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RE: Shout out & Share Steemit with the World

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

@lizelle, you’re like the Steemit grandma that everyone loves, thank you for always having such a huge heart. I remember when we met...

I learned you’re in SA, where my good friend @edprivat resided before recently relocating to France. I was shocked at the amount of tension there his wife experiences or even he would experience while riding public transportation. I remember when I asked you about it—ooh wee! That did not go over well is putting it mildly—did I get a heavy dose of Lizelle, or what?! I was like “hey, hey, I’m just repeating what I heard, please stop biting my head off.” 😉 But when I linked you to his page, you were so apologetic and kind and even responded to Ed. Ever since then I think you’ve accepted my ‘rough around the edges, caring hearted soul’ <—just leave it at that (it doesn’t sound bad when i put it like that)! persona and I haven’t been able to get enough of you since.

I always find myself writing novel sized responses to you actually, similar to this one because... Nah, I’m not a big fan of yours at all, can you tell? 👍🏿 Thank you for always being kind to me, @lizelle—your husbands a luck man. I can only hope we have the opportunity to book at stay at Lily’s cottage one of these days. Have a great week—thanks for mentioning food fight.


Oh my word, I'll never forget meeting you @dandays, I'm proudly South African as you know by now;) But not so proud when I hear some of the things that goes on, like your friend @edprivat was experiencing!
Zenophobia and racism is horrific and barbaric I believe, will it ever stop? We see it in the news and think it's only happening to a handful, but then look a little deeper and start seeing it in places least expected, so I thank you for opening my eyes from afar.
I like to believe in the good of all, but sadly some people are brought up with that kind of mindset and believe they are right!
Thank you for the kind words @dandays, I just love your humour and your straight as an arrow way of telling it like it is:) Your Pura is a lucky woman!
How lovely it would be to meet you in person one day!

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