Challenging Times for Content Creators?

in ART LOVERS4 years ago

Desperate times call for evasive maneuvers!


As a blogger, beerologist, entrepreneur, sports adventurer and musician among other things, the events unfolding in the last couple weeks certainly present a challenge. With businesses, gatherings, events and borders closing, there is a temporary stranglehold on the content for which my legions of followers have come to follow me.

  • No visiting breweries/restaurants for a while.
  • Temporary closing of BJJ gym
  • Social distancing with family to slow the spread of the virus.
  • Events cancelled/postponed for a while.
  • Adventures are really on pause for now.

So, interacting with the blockchain and telling stories is going to have to change a little unless you want to see shots of the guy replacing my water heater.



I am going to have to temporarily evolve my content creation strategy in an attempt to interact with the blockchain in a time that really needs a show of community solidarity. Here are a few ideas I have that I offer anyone else to steal if they are in the same position as me:

  • Revisit stories I didn't have the time or room to feature.
  • Share stories/observations/advice from the present interesting adventure we are on.
  • Share Marketing intel on how we are using this pause as a gift of time we may never see again. @town-crier
  • Curate and highlight good people I know here with good stories.
  • Look to the future when the usurper and pandemic retreat.


Source: pinterest motivational quotes

I will have to come up with more of these ideas and will most likely find many from the other leaders on this blogging blockchain. In times like these when challenges present themselves, it is an opportunity to step out of our comfort zone, grow and get a new perspective. Who knows? Maybe we will stumble on a whole new staple in our blogs that will bring in the second global legion of followers!

Please flex with me as I stretch my legs and explore new topics. Until then, let's support each other and leverage the awesome community of blockchain pioneers who have assembled with others possessing great vision!




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What are your ideas for new types of content in challenging times?

Posted via


Well, we're definitely moving into some new territory, in so many ways. To be honest, when I saw the title of your post I thought you were referring to the current proposal to fork/move the entire Steem ecosystem as a means to bypass the threat by Justin Sun.

Personally, these times of self-imposed isolation are a positive for me... means I get to catch up with a lot of work at home that I have been meaning to get around to, but haven't... because I have had to be "elsewhere."

I have no doubt you'll find plenty to blog about!

Yah I make reference to it but will let people smarter than me to lead the way through that mess.

Just finding my way content wise for the community in tough times we will blast through!

I like the positive attitude and hope you find inspiration. Stay healthy my beer brother

Posted using Partiko iOS

Beer does make it a little easier. I just worry about the small businesses who will be taken out and am working hard to help out.


Hey @article61, here is a little bit of BEER from @zekepickleman for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

My ideas? Just confirmed...I shall search for my 10-year old university thesis on Mass Media manipulation techniques.

I was thinking a thesis is good bed time reading material but that one will be particularly topical right now. So it!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Aye, I think I will look for it tomorrow. Slap me around with a large trout if I don't please ;)

This is a nice way of doing things! Hahaha! 😁 I love the idea. 😊

At least we can stretch our boundaries and support each other in tough times.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh yes! It's all that matter. 😊😊

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