WEEKLY CONTEST: Short stories with a twist: Terror Edition 👻👻 || Story Name: Curse Of Past Life

in Writing & Reviews2 years ago


Source: Canva

Story Name: Curse Of Past Life

Written By SHOHANA @shohana1

Once there was a girl who never believes in religion, ghosts, good and bad soul. So she always laugh whenever she hear about good soul and bad soul exist. One day her best friend name Tina decide to change the mind of the girl. Oh sorry I forget to tell you the name of that girl, she is Mila. Mila always laugh at people who experience horrible incidents in real life.

Tina decide to bring Mila to their village. Mila love trying adventures so she went Tina's village and she was brave enough. Many years ago in the village there was a witch and she was killed by brave soldier at her time. Villagers believes that the soul of witch still live in the oldest building near the house of Tina. Mila loves to capture selfies and she also loves cat. So one day she found a very cute and fluffy cat outside Tina's house. Mila take the cat on her lap and clicked some selfies with the cat and let the cat go.

At night after dinner when Mila get to remember about the cat she called Tina to show her those selfies she clicked today. When she opened her galley of photos her eyes was bigger and her phone dropped out from her hand, Tina asked Mila what happened? Mila was speechless because the cat was vanished on her selfies and how it could be possible? Mila couldn't sleep that night. It was such a horrible incident she ever experienced.

Next morning Mila was looking for the cat at the same place she met the cat yesterday. And she found the cat and got scared a little bit, she tried to catch it but she couldn't. By following the cat she reached the witch house and enter inside the room where the witch were practice her magics. There Mila found a Mirror and looked to it with big eyes. She heard the sound of crying. That mirror was not ordinary one it can talk. The mirror said that - "Why you arrive so late Mila?" Mila replied, -"how you know my name?" Mirror replied -" I'm waiting for you here since last 400 years and you are the rebirth of witch who is the owner of this building and mirror" Mila cried and ran away from there.

One more sleepless night Mila was spending. She couldn't shared it with Tina because Mila don't want to spoil her image as a brave girl to her best friend. Next day Mila again went to the mirror and asked about her past and the mirror replied all her past life and present life accurately. Mirror also surprised her by saying that her arrival to this village was decided long time ago and she will be a witch after her 25th birthday so only a week to go for it. After seven days later Mila will be a witch and get to remember her past life activities and practice.

Mila decide to quit the village immediately. So she just made excuse of feeling sick and left the village anyway. After came back to her house she was trying to forget all those bad incidents she experienced there in the village. But her luck was not that good so she found her mirror talk to her and this mirror is same as the mirror she found inside the building of witch. Mila beg for solution because she doesn't want to be a witch. Mirror feel pity to her and tell her to be religious and be good to the poor can help her to be rescued from this curse. So Mila decide to be religious and donate fifty percent of her wealth to be safe. After seven days when she found her nails turn longer and some physical changes made her worried. She asked the mirror what's wrong with her. Mirror replied, you have to take a shower of milk at midnight and should pray till the sunrise and this way she can overcome the curse completely. She tried it and finally Mila found herself normal.


Thanks For Reading 💕

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