SEC-17/W6|Do you believe history repeats itself?

in Incredible India2 months ago (edited)

Dear Steemit friends, today I want to share with you an ironic reflection on how history tends to repeat itself, especially when it comes to inherited traits and family traditions. From my personal experience, I've noticed how certain characteristics and habits seem to be passed down from generation to generation, almost like a pre-written script.


my great-grandfather, the founder of the printing house in 1904

Let's take creativity, for example. From a young age, I have always had a distinct artistic flair and a great passion for creative expression. Growing up, I discovered that this talent was not only mine but a distinctive trait of my family.

My grandfather was a renowned local painter, my mother a talented musician, and my uncle a successful writer. It seems that creativity flows in our veins, handed down from generation to generation as an inexorable legacy.

Another trait that seems to have been embedded in my family's DNA is perseverance. From a young age, my parents taught me to never give up in the face of difficulties and to fight to achieve my goals.

I found this tenacity in many family stories. For example, my great-grandfather had opened a small print shop in a difficult historical period, but thanks to his determination, the business grew and prospered for decades. Today, I proudly continue this family tradition, managing the print shop with the same grit and passion as my ancestors.

Finally, I cannot fail to mention love as a recurring trait in my family. My grandparents loved each other for over 60 years, overcoming life's adversities together. My parents followed in their footsteps, building a solid relationship based on respect and complicity.

Observing my family history, I sometimes wonder if a similar destiny is already written for me. Will I be able to find a love as enduring and profound as that of my ancestors? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the legacy of love seems to be a common thread that binds us across generations.

Reflecting on these family traits passed down through time, I realize how history really does tend to repeat itself, for better or worse. We are the product of the experiences and characteristics of our ancestors, who in some way continue to live through us.

Whether it's creativity, perseverance, or love, these intangible legacies shape who we are and connect us to our roots. And who knows, maybe one day our descendants will reflect on how history repeats itself, recognizing in themselves the distinctive traits of our family.

Thanks for reading @ibesso

i invite: @eskarem @eveetim @wakeupkitty


Greeting friend

You are absolutely right history repeat itself through genes transfer from one generation to next generation and few traits are just like similar which we have received from a parents and grandparents and I also do agree with you history repeat itself and we do acquired certain traits obviously.

Beautiful example you have quote your grandparents have spent a such beautiful lovely relationship till 60 years of their age and your parents also to copy of them and they also have love and respect in the relationship which is a clear indication that we often do just like same as our parents.

Good luck

Thank you for your insights! It's fascinating how traits are mirrored across generations, enhancing our connection with ancestors. Your reflections enrich our understanding. Good luck to you as well!

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


So, if history repeats itself there is no hope for children with violent parents, foster children, adopted children. There's no need to give aid to the poor or a hand to those who never learned how to deal with problems and emotions, how to solve them and believe in oneself.
I can only say I find it sad it this is the truth and the family's DNA will decide who we will be once an adult.

My sweet Kitty, unfortunately for many of them, it will be difficult to break this chain if they are not helped to understand it.

So children like me?

If this is the case we should stop giving aid.

Same for those being ill. It's their history, dna, karma, why bother.

My son likes to know if it's true what you state why I am not filthy rich, an architect, billionaire and doctor.

On the other hand you are a born writer meaning you succeed.


Kitty, what I want to convey is that in life we are all parked in different positions, and none of us can know which spot we will occupy in the future. We have two options: keep the spot we have or look for a better one. In both cases, we have to do our best because the best spot is desired by everyone, and those parked in the most uncomfortable spot want the better one.

So, we are all in the same boat. What I’m saying is that if the spots were shared, we would all be better off. Mi casa es tu casa.

There are more options. I could have kept the spot instead I said: no, thank you and left.
I am not looking for a better one. Generally speaking I am satisfied with what I achieved. A little bit more income to buy a bit better food, a couch and travel easier would be nice but we are working towards that too.

Since you are in my boat, where did you leave it behind?, you have to ask yourself what will be satisfying enough to say: enough is enough!

You can have the house.

Hello @ibesso hope you are having a good day,good to know that you think istory does repeat itself in families. In your family you pass down creativity and love.

Your great grandfather started a print shop, and now I run it with the same passion wo. Your mom and grandpa were both artists I am impressed by this and your love creating too.

You also have a strong tradition of loving and supporting each other so ya see how these traits continue in each generation.,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖 🤗 🌸 💐.

True success is having people like you who support the right causes, or better yet, the right souls. I admire you for the way you embrace humanity. A big hug, and I wish you all the best. 🌸

I just got interest in the area where you mentioned the legacy of love. Your grandparents loved each other, this is so sweet and they transferred it to your parents. So, definitely, you'll find true love, that shouldn't be a thought.

Your family is truly talented and skillful from your post, I've got to know how creative the members of your family were. And I must say, you're creative too, your writing tells it.

Best wishes dear friend!

You know, the beauty of my story is that love is present in everything my ancestors have passed down, and this is a fact. The challenge is to keep this love alive, accepting it for what it is. I could have opposed my destiny and lived something different, creating friction that would have caused turmoil, but it wasn’t my time. I closed a circle to allow my daughter to create a new beginning, with strong roots that will enable her to soar.👋

Yes, I agree with you very much.
I find a lot of comfort when sitting by the sea, and I can stay like this for hours. Only recently did I learn that one of my grandfathers was a sailor on a ship.

Thank you for your visit and for sharing your thoughts. The sea relaxes me a lot; I live an hour away from it, and when I can in the summer, I go there to find myself again. Good luck!

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