SEC17/W5|Do you believe in reincarnation?

in Incredible India3 months ago

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What if we were human?



Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to invite you to this challenge by Incredible India Community:


Do you believe in reincarnation?


There are many different thoughts and theories if we lived another life in the past and who knows it might be happening again and again but once we are born we do not remember that.

I also recall one of the episode of "X-Files" when agent Mulder was under hypnosis and he could recall himself as a fallen soldier in world war one, the people around him were also there but in different roles and the people if they were men were then women and also had connections with each other.

Of course, that will say that we were lived once and now coming back but there is another theory that says that we could come back as other species and if we are human now we could come back as animals or maybe insects, good or maybe predators, dangerous and poisonous.

If you ask me, I would only say that I am not sure if it is a case that our spirits coming back, because there is no firm evidence of it and also I do not really like idea of coming back as any other species other than human.


What is we will remember who we were in the past?


Just imagine another scenario, that you are coming back to this world and find yourself like this little fellow kitten, but with the knowledge of your previous life as being human.

You will be feeling that you caught now in this "prison" of other body and you will not be able to express it and communicate with others. You might live and think and analyse everything like your old yourself but you wil have no chance to change it other than live this life and enjoy it.

That is why we wanted to give you this version of another version of your life, being a little kitten, who could live in imagination another live of a character of a book, that is only the moment that would make you to feel once again as a human and imagine the scenes of the book, the stories and adventure.

We all know that books are wonderful companion that we often forget, because that helps us to learn and also not to feel lonely. I believe that is only thing that would make the life difficult if one still has the memory about life before and will need to continue living a live as for example a cat.


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Who knows one might enjoy such life provided you have the whole comfort of human life, if it is like the life of that cat I probably will agree to have it and what about you?


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I would like to invite @davidad, @malikusman1, @mandate for this challenge


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




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Planet Wild - restores the planet.



 3 months ago 

I would only say that I am not sure if it is a case that our spirits coming back, because there is no firm evidence of it and also I do not really like idea of coming back as any other species other than human.

I appreciate your sincerity on this issue. The truth remains that there is no concrete evidence that is well known to the living about this.

The analogy you used about coming back as a kitten makes more meaning. It won't even be fair if one should incarnate as animal.

But we have every evidence not to believe in it in my opinion. This is because the one who made us explained how he did it and our condition at death. If you do read the holy scriptures, please try to read Genesis 2:7 and Genesis 3:19.

I believe that one who has died remains in the grave, awaiting to be resurrected or brought back to life just as a faithful man of old, Job 14:14,15 shows.

I appreciate your detailed expression of your views on this subject


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Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

Hii !!

The real thing that you have taken a scientific approach to this topic. In this topic, you have told that even if we are reborn, one thing is certainly that we do not remember anything about our previous birth. That is, once we are born, our memory is completely erased after that.

I want to add one more small point to it that in our last time, in the 40-50s of our human life, we get the understanding about our lives and also the idea about our rebirth. We get to know little and little about the purpose of our soul. Or what is the origin of our soul. Those people are blessed who discover themselves and their soul to some extent if Universe gives them a chance.

 3 months ago 

Who knows one might enjoy such life provided you have the whole comfort of human life, if it is like the life of that cat I probably will agree to have it and what about you?

  • ম্যাম আপনার‌ পোস্ট পড়ে জানতে ‌পারলাম, আপনি পুনর্জন্মে বিশ্বাস করেন না, কারন‌ এর নির্দিষ্ট কোনো ‌প্রমান আপনি‌ পান নি।‌ তবে যদি ‌পুর্নজন্ম‌ পেতেই হয়,‌ তাহলে আপনি মানুষ‌‌ হিসাবে‌ই ফিরে‌ আসতে পছন্দ করবেন।

  • তবে ‌অন্যদিকে আবার ‌এটাও আপনি লিখেছেন যে, যদি ‌মানুষের জীবনের মতো ‌আরাম পাওয়া যায়, মানুষের মতো ‌জ্ঞান‌‌ পাওয়া যায়, তাহলে ‌আপনি little kitten হয়ে ফিরে ‌আসতে‌ চাইবেন। আপনার পোস্ট পড়তে ‌আমার খুব ভালো লাগে ম্যাম। ভালো থাকুন।

Thank you, friend!
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Considering to be reborn as a cat looking so smart, seems nice. Given the fact that nowadays some people became catlovers being one doesn't seem bad at all. If that cat can read, probably it can also talk.

Hola amigo
Muchas religiones enseñan que hay una reencarnación, que el espíritu puede vivir en cualquier ser vivo
Aunque se respeta vla creencias de cada quien la biblia explica realmente acerca de ese tema,con pruebas muy lógica.le deseo éxito en la participación

I find it still quite amusing that our spirit can actually come back again after death. Though there are some who say it is possible but I am still yet to actually witness it

Dalam Islam, manusia hanya diberikan satu kesempatan untuk hidup di dunia ini, dan setelah kematian, mereka akan dihidupkan kembali untuk dihisab atas perbuatannya. Jika seseorang tidak percaya pada hari pembalasan dan reinkarnasi dianggap sebagai solusi, hal itu bisa menjadi sumber kesedihan karena mengabaikan ajaran agama. Namun hal ini tidak menjadi perdebatan karena setiap orang memiliki pemahaman sendiri tentang agamanya masing-masing. Salam sukses buat anda.

Regresar en un estado de inconsciencia puede ser una buena teoría para explicar porque no recordamos al nacer nuestras vidas pasadas. La hipnosis es un buen punto para evidenciar algo que está en nuestro subconsciente que nos intriga, es revelador y extraño.

Difícilmente podemos razonar que regresemos después de morir en otro cuerpo cualquiera, un gato, un perro, una lombriz, ...

Es un tema muy polémico, misterioso e intrigante, no saber los secretos que guarda nuestro Universo.

Saludos y mucho éxito.

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