thank you to all stemians who have supported and encouraged us to work hard to advance the Community and STEEM to reach wider people.



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 2 years ago 

Useful post, successful are always for you

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much sir from this post I can a lot about tag have a nice day you

 2 years ago 

Thank you ever so much for giving us a great & valuable information, Sir ☺️

It means a lot 🥳

You're welcome. Hopefully you don't waste the opportunity to get more curation than the existing curator team.

Success for you

 2 years ago (edited)

Noted Sir 😊
I highly appreciate it 🙏🏻
A massive thank you for your great advice
May Yaa Rahim blessed your life & your family 😇

Success for you too, Sir

 2 years ago (edited)

The post is very important information and useful content for us.
Thanks so much for your great post

I delegate 500 SP on your community

Immediately reviewed. Thank you for the delegation. A real form of support for community growth. We really appreciate.

Hope you have a good day always

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