PowerHouseCreatives Contest | Dream Dreams | My father's last hug.

in ART LOVERS4 years ago (edited)


My father on one of his birthdays by his mandolin.

Dreaming is something that is impregnated in the human beings. Dreams are part of our soul and therefore of our daily life. And it is not just dreaming at night when we lay our head on the pillow to get a well-deserved and peaceful rest after a hard day. No, it is about those dreams that fill our lives every day with love, joy and a lot of hope despite how convulsed and difficult the world is today.

Our friend @zord189 invites us once again, to develop our creativity and deploy our talent as writers, in a beautiful publication about dreams.

If you want to participate, just go to
PowerHouseCreatives Contest | Dream Dreams

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Along with my father and my brothers.

There are many kinds of dreams...
Dreams that impel us every day to be better people, those that we fight tirelessly to reach since we have use of reason and conscience.

Dreams when we're born...
The ones we cultivate in our hearts since we were born when those eyes of someone who held us in her womb for nine months tell us that they would give anything to see us happy.

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Moment of my son's birth.

Youthful dreams...
When we believe that we can eat the world and a touch of illusion invades us and tucks us in, leading us to dream about wanting to be those great people. When love knocks on our door and we struggle to conquer the attention and affection of that other person who makes our days very special.

Me, at the end of my college career.

Dreams of work...
When we want to be the best in our work, giving a lot of ourselves to reach our goals.


At my place of work, in the laboratory.

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But there are also the dreams that come to us when we close our eyes. Dreams that often transport us to realities that are in our thoughts, emotions mixed with desires that remain either because there are moments, situations or people who are already gone and we would like to return and even if, live them once again.

Those are for me, the dreams of the soul ...

My father was a very important man for me. His example is part of who I am today in life. He taught me that righteousness, loyalty, and honesty are essential and non-negotiable values. That only with those values can you move forward and be a better person. I don't know if I have reached this point, I think I have, but for me, this legacy is very important and in fact, this is what I have tried to transmit to my son.

My father passed away exactly fourteen years ago. It was an unexpected moment and very difficult to face. I was very hurt by his physical absence, especially because, in his months before he died, I did not share moments with him as I should have. The rhythm of daily life means that sometimes we forget to get close to our loved ones and share moments that later become a source of pain because you did not live them in time. It happened to me with my father. When he died, I suffered a long time in silence because of it.

At that time, I had a recurring dream, perhaps a product of my emotions and of that feeling of painful absence that I experienced in myself because of so many things. I dreamt that he came to my bed when I was asleep, as when I was a child, and he caressed me in silence, watching me sleep. I felt that presence as something wonderful that protected me and made me feel safe inside my dream.

Suddenly, I woke up to find him sitting in front of me, with his sweet look telling me that everything was going to be okay. Then I would quickly get up to hug him, but he was gone. All that remained was the memory of his gentle, protective smile, which gave me comfort so often in times of distress and trouble.

My father with two of his grandsons.

Thanks to @zord189 and the beautiful family of #powerhousecreatives @steemitbloggers for the opportunity to participate every week in these types of initiatives that promote the development of intellectual and emotional capacities from topics that are fabulous and very enriching.

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All pictures are my property, taken from my personal social networks (facebook and instagram).

Thank you for taking the time for this reading.

The signature of PHC is creation of @zord189 for personal use in my publications.


Animated banner created by @zord189

I want you know that @enginewitty and @untersatz run a healing campaign. To participate you can use the #spreadlovenotwar tag to gain more visibility by the group of curators of the @thealliance family.

Just click on the image to vote for Enginewitty as a witness.



We are SO proud to have you as a member of our
FANTABULOUS Power House Creatives family!
upvoted and resteemed!

❤ MWAH!!! ❤

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and I feel very proud and happy to be able to share with so many wonderful people in this special and wonderful family PHC @steemitbloggers. Thank you very much for the opportunity! A big hug for you.

Your dreams are as beautiful as your inner self that shines as bright as the sun, dear @marybellrg!
Greetings and a hug!

Thank you my beautiful friend, you are really special and I am very happy with your visit and comment. A big hug back, my beautiful @zeleiracordero.

Sueños bellos Mary; de todas maneras si no sueñas me avisas que te hago dormir de un cholazo ja,ja,ja

jajajajajaja mejor me pongo a soñar de una vez, mi Toña, gracias por pasar y valorar, me encanta tenerte por aqui. Un abrazote!

Linda publicación amiga @marybellrg, te felicito.

Gracias, querida amiga, es un gran placer recibir tu bella visita. Eres siempre bienvenida! @francyrios75

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
@c-squared runs a community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here

Very grateful for your valuable and special support, team @c-squared.

Amiga nunca dejamos de llorar la ausencia de nuestros seres queridos. y es a través de los sueños que nos conectamos con ellos, en ese mundo paralelo al nuestro.
En cuanto a los sueños te digo amiga que son la manera de visualizar nuestros deseos que luego se convierten en realidades.. Como decia WALT DISNEY: "No duermas para descansar, duerme para soñar. Porque los sueños están para cumplirse".
Un abrazo.

Gracias, mi hermosa amiga por siempre tener palabras recofortantes que alientan el alma. Te abrazo de vuelta, querida @mafalda2018.

Hi @marybellrg. Thanks for sharing your lovely story of your dad and the dreams you had of him. The pictures of your family are lovely. Often our memories of someone close transport themselves to our dream world. You have the same feelings, and those feelings are portrayed into a beautiful story where your loved one is involved.

Yes, there are many types of dreams besides the ones in the world of sleep. Those dreams are valuable also as they provide goals and and outlet for one's inspirations and desires. You can also have dreams that your children, family, friends do well or become successful.

Thank you, dear @justclickindiva. It is a great pleasure for me to have you visit me and receive your beautiful commentary towards my publication. The moments not lived are unrecoverable, this was a life lesson for me, I know my father would have wanted me to remember him in this beautiful way. A thousand thanks for coming, you are always welcome.

Manually curated by the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Very honored and happy with your valuable support of my publication! Thank you very much, @Qurator team

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Always grateful and happy with the wonderful and valuable support of you dear team @dsc-r2cornell @r2cornell @blessed-girl. A big hug and many blessings to you.

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