The Diary Game || 29.06 Pride Day! Important info for people from homophobic countries

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)


  1. If you are from the homophobic country, scroll down to the last chapter. It's without any photos, to not cause you troubles. I am offering there some support which you or some of your friends might be interested in.

  2. If you are a homophobic person, please don't read the post. I would be grateful if you could skip commenting about the LGBT rights under my publication. This post is only about the support for the specific group of people in their special day. Thanks.

  3. All the photos included in this post present my gay polyamorous family of three. There are still many countries where I could go to the jail for who I am or even where I could be killed for that.

Pride day!

It's a Pride Day! Okay, it was yesterday, 28.06, I'm a bit late.

53 years ago, when the police once again brutally attacked gay club in Stonewall, USA, for the first time people decided to answer with the violence for the oppression, starting the history of LGBT movement.

After so many years, gay revolution, then gender revolution which started gender studies in the western culture, finally queer and the newest polyamory revolution, some significant changes happened:
In 1989 WHO officially removed homosexuality from the list of illnesses, the very same year first country, Netherlands, registered civil unions. In 2001 first gay marriages were legalized in Denmark.


In some countries there is whole generation which doesn't even know that gay prides were political, because they were born in the equal world, where prides means just a party and cultural events. Nowadays we have gay politics, including prime minister of Liechtenstein and Iceland or Mayor of Berlin, we have daughter from the same sex family which became the prime minister in Finland, we have some religious communities which blesses LGBT relationships (Christian, Jewish and even one Muslin in France), we have tens of the countries where hate speech is already illegal.

Gay marriages are legalized in 33 countries, gay civil unions in another 21. 25 years ago that list would include only one country, so it's a huge progress but... There are still places where the society can be really cruel and being gay means being endangered for the violence, inprisonment or even death penalty.


In 56 countries, mostly African and Middle Eastern, gay people can be put in the prison, in 9 countries there is still death penalty. In that parts of the world Pride Day means only fear and sadness.

The world is changing, but the change is very slow. Since the last Pride Day, four countries stopped putting LGBT people in prison (Angola, Gabon, Barbados and Bhutan), three legalized civil unions (Bolivia, Montenegro, Monaco) and one gay marriages (Costa Rica). The changes are always good. Number of countries with the discriminatory law becomes smaller each year, but in the XXIst century shouldn't be already even one place where people cannot love who they want.

There are still 87 countries where LGBT relationships are not criminalized but there is also no civil unions neither gay marriages. In that places every gay pride means the protest march, every day organizations are fighting for the dignity, equal rights and normality.

For people in LGBT friendly countries

If you are living in one of 54 countries with gay marriages or civil unions, be proud of your homeland. Celebrate this day by learning about LGBT history, participating in the events, supporting your queer friends. If you are non-heterosexual but still in the closet, consider outing.

Yes, it might be stressful. Yes, you might loose a friend or two but if you will really loose them - were they ever your friends? Did they like you or the image which they created in their minds?

Do it for yourself, because it will make you free, it will make your life much easier, but also do it for your friends and family, because being in the relationship with not outed person is really difficult. Forcing others who know about you to lie or avoid answering some questions puts them in a very uncomfortable situation.

Do it when you feel ready, in the way you feel is the best, but don't wait forever.

For people in slightly homophobic countries

If you are living in one of the 87 countries where gay marriages are not legal yet, but protesting doesn't put you in the danger, you have my support and understanding. I know how it is, as I am from one of these countries, from Poland.

In some moments being opened or protesting might put you in a danger. Always be sure that you took care of your safety. You have a privilege which people in some countries don't have though. Use it and help to achieve the equality in some way. You can participate in the gay prides, support LGBT organizations and gay friendly companies, popularize the knowledge about the gay rights, but always the best what you can do will be coming out of the closet.

That way you give the opportunity to the others to meet you, see that you are a normal person who deserves equal rights. You know the best if it's safe to do it. I know that in some places around the world that might cause a lot of problems. Make sure the fight for equality doesn't cost you your health. I paid that price, don't repeat my mistakes.

For people in the most homophobic countries

Finally, if you are from one of this countries where being openly yourself might cost you the freedom or even life, I am going to write very important thing:

Always take care of your safety, never come out of the closet in front of the strangers. You never know who you are talking with and how they will use this knowledge.

It might help to keep sane to have a place where you can be yourself, to have someone who can talk with you, listen to your problems, give you some support. If you have another LGBT person in around or a good friend you know you can trust, use them for the moral support. If you don't have anyone, I am and always will be here for you.

You can text me on discord (if you prefer other way to contact, we can later move to WhatsApp or Telegram)

I'm papi.mati#3791

I know that in some countries you might get in troubles just by reading it or by sending me the message. If you are from one of these countries, text me with some code. Tell me you are a "vegetarian" instead of "gay", "lesbian" or "transgender". I will understand your message and never write back anything what could be read by the third person and put you in a danger.

