SEC-S17/W5 | Do you believe in reincarnation?

in Incredible India3 months ago

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Arise O Compatriots, Nigeria's call Obey

This is undoubtedly one of the lines of my country, Nigeria's Anthem. How can our compatriots who had died years back be told to arise from the dead? Does it have anything to do with bringing the dead back to life, someone asked in dismay.?

Another person once related he saw his dead grandmother in another state he visited. Have you ever heard such? If you have, you aren't far from the truth because it's a common wonder by many. They find it hard to understand what really happens. This they bring up what is known as REINCARNATION, a religious belief of rebirth.

Do you believe there is a reincarnation? Justify your belief.

Before answering this question, I'll love to throw more light on what reincarnation mean as you can't believe what you don't know or have solid reasons about.

Reincarnation is drawn from the word incarnation. The Re is a prefix added to it to make it have a common ground meaning. This reincarnation is very much connected to the death of a person.....It relates that when a person dies be it good or bad person, there's something in that person called soul that leaves the body of that person and enters or is reborn on the body of another person or animal.
screenshot from my video player

Many claim to see their dead loved one in another person. This is not a news of today but doesn't ring a bell because it's just a feeling and that people can be very much identical, prompting you to make such impression.

To illustrate......Why might a house or a place seem familiar to you if you have never been to that place before? Is it because you had lived there during a former life? Certainly not. Most houses today are built according to similar patterns and designs that may confuse you of the differences between two or more houses.

This is similar to that of a person. Anyone can be similar, resembling your dead loved one but that doesn't mean you should come into the conclusion that he or she is your dead loved one. Why? The reasons are below.

Let's start with what our creator made the first man with. He created man with;

  • the dust of the ground
  • and then gave him spirit or breath of life to live.
  • He then called man a Living Soul if biblical proven from the genesis account of creation.
screenshot from my video player

So this is in sharp contrast with reincarnation as many doesn't have a soul. Man himself is a soul. To back this up, it is further said that the soul that is sinning is the soul that would die. Something inside us can't sin. It is us the real person. So when we die, our soul which is us dies. And concerning the spirit, when a person dies, the spirit or breath of live goes back to the giver of life.

Second point

After our first parents disobeyed, God cursed them saying "From the sweat of your face you'll eat bread until you return to the ground. For out of it you were taken, for dust you are and for dust you'll return".
Reference material

This is a clear evidence that Adam and Eve returned to becoming dust after they died. There's nothing like a rebirth or afterlife as many believe. The bible says the dead ceases to exist. This is contrary to the belief of reincarnation.

Scientifically, if you blow a candle light out, where do you think the flames go? It goes nowhere. It ceases to exist. Same with man.

Third point

In the holy book at Ecclesiastes, it's stated that when a person dies, he knows nothing at all, as there's no knowledge , nor wisdom, nor planning in the grave. This is a solid evidence that a person can't be reincarnated. Some may still argue but let's reason in this light.

If you remember the story of Lazarus, a friend of Jesus. He actually died and was raised by Jesus from the dead. If dead Lazarus body reincarnated to another being, does it mean that when Jesus wanted bringing him back to life, he removed the life from the person Lazarus reincarnated to and then put it in the dead body and rose it up? That's meaningless and out of scope. So I don't believe in reincarnation for many reasons asides this.
screenshot from my video player

Do you believe we get back our relationships through reincarnation? Describe.

I don't think and believe this is possible as the reasons I stated above has already justified a lot of things that contradicts the popular reincarnation believe. Since this isn't biblical, it has something to do with the demons as satan will always do things that would make people believe God is a liar as he had Adam and Eve to do. The feeling of you seeing your dead loved one brought back to life will scare the life out of you.
Reference material

If you're opportune to see your grand parents that are late physically, you'll definitely run because you don't believe it can be possible to see them again. This alone frightens you as your level of doubts will increase. If Lazarus had reincarnated, why did his relatives cry? No one should cry whenever someone dies if reincarnated is possible.

The son of man came and made this clear that one can actually be resurrected if only that person has the power from the creator but one can't reincarnate. So if I'm to get back my relationships, it would only be through resurrection and not reincarnation. The word itself sounds spiritistic like incantation, showing it's not a biblical teaching and has things to do with the demons.

The teaching of reincarnation has really caused trauma in the minds of people. As shown in the picture, this man sees his dead loved one anywhere he is because of this imbibed belief.

Do you like to be born just like what you are in this life;Or would you wish to adopt any other person's life if there is a reincarnation? Explain the reasons behind your choice.

For the fact that I like who I am won't give me feelings of wanting a rebirth to another form. I like myself for who I am and even if I eventually dies, I know very well that the all wise creator will return back to life, those that has died in their original form and not in any contrary form.

So in conclusion, the belief of reincarnation has nothing meaningful to relate to me and doesn't help my life on any way. It has contrary views to what is on ground which makes me kick against it and any form it may take. I invite @okere-blessing, @patjewell and @artist1111 to participate.


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Many claim to see their dead loved one in another person.

It's not uncommon for people to feel like they see traits of their deceased loved ones in others. This can be comforting, even if it's just a feeling.

The teaching of reincarnation has really caused trauma in the minds of people.

Beliefs about reincarnation can vary widely and sometimes cause distress, especially if they conflict with one's personal beliefs or experiences.

I like myself for who I am and even if I eventually dies, I know very well that the all wise creator will return back to life, those that has died in their original form and not in any contrary form.

It's important to hold onto beliefs that bring comfort and meaning to our lives, even if they differ from others'. Trusting in the wisdom of a higher power can provide solace and hope for the future.

All the best.

You're right. I've learnt something from this comment

 3 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Te cuento que tengo una amiga que cree en la reencarnación y, ella al igual que su familia aseguran que su hija es la reencarnación de su bisabuela y, se acoplan a esta idea porque, dicen que la niña tiene los mismos gestos de la señora y, físicamente es idéntica a ella.

En lo personal, respeto sus ideas pero, no creo en eso además de que, la genética de esa niña es compatible con la de su bisabuela y, esto va a generar que tengan parecidos sin tener que ser una reencarnación.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

I accept the huge with full chest and I'm excited to know you respect people's beliefs or view of something. Thanks for stopping by to read my post. Looking forward to reading your own entry.

Hii !!
You really explained your each question in details. Reincarnation is something extremely unimportant because it does not contribute to life anyway.

Even if in Reincarnation, you don't get previous relationships in same form. Everything changes like relations or gender or situations. It is just soul that remains immortal.
Thanks ✊

But the soul is our physical body. We are souls but aren't immortal. How do you back this?

No, soul is not physical body. It is inside us, you can think soul as light or energy. We are mortal but soul remains immortal.
In our Hinduism, we have three body - one physical (which you see yourself in) , one astral (7 chakras inside you) and one more.

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