Short story: The dream

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

Author's note: The following short story was published on Spanish language in my Hive blog, in May 13th, 2021.

"I dreamed that I was at my grandmother's house; I was looking at myself in a mirror when I opened my mouth. My upper fang was missing and the lower incisor was broken, with blood. How did it happen? What did I do? I don't remember. When I woke up, the first thing I did was go to the lake to look at my teeth; they were healthy. What does it mean, völva? Will someone soon die violently?"

Gunnhild The Blind looked away for a moment to reflect. The man, a poor farmer who traveled from Hedeby just to see her, watched her with fear and anticipation. After a tense silence, the völva turned to him and said: "The fang means that you must have a significant loss in your life, but not because of death, but because of conflict, which is what the blood of the lower tooth represents; however, that conflict will benefit you more than harm you".

The farmer, surprised, exclaimed: "So sagas will be sung about me?!"

"That depends on you, Eivald."

The aforementioned, excited, settled the two caged hens that he had next to him and, thanking Gunnhild for her interpretation, left.

Gyda, Gunnhild's daughter, came out of the common room. Picking up her chickens, she said to her mother, "Shall I release them in the yard, mother?"

Gunnhild nodded. Obediently, Gyda took the chickens and carried them into the courtyard behind the hut. Meanwhile, the völva took a piece of cloth that was on her legs and began to sew it.

Fuente de la imagen: Pexels

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