Food Fight Friday Ghost Busting BreakfastssteemCreated with Sketch.

in ART LOVERS5 years ago (edited)

Another Marathon Friday in our BnB on one of the hottest and most humid of days; strange to think that the other side of the world is blanketed in snow!
Guests have been coming and going this holiday season while our staff have all gone home to be with their families, so it's been really hectic!
A lovely young family looking all snazzy for their day's outing!
Although we have someone we call on during marathon guest changeover days, it is panic stations as the pressure is all on me; different story when our housekeeper is here as we calmly work together like a well oiled machine!
During times like this I remember what my aunt told me when I first started this little business - Running a BnB is not for the faint hearted!
My aunt ran a very succesful little BnB in their quaint Karoo/Cape Dutch style home which was declared a national monument in the beautiful historical little town of Graaff Reinet.
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Kambro Cottages today
Image credit
This home was said to have a resident ghost, a tall man that was seen by some guests! I made sure when we visited that she gave us a room that he did not frequent as I have the most vivid imagination and ghosts I do not want to bump into in the middle of the night!

But if we wanna be Ghost Busters tonight we're going to need good sustenance; and that is for the whole gang of Food Fight Friday.
Who's gona be the bravest Ghost buster of them all?
Our crazy #fff Kung Fu Fighters @idig, @jlsplatts or @dandays or the champion Steemit defender @appreciator? It's time we bust that ghost!
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Here at Lily's Cottage we have no ghosts but we had our kids over for Christmas (kids no longer as they're both now 40 plus!) Of course they were looking forward to some good homecooked meals so I will share with you some of the breakfasts I served for the hungry mouths!
The easiest breakfast of them all is what I call a Bacon Bread Pudding - buttered bread squares soaked in a milk, egg & mushroom soup powder mixture overnight, diced baby leeks, bacon & cheese popped on top and baked in the oven for about 30 min. The smell from the kitchen woke everyone up so we could get an early start for a drive down the coast to one of our favourite spots!





Another morning favourite was a simple Veg & Cheese upside down Omelette - Parsley, diced baby Leeks (yes the're growing in our garden so are being used all the time now) and frozen Peas were sauteed in a pan, 4 beaten Eggs poured on top, sprinkled with Cheese and a lid popped on, made a huge omelette enough for two hungry mouths with some homemade bread; just a couple of rounds like this and everyone was fed in no time!






And last but not least German Crumpets with spicy fruit mince added to the batter and caramelised in butter and brown sugar once flipped. Served with double cream Greek style yogurt and blueberries, this was a real treat.


Hope you're all ready now to bust them Food Fight Friday Ghosts!

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Original Content by @lizelle

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I have a similar affliction with no help over the festive season...

Some great breakfast ideas, @lizelle. A friend of mine claims to have seen the White Lady....

Hospitality is most definitely not for the fainthearted!

All the best for 2020!

I'm sure you'll agree the laundry is the worst so I really need to find someone who offers a reliable service!
We fortunately have super considerate guests so at least the daily cleaning is child's play.
My aunt said that one of her guests told her one morning that she saw the tall man the night before and my late uncle swore that he often felt a presence on a visit there!
Wishing you a wonderful 2020:)

Funnily enough, I don't entirely mind the ironing - especially if I can do it in front of the cricket or listening to the radio. It's the cleaning I don't like. Because our Little Room is in the house, I decided not to accept guests. All of that said, the woman who helps me is a gem - as is her whole family - and between us, we'd make a plan.

Every week you put in a winner @lizelle. Hot and sticky weather is not my cup of tea, but your dishes surely are. Its got to be tough to continue providing all of the comforts that your B@B furnishes for all of its guests when the help is not around.
Your children have to love visiting, I'm sure they love your company, but I've got a feeling they may come for the food. 😁
I hope you are taking it a little easy as the weather you described can be very taxing.

Oh they certainly enjoy the food and thank goodness our housekeeper returns tomorrow but this weather is not letting up, excruciating hot and humid! I much prefer our winters, can't stand this heat! Thank you for your kind comments:)

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Thank you so very much for the wonderful support!

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 76
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck
Have a

“Everybody was Kung-fu fightin!” <- get it? You said it, not me. Man, I don’t know if I need to be on the staff, a resident, or a guest but I sure would love to sample just one of your plates just one time. And make it last one week month!

Thanks for continuing to make a mess with us, @lizelle. It just wouldn’t be the same without you.

Now I've got that song stuck in my head;) Just love making a mess for foodfightfriday!

Oh my dear, you truly spoil those boys don't you ;) Although, we both know thats what they look forward to when they come home! You're such a good mama!! I'll have one of each my friend, I would be hard pressed to choose just one. I hope your staff will soon be back from vacation, you can look forward to a much deserved break! Beautiful breakfast magic! xx

Thank goodness they'll be back next week, the worst is all the laundry! But it was lovely having both fledglings under one roof again and we've had such lovely considerate guests this season:)

Hello @lizelle, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you so very much @creativecrypto, really appreciate your support!

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This is just amazingly delicious..
Now, I'm hungry again although I've just had beef noodles for breakfast.

Ah thank you @ireenchew!
Wishing you a great 2020!

Healthy and Yummy!

Thank you for your support, much appreciated!

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