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RE: SEC-S17/W5 | Do you believe in reincarnation?

in Incredible India2 months ago

Hii !!
You really explained your each question in details. Reincarnation is something extremely unimportant because it does not contribute to life anyway.

Even if in Reincarnation, you don't get previous relationships in same form. Everything changes like relations or gender or situations. It is just soul that remains immortal.
Thanks ✊


But the soul is our physical body. We are souls but aren't immortal. How do you back this?

No, soul is not physical body. It is inside us, you can think soul as light or energy. We are mortal but soul remains immortal.
In our Hinduism, we have three body - one physical (which you see yourself in) , one astral (7 chakras inside you) and one more.

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