SBI give and get event #001 - End At 13 July 2024


Greetings, my dear readers

Today is that time of the week where I hold my event here, which I name this as GIVE and GET SBI. SBI stands for Steem Basic Income, a curation project that I find very interesting and worth for going deep into it.

There are many curation projects in our Steemit community, there are some that awesome and of course sadly some are not as good as the others. Two main reasons why I am dare to recommend steemit are:

  1. High Yield. Most curation project won't give you even a peanut size votes if you do not have more than 2000 Steem invested here. For SBI, even a 400 Steem would give you a significant result, above 0,2$ vote while SP (Steem Power) delegation based curation mostly ask you around 1000 SP to get somewhere around that value. note: today Steem price is at $0,18.
  2. Most curation project only help you alone, it's about how much you invest and how much you help them. In SBI, there are 3 parties that get benefit from the project. First the SteemBasicIncome themselves, second is you, and the third is your friend or people you send SBI sponsorship to.

Of course there is no holy grail in this world, whether there is massive positive point, there is always be the downside or the bad part. If I have to spill what this project weakness, those are:

  1. Liquidity and ownership issue. This is not a SP you lend to some projects which if you find it not worthy anymore, you can undelegate then you get all your capital back. SBI demands you to send them STEEM which is not on your possession anymore. If something happens to them, those fund could be gone. If you in need of quick cash, then you are doomed.
  2. The vote value. Unlike some great curation project on STEEM which could give you $60 vote or $180 vote as long you can afford them, SBI could only give you less than a $1 vote. This number is growing based on the total investment they gather, which currently still low. This is one of the main point why I want to help them by giving some exposure through my event here.


So here is my event now. I will sponsor you if you sponsor me first. how to do this is very simple:

  1. You must know how they work first, check it here :
  2. Leave a comment below expressing how many SBI you want to give and get. I will response within 2x24 hours, whether I will agree and how many we can do for it.
  3. Then you transfer the STEEM, then share it on the comment again. I will send mine after I notice the transaction, but please give me 2x24 hours because I am a real human, not a bot.

Why do I need to confirm manually first? I am not a whale, nor a big 4-20x dolphin. Don't make me chocked by sending 1000-2000 STEEM for SBI sponsorship, I would not been able to afford that in short time.

The value of SBI sponsorship I aim is at 10 SBI per week from me. It's not about getting massive vote here, its about endorsing and increasing the exposure of SBI project and helping small Steemit users.

I started Steemit from zero, I was not a rich dude and old people somehow did not like me so they refused my verification. I started everything without the help of Steemcurators, so I knew very well how hard it was when none cared about you.

Let's hope my give-and-get project here could help other small users too.


Thank you to you all who read and support my post here and I would like to send my thanks to these people also:

Canva for providing free tool to build images


For Further Information you could check SBI main account on this @steembasicincome, or you can come to their discord here:

or you can just leave any comment below, I will answer them as much I can or I know.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Interesting post and will look into it...

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