How it's like living with digestive issues - and a golden milk recipe

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)

This might not be such an uplifting post but it's been my reality lately that I'm struggling with my digestive issues. So I felt I might share my experience and what I also do to support myself in this.

digestionimage1.jpgDelicious golden milk

How it all started for me

I don't really recall having any particular digestive issues as a child or teenager. Nothing that impacted my life as it has done since my mid-twenties. I still don't know what actually caused all these issues to appear but I do remember how I felt when this was my new reality. At the time I was a student in Umeå, a University town in the north of Sweden, and I spent a very busy summer there. I worked full time in a nursing home to make some money during the summer break, I worked on one of my thesis and I also took some fun and interesting courses like 'From Wikings to Welfare', a History of Science and Ideas course (I actually still remember that title). Anyway, one day in class, I started to feel very bad. I had never felt anything like that before. I more or less had to crawl back home and I spent the following night on the bathroom floor, trying not to pass out between the vomiting and diarrhea. Of course, I had been sick to my stomach before, but not like that. I thought I might not survive the night, (that was how it felt, obviously, this was not the reality), wanting to call an ambulance but at the same time I couldn't stand the thought of having to move away from the bathroom. I managed somehow to get through the night and at some point, my body was just completely empty. I think I passed out in my bed at the end.

umea.jpgUmeå University

Since this incident, something changed. I now started to experience a lot of discomfort. Bloating, gases, constipation, diarrhea, and nausea. I went to the doctor and they ran the usual tests. They couldn't really find anything. Like any food intolerances or signs of an infection. But the following six months or so my nausea was so bad that I always walked around with a plastic bag in case I had to throw up. This was like 15 years ago and since then I have tried a lot of different things to manage my digestive issues. And since my symptoms come and go a lot it's still sort of a mystery to me what causes these issues. But I do think the reaction I had that started everything was due to stress. Before that, I felt invincible, I was used to be able to push myself really hard, something I often also did.

Currenty I'm on sick leave

In the last couple of weeks, I haven't been feeling so well. My energy level has been low and I have experienced a lot of bloatedness and discomfort. I decided to go to the doctor and he actually wrote me a sick note for 2 1/2 weeks! It was such a relief. Now I can slow down and catch up on other things in my life. And I'll have more time to take care of myself. Because yes, I'm sensitive to stress, this is something I'll have to live with. Some years ago I did experience some kind of burnout, even though I wasn't properly diagnosed. Western medicine has never really been able to offer me any solution to my problems. They usually just want to give me antidepressants (which I really don't want to take). Also because I really don't feel depressed at the moment, even though I have been earlier in my life.

The doctor I saw here in Berlin though was very sweet and didn't speak about any antidepressants. He told me to rest and prescribed me some tablets, something that would regulate the acids in my stomach. He said they had no side effects whatsoever. I felt skeptical but decided to try them. I mean, I do feel desperate sometimes when it comes to my digestive issues. Unfortunately, I started to have stomach pain and it took me some days to figure out it might be the tablets. Today I checked the Patient Information Leaflet and discovered one of the side effects is abdominal pain 😧 Of course I have stopped taking them now.


What I do to support myself

Over the years I have learned what I can do to support myself. For me, it's crucial to take time to do yoga. I always feel better after a yoga practice. When I really struggle I have a very slow and supportive yoga session. Food, of course, also plays an essential role here. By now I have tried so many diets and food regimes (always vegetarian or vegan) but I still don't know if food alone could fix my issues. It seems to be an intricate combination of stress, food, lack of sleep and my mental state. But what do I know? The human body sure is fascinating and not so easy to understand.

I have also done fasting and colonics. Even though that has felt good my symptoms always return at some point. Lately, I have also started to squat for 30 minutes a day. I started with it mainly to support my pelvic floor but it's also really good for my digestion.

Today I finally feel better. I'm trying the best I can to listen to my body's wisdom and last night I felt some golden milk would offer some soothing to my poor stomach. And it sure did! Today I have had two more and I'll continue to drink this now for some days.

@yangyanje has been very kind and made me this golden milk drink. It turns out great with Oatly's barista oat milk, which makes the drink so mild and creamy. I'm a big fan of Oatley's barista oat milk in general, I use it for so many things. I'm so happy you an also get it here in Germany (it's a Swedish company). I'll simply share how we have been making them.


Golden milk recipe

Ingredients (4 cups)

  • Water (about 2 deciliters).
  • A cubic centimeter of fresh peeled turmeric, chopped.
  • About a teaspoon of sugar.
  • Oatly's barista oat milk (about 6 deciliters). Of course, you can find your own plant-based milk that works for you.
  • A bit of cinnamon (according to your desire).
  • Turmeric powder (about 1/2 tablespoon).
  • A bit of black pepper (according to your desire).


  • Add the water to a pot together with the fresh turmeric and sugar. Bring to boil.
  • Add the oat milk and bring to boil. Whisk for foam.
  • Add cinnamon, turmeric powder, and black pepper.

Enjoy 😋


Thank you for reading.

Love and blessings to you all 🙏



I just bought some fresh turmeric root today (first time I've seen it in shops since I've been in Bulgaria). I mainly bought it to sprout and plant in the garden as I have 2kgs if powder I just bought (I use a lot). And I have some rice milk, so you've inspired me to make some golden milk. I'll probably just blend and have it cold though.


