SEC17/W2| While making decisions, what do you prefer to follow: heart or mind?

in Incredible India5 months ago

Hello my wonderful friends how are you all doing today it's a new week and I'm glad to be participating in this contest that was organized by the most popular steemian @meraindia you have done so well by publishing this interesting contest.


What is your preference while making decisions heart or mind?

To me when it comes to making decisions it depends on what that happens before I can make decisions base on my emotions and personal values.

And in many cases, a balanced approach that takes into account both emotional and rational considerations can lead to the most well-rounded and satisfactory decisions first think before taking actions.

Do you think we need both in terms of making decisions? Describes reasons

Actually yes heart and mind is crucial when it comes to decisions and the reason is because the heart represents emotions and institution so it can provide valuable insights that the mind may overlook so by taking emotions into account we can better understand the impact of our decisions on ourselves and others.

So by listening and focusing on our hearts, we can ensure our decisions are in line with what truly matters to us that means by incorporating both heart and mind in decision-making leads to more balanced and authentic choices that consider both the rational and emotional aspects of the situation which is the best.

Are you an emotional or a practical person in real life?

Seeing myself i will say that I'm Ideally, a balance between being emotional and practical is often the most effective approach. Because I'm in the middle where I will be able to tap into emotions when needed while also applying practical reasoning will also help me make well-rounded decisions and lead a fulfilling life.

Do you have any suggestions for youth which one they should follow in their day to day lives?

My suggestion the youth is that where to get enough sleep exercise regularly and also finding healthy ways to manage stress and also finding a balanced between work social life and personal interest is the key to leading a fulfilling and meaningful life.

And the main thing is always strive to learn, understand and grow in various aspects of your life. So whether it's through formal education, reading books, or you seeking out new experiences, what i know is that continuous learning will help you expand your horizons, develop new skills, and stay adaptable in an ever-changing world.

Thanks for reading my post I'm inviting @rad-austine @josepha and @m-fdo to participate in this contest.


And the main thing is always strive to learn, understand and grow in various aspects of your life.

Clinging to an aspect and holding on to it isn't always the right way to about life. Best to work on other aspect and have a good hold of diverse approaches.

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Me gusta mucho que traigas a colación los valores porque, más allá de definir si decidimos guiándonos por la mente o el corazón, también hay que tener en consideración los valores ya que, de ellos depende como reflexionaremos a nivel de lógica y sentimental.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Hola entidad, tus consejos a los jóvenes los enfocaste hacia la vida en general y eso me gusto porque somos seres integrales y a medida que vivimos adquirimos vivencias que facilitan la toma de decisiones, Éxitos

Thank you very much for participating in sending interesting content

"Your advice to teenagers is to get enough sleep, exercise regularly and also find healthy ways to manage stress and also find balance"

Good advice and I try to add to finding balance between the heart and thoughts when making decisions. Sometimes the heart can provide clues about what we want or feel is right, but the mind is also important for considering the consequences and existing facts. So, listen to your heart, but also don't forget your common sense. When we can combine these two things, we can usually make better decisions. We wish you success in this contest

Very well dear you are amazing brother. You balance between being emotional and practical is often the most effective approach. Your are in the middle where you will be able to tap into emotions when needed while also applying practical reasoning will also help you to make well-rounded decisions and lead a fulfilling life. Dear entity01 I pray for your success in this contest. Best wishes

Nice reading your post. You are right that taking both heart and mind in consideration are yielding satisfactory results for heart and mind. Actually both emotions and reasons are parts of everyone's life so we cannot altogether ignore one and take other. I wish you all the best for the contest and looking forward to more reading from you.

 5 months ago 

Thanks so much for stopping by I really appreciate

Hello Friend, good to be here and great post you have here. I love the fact that you emphasized that in life for us to make great decisions, we must maintain a balance between the use of our heart and mind. These two entities are important in our decision making and the one we may use depends on the situation at hand. Am all for the balance between the mind and the emotions as these will help us get a well rounded decision. In some situations Insee myself make decisions from my heart and in some from my mind and sometimes a combo of the two even though I’ve learnt not to make decisions from my emotions when am angry or overly excited so that I don’t regret my actions later. Thanks for a great piece of content. Success

 5 months ago 

Thanks for reading my post and also supporting with your wonderful comments

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