The smell of Christmas in the Attic...

in ART LOVERS5 years ago (edited)


I have a few days back at home during a Netherlands stretch of this Weihnachts tour before heading out again... the kids seem to be happy to have one of their parents back for the few days, and my wife is glad for the relief! I will definitely be on school and pickup duty for the next days when I'm available (still have concerts...)...

Most importantly, I'm the first responder for the night time calls... after Christmas, we are definitely going to start transitioning the toddler away from her nighttime wake-ups... it's going to be a rough few weeks when that happens, but it will be worth it in the long run... I'm getting pretty tired of sleeping on the floor! It's starting to get a touch cold there... and more to the point, getting woken up in the middle of the night is starting to get much less fun!

Anyway, I had wandered up to the attic to put my suitcase away... I had a little bit of time before needing to run out and pick up the kids from daycare and school (and a delivery to ballet...). When I reached the top, I got a bit of a shock from the seemingly disembodied heads that seemed to have hung themselves from the attic window!

Well, it wasn't quite disembodied heads... but when you are travel weary and tired from a very early start... this things can suddenly play tricks on your mind! Instead of disembodied heads, we have two very Christmassy puddings hanging up to dry out! My wife must have scrounged a bit of time to do this whilst I was away!

My wife does try to do this every Christmas, but last year it got away from us... you do have to soak the dried fruit for quite a long long time in your favourite alcohol for the best flavour... and well, sometimes that time just gets away from you.. and by the time that you remember, it is too late!

This year, I think we have plans for a friends gathering for Christmas... also known as other families in Netherlands that have no extended families in Netherlands and are too poor to fly home every year on a holiday whim! So, in that case, we make our own extended families out of the existing nuclear families that are stranded far from our homelands!

Evidently, the prospect of a needing to show up with some food has gotten my wife to be ultra prepared this year... So, the fruit must have been soaked ages ago... I guess that was why we were buying lots of dried fruit that was mysteriously showing up on the shopping list. This is the sort of pudding that you will steam at Christmas dinner, then generously douse with a alcohol spirit and then set it alight! Served with a hot vanilla custard, it is really quite a treat!

Anyway, the best part of it is that the attic (where my gaming rig is...) is now smelling like a really nice mix of spice, dried fruit and whatever lovely spirits that she used to soak it all in! It's a great smell, much better than rotting desiccated heads... although, I do still think that they are looking at me... maybe I should put Googly eyes on them?

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 5 years ago 

Thanks and thank you for the support!

We got two types of attics here. Dry meat and spices — that's your old school good-smelling one. Pigeons and pigeon waste is the other, more common type now ;) We've had this new attic space for about half a year. We've never seen it. But someday, when I have anti-pigeon equipment, I might try to claim back some territory.

 5 years ago 

Ooooh... that sounds like a big job to reclaim the attic! Pigeon poop....

Hilarious. If only rotting heads smelt like Chrissy pudding. Ewwwww.... I seriously love brandy soaked pudding a!!

 5 years ago 

... I love setting it on fire!... and the hot custard!

Oh boy I feel so bad for you, the toddler nights .. Our daughter was potty trained in a week (I remember reading your post about potty training not long before we started), so we both know how hard it CAN be lol. But those evenings and nights, oh my god 3,5 years it's taking a toll on the health and insanity!

When boyfriend was in Holland for business recently, I decided it was enough. I thought now it's just you and me no distractions or confusion, I'm setting my alarm every time when bed ritual needs to start. To my surprise, within 5 days she slept like a baby and most of the times within 10 to 15 mins max.

But now, we have something new: growing pains. Every single night she screams and we didn't get what was wrong as in those state of minds, she's always just yelling no when I ask her what's wrong. Then she started eating like a construction worker and her pyjama's suddenly seem too short in a short time, so it must be that.

But I got used to having quiet evenings/nights so quickly. I mean that's something you get used to instantly lol. Now it's exhausting again. I feel so sorry for you that you sleep on the floor ugh. That's horrible!

I had to laugh so hard when you wrote about the heads lolol.. did you first look at that in the dark? Or was it really your mind playing tricks on you?

Anyways I've never heard of that (pudding on the ceiling lol)..

Ps I dropped your post in the neoxian city server for curation as I enjoyed reading it. A vote will follow shortly after my comment.

Have a nice evening!

 5 years ago 

Thank you for the curation!

I think we will spend the week or two after Christmas putting in the painful hours to break this bad sleeping habit. Having unbroken nights is something that is definitely worth a couple weeks of terrible nights.

Growth spurts... I had forgotten about those... hopefully this will pass soon... it can be quite painful I think! For both parent and child!

... about the heads, well... I've never really seen dessicated heads in real life... but in the semi dark, it really freaks you out when you catch it in the corner of your eye! These are the steamed fruit puddings... probably more of an English sort of thing. They need to be dried, and then on Christmas you steam them again... douse in brandy and set it on fire! With warm vanilla custard (or ice cream)... it is pretty awesome!

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Amazing story and I never knew that Christmas pudding was made like this.
Maybe the things that are drying out in the bags are the eyeballs of the disembodied heads that you were seeing my friend Lol
A great story here.

 5 years ago 

Yes, this is the way that my wife's family have done it for ages! Eyeballs... thanks, now I will be terrified to go up there!

Hahaha, well steamed eyeballs in a hot vanilla custard will certainly still your fears my friend. Maybe they can keep an eye on your organs Lol
With all of the alcohol, maybe a drunken eye hahaha.

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