I have some suggestions re. your digestive issues if you like. I tend not to offer advice unless asked, so say if you wish.

Con amor

Thank you very much for your comment! Yes sure, I would appreciate your advice.

I'm sorry sorry to hear about your digestive problems - my hubby struggles a lot with this, but we narrowed it down to FODMAP - have you heard of that? I'm also wondering if @raj808 has heard of it too, as sometimes paying attention to FODMAPS makes a diff when others can't.

Thank goodness you have sick leave - your body clearly needed it!! I know all about that - I went off on stress leave once and I've never forgotten how bad things got. Gut health and stress are so related, but if you're stressed, how can you sort out your gut health properly, as it also requires rest and nourishment we don't always have time or mental strength for?

Golden milk is amazing - you could try ginger in that too! We used to make a non tea chai with turmeric as teens in share houses -- it was pretty much golden milk, but it wasn't called that, nor had it taken off with such popularity!

Loved this post. You might be interested in writing a piece for our challenge this fortnight! Love, @riverflows.

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Thank you 🙏 Yes I have heard of FODMAP but I haven’t tried it myself. Yes that might be worth looking more into. I’m happy it has worked for your husband.

Yes I sometimes add ginger to golden milk, that’s really nice.

Yes I’ll try and come up with something for the challenge 🙂

Hi mamrita

I've been in a six year battle with IBS/SIBO, and have had a bad time of it, just like yourself. It really is demoralizing when your body turns against you, and especially when doctors don't have a clue how to heal your condition.

Because yes, I'm sensitive to stress, this is something I'll have to live with. Some years ago I did experience some kind of burnout, even though I wasn't properly diagnosed.

What you say hear rings bells with me for sure. Stress is a massive factor, and in my case my gut issues have been magnified through stress, and similarly, they get better when stress is reduced.

Here is a fantastic hypnosis session I listen to almost every night as I fall asleep. I've experimented with many different meditation and hypnosis sessions from YouTube and none have been as good as this one for bringing a calm, healing mindset.

Hi @raj808, I’m sorry to hear you’re also experiencing similar issues. Thank you for the hypnosis session tip, I’ll listen to it for sure. Quite recently I have started to listen to binaural beats while sleeping. I find it really relaxing!

Hi riverflows... I do indeed know the fodmap diet, and although it didn't help me when I tried it, I'm pretty sure it has a good chance of helping mamrita, if this is IBS she is experiencing.

Hi my dear! Digestive issues are the worst because they tend to affect our whole bodies and enter even into our psychological states. I can totally empathize with you.

Golden milk is an amazing curative drink that I absolutely recommend as the turmeric is a God send!

I'm wondering if you've ever researched Candida? A lot of our digestive issues can be traced to an overgrowth of what is a normal bacteria in our body. The symptoms mimic depression and show up a lot in our guts. It's something that can be hard to diagnose by doctors so it often goes overlooked however it's estimated that over 70% of people have an overgrowth and that can range in possible side effects.

Basically, you can take supplements that aim to kill off the overgrowth but the real kicker is reducing sugars and complex carbs.

I've seen extreme healing through following this protocol from anything from IBS to depression/anxiety so I just wanted to leave this here for you to research if you felt it resonated with you. I just started posting recipes that follow these guidelines in an attempt to help people figure out what to eat if you ever need ideas (because sugar is in so much of our food!)

Either way, I hope you find your healing <3 All the best to you!

Thank you very much for your kind words 🙏 Yes I have researched candida and also tested for it. The practitioner I have seen for a year hasn’t been able to figure out the root cause. But he says there’s no signs a have candida overgrowth based on the tests and also because I hardly eat any sugar. But I really appreciate your comment. I’m looking forward to reading your recipes 🙂

Well I wish it could have helped more but I'm happy to hear you don't have that to deal with! :) Of course, sugars are in all of our foods so choosing lower sugar contents give the body a chance to recover. I also strongly suggest an organic, well balanced plant based diet. I'm happy to help you wherever possible and really do hope you find out what you need to get back in full health!

Thank you 🙏

Hmm we love golden milk. We usually make it with almond milk and sometimes with add cardamon too. So good for you. Glad to read that you are starting to feel better. Take care.

I would suggest 3 things to solve your digestive problems:

  1. Give up or at least cut down on most dairy milk products (especially milk), and switch instead to an Almond milk, such as Silk, Blue Diamond, etc.

  2. Do not take any kind of ant-acid pills, such as pantoprozol, or even over-the-counter ant-acid products. These pills do more harm than good, primarily because they remove acid from the stomach, which is actually quite the opposite of what is really needed. Without sufficient acid in the stomach to digest food, all kinds of problems can and do develop.

  3. Get and take a good digestive enzyme with each meal. These will help digest your food properly, and will also assist in restoring balance to your whole digestive system.

Do all 3 of the above, and I think your digestive problems will be relieved in almost no time, and with zero side-effects. If they are not relieved, then I would suggest getting tested for H. pylori. If the test comes back positive, you will need to be treated with at least two different antibiotics daily for 10-15 days so as to get rid of it. And then you will be fine.

Info on H. pylori...

Disclaimer: This is not intended to be medical advice, and you should always consult your doctor to determine what is right for you. I would however stress that he above worked for me with amazing results.

Thank you for your advice 🙂

You are very welcome! Good luck!

I really like your natural recipe, could benefit a lot from it

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Thank you. I’m happy to hear that.

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