Our home is our foremost institution, but our school delivers our knowledge and discipline through a technique. (Part-1)

in Incredible Indialast year (edited)

Dear friends,
Welcome back to my page. For the last few days, I was engaged.
And till Saturday, I will also be occupied with some personal work.

The reason behind my attention has interconnected with the subject I selected today.
We can't deny that our foremost institution is our home. I believe that the most influential thing we learn from our home:-

1. How we should respect our relationships.
2. Choice of words while speaking with our elders.
3. How we must behave with our elders.

Firstly let me elaborate on the above topics.



1.How we should respect our relationships:-

In this new generation, I found children do not learn respect because;
parents often fulfilled their desires effortlessly.

And those practices make children stubborn. "No" is a word we foremost teach our children by explaining the reason behind that word. When children do not gel up with the word "No" they start nagging and misbehaving.
Believe me, friends! Parents are 100% responsible for the actions of these children.

  • Problem:- Most of these cases happened because of two scenarios.
    The foremost explanation behind this is now children are growing up in the nuclear family;
    only observing some familiar faces regularly in a flat culture. Where somehow children miss getting knowledge of grandparents.
  • Resolution:- Every day, parents should introduce children to new people, places, and crowds. That helps children enlighten with the distinguishable human nature, environment, and existence of those elements of nature, animals, etc. Let them cry, let them annoy;
    but keep patience and make it their habit.



  • Second Reason:-

Now both parents are busy earning more, and some are engaged in searching social media.
In some houses, mothers are busy fulfilling the appetite of the members of the family;
and thus, they can't spend time with their children.

Here children find themselves desolated and start crying to express their feelings.
We use shortcuts to stop children holler by gifting something. That is also a profligate practice.

These practices make children greedy and stubborn as they understand if they cry then they will get their desires.

Solution:- From the beginning, we must teach children to eat with their hands, and let them practice sleeping in a separate room.
Only purchase some items for them if they have any educational lessons they can learn through that toy.


True, but we always transfer frustrations onto children. Most of the time, it happens with adolescent children;
when parents come back home with their failures or bad day.

They started to misbehave to express their frustrations to these children. Not even that often do parents brawl in front of their children;
that also impacts children a lot. We call it domestic violence.

I know so many examples that I will share tomorrow in the second part. It is not that these things only happened to uncultivated families;
Let me tell you, educated people act most violently.

2.Choice of words while speaking with our elders:-


3.How must we behave with our elders?

Before starting to behave with children, parents should learn to behave well inside the home.
Do not carry your professional frustrations at home.

Here let me give you an example:-

When Nano becomes hipper, and starts throwing his toys, I do not say a single word;
I only observe his actions.

But when he wants to go back home,
I instruct him to collect those toys that he had thrown.

This physical exercise makes him comprehend why we shouldn't throw things. Now he does not throw his toys like earlier.

Tomorrow I will discuss the significance of school in our life. Till then stay tuned and blessed.

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 last year 

Amiga tienes razón, la educación entra por casa, la mayoría de las malas relaciones es debido a la poca atención prestada por los padres que ante cualquiera rabieta y para no entrar en conflicto complacen a los niños en todo lo que ellos quieren, como por ejemplo darles el teléfono para calmarlos.

También influye la convivencia dentro del hogar, los malos tratos entre familiares, peleas, violencia, vivimos en una época en dónde esto es el pan nuestro de cada día y los más afectados son los jóvenes y niños.

Buena entrada, me encantó, espero la segunda parte ☺️

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

 last year 

You are absolutely correct in your post. Children are tender. At a young age, they cannot distinguish between good and bad. So they learn whatever they see around them, good or bad. It is the responsibility of parents to give them good education. Especially mothers have more responsibility.

All parents should give enough time to young children. Thank you for presenting us such a nice post.

You are absolutely right that our home is the first learning ground in our life. Our first education comes from our family when we grow up. If no one learns to respect elders from the family then it never happens.

You have discussed an excellent topic today. We may know a lot but don't try to obey. Hope everyone will start thinking again after reading your writings.

 last year 

আপনার কথার সাথে আমি একমত দিদি। আজকাল বাচ্চারা কথা না শোনা, বাচ্চাদের অসাধু কাজ, তাদের খারাপ আচার-আচরণ। এসব কিছুর পিছনে দায়ী তাদের মা বাবা।

তারা জেদ করলে, কান্নাকাটি করলে, সাথে সাথে পুরন করে দেন৷ আমার ছাত্রদের মধ্যে একটা ছাত্র আছে, মাদ্রাসা থাকা কালীন, কোন সমস্যা নাই, বাসায় যাওয়ার জন্য কোন আকুতিমিনুতি করে না। কিন্তু যখন তার মা বাবা আসে, তাকে দেখতে, তখন সে কাঁদে বাসায় যাওয়ার জন্য। বাবা- মাও আমাকে বলতে লাগে, ছেলে কান্না করছে বাসায় যাওয়ার জন্য। আমি বললাম ছোট মানুষ তো কাঁদবেই, আপনারা চলে যান বাসায়, এমনিতেই ঠিক হয়ে যাবে। কিন্তু তারা যাবেই না। কারন তার কান্না তারা সহ্য করতে পারছে না। শেষমেশ তারা তাকে বাসায় নিয়েই গেলে। এখন কথা হলো, এই ছেলেটা কিন্তু এই শিক্ষা পেলো যে জীবনে যা কিছুই আমি চাই না কেন মা বাবার কাছে, সেটা আমি পাবোই।

এভাবেই, আরো অসংখ্য বাচ্চারা নষ্ট হয়ে যাচ্ছে। মা বাবার উচিত তাদেরকে কাঁদতে দেওয়া, তাদেরকে অভাব বুঝতে দেওয়া। তারা এটা ভাবে না যে, বাচ্চা মানুষ কাঁদবেই। তারা এটা বুঝতেই চায় না। অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে সুন্দর একটা পোস্ট উপহার দেওয়ার জন্য। ভালো থাকবেন।

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