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RE: How it's like living with digestive issues - and a golden milk recipe

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)

I'm sorry sorry to hear about your digestive problems - my hubby struggles a lot with this, but we narrowed it down to FODMAP - have you heard of that? I'm also wondering if @raj808 has heard of it too, as sometimes paying attention to FODMAPS makes a diff when others can't.

Thank goodness you have sick leave - your body clearly needed it!! I know all about that - I went off on stress leave once and I've never forgotten how bad things got. Gut health and stress are so related, but if you're stressed, how can you sort out your gut health properly, as it also requires rest and nourishment we don't always have time or mental strength for?

Golden milk is amazing - you could try ginger in that too! We used to make a non tea chai with turmeric as teens in share houses -- it was pretty much golden milk, but it wasn't called that, nor had it taken off with such popularity!

Loved this post. You might be interested in writing a piece for our challenge this fortnight! Love, @riverflows.

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Thank you 🙏 Yes I have heard of FODMAP but I haven’t tried it myself. Yes that might be worth looking more into. I’m happy it has worked for your husband.

Yes I sometimes add ginger to golden milk, that’s really nice.

Yes I’ll try and come up with something for the challenge 🙂

Hi mamrita

I've been in a six year battle with IBS/SIBO, and have had a bad time of it, just like yourself. It really is demoralizing when your body turns against you, and especially when doctors don't have a clue how to heal your condition.

Because yes, I'm sensitive to stress, this is something I'll have to live with. Some years ago I did experience some kind of burnout, even though I wasn't properly diagnosed.

What you say hear rings bells with me for sure. Stress is a massive factor, and in my case my gut issues have been magnified through stress, and similarly, they get better when stress is reduced.

Here is a fantastic hypnosis session I listen to almost every night as I fall asleep. I've experimented with many different meditation and hypnosis sessions from YouTube and none have been as good as this one for bringing a calm, healing mindset.

Hi @raj808, I’m sorry to hear you’re also experiencing similar issues. Thank you for the hypnosis session tip, I’ll listen to it for sure. Quite recently I have started to listen to binaural beats while sleeping. I find it really relaxing!

Hi riverflows... I do indeed know the fodmap diet, and although it didn't help me when I tried it, I'm pretty sure it has a good chance of helping mamrita, if this is IBS she is experiencing.

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