I can always, ALWAYS be there for you.

There is a hope that the law in your country will change with the time although that hope is very low. I would recommend you to keep it low, stay safe and save the money to emigrate some day. Some countries gives the asylum for LGBT people (I know Canada, Norway and Netherland but surely there is more of them) - you might try one of them.

If not, you can just emigrate to any country where visa procedures are quite simple.

I am in Argentina and if you will choose that country, I can help you with the visa paperwork, with the accommodation and food for the first few weeks before you will find some job. I will not be able to sponsor your trip neither pay for everything during your stay (just the food and accommodation). You should have some savings, you should also know at least basics of the language and think where you could work here to find some place as soon as possible.

I hope this message will help to someone. Many steemit users are from the countries where being LGBT is really dangerous.

Thank you for reading,
Happy Pride,

All the photos included in this post belongs to me.

Part dedicated for the people from the homophobic countries was made without any photos to let them read it in a public space without being afraid that someone will see them checking the publication about the LGBT community.

 3 years ago 

my gay polyamorous family of three

Congratulations!! A hug from Mendoza to all of you! You look very cute!

I'm extremely curious about polyamorous, I have to try that one day!

Very informative post, and honestly, I'm surprised, in a good way, and you have no idea how happy I am to find you here, and to read you!! Thank you for feeling comfortable and share it with us, my friend!!

Thank you for sharing in Writing and Reviews! Your post has been selected for today as part of the Steemit Communities support Program.
We appreciate a lot your engagement with this community.

We’d love to hear more from you!!


Thank you!
By the way, I love Mendoza! Such a good wine and closer to the coast than from Rosario :P I have a very good friend there, he is the theatre actor and kind of event manager for the city hall.

 3 years ago 

Hola @papi.mati que gran ayuda deseas brindar a personas donde pertenecer a la comunidad LGBT es peligroso.

Te aplaudo de pie 👏

Siempre he opinado que la preferencia sexual no te hace más o menos persona, absolutamente todos somos iguales, pero hay personas que les cuesta entender eso, que yo sea heterosexual no tiene porqué hacerme intolerante a alguien que tiene gustos diferentes a los míos, porque en la diversidad está la maravillosa riqueza del ser humano y cada quien mientras sea una buena persona llena de amor hacia el prójimo y hacia sí mismo, no debe ser mal vista simplemente por ser gay, lesbiana o transexual. ¡Ojalá algún día todos entendemos eso!

Te envío Bendiciones. ❤️

Gracias por su comentario. Si, es muy fácil - no importa que te gustas, importa si eres una persona buena o mala :)

Me gustó mucho conocer hechos históricos y personajes que han llegado a puestos públicos. 🤗 Un abrazo

Gracias - abrazo para ti también!

 3 years ago 

I really loved your post!
I'm not gay, but my best friend is, so it's been also horrible for me to see what he has been through in his journal... And I really hope that some day none else feels discriminated or attacked for being who he/she is.
Glad to know that you're happy here and that Argentina has welcomed you in such nice way, you all look really beautiful in your family portrait!!
Thank you so much for all this, it's really important to spread awareness and talk about this freely! :)

I believe people are good, in general. Unfortunately sometimes they don't understand the world. They are affraid of the reality which is difficult to understand for them, so they react with the hate and agression. Because of that we still have sexism, racism, we have a homophobia and transphobia all around the globe.

As fear is good to control people, it's often used by the religions and politicians. That makes fight with inequalities and discrimination more difficult but the world cannot be stopped, humanism and mutual respect always win, so it's just the matter of time.

Thank you for your comment! 🤗

Hola @papi.mati , me da gusto saludarlo de nuevo.
Cada quien es como quiere ser, no se puede ser feliz imitando la sonrisa de otros, hay que ser exclusivo como una de las principales etiquetas de Steemit #Steemexclusive.
Se dice que las personas no cambian su sexo por gusto sino por aumento de hormonas diferentes. Es decir cada quien es dueño de lo que hace y amo de lo que calla. Tengo amigos que son como quieren ser y los adoro.
Y de verdad la práctica del humanismo nos hace falta a todos, la empatia no se práctica, y que bueno es ponerse en las cholas de otros para saber que sienten.

Estoy seguro de que tus amigos tienen mucha suerte de tenerte en su vida. Un aliado solidario es más valioso que el oro y ayuda a darse cuenta de que no es necesario permanecer en el armario. Cuando seamos nosotros mismos, encontraremos el apoyo de personas valiosas, incluso si perdemos a algunas personas que no merecen nuestra amistad. Cuando tratamos constantemente de complacer a los demás a nuestro propio costo, fracasaremos, ya que es imposible.

Saludos 🤗

Hola, amigo @papi.mati.

¡Felicidades por sentirte libre de ser quien eres y mostrarte solidario con otros que pasan por la terrible situación de ser víctimas de homofobia!

Particularmente pienso que cada uno debe vivir y disfrutar de su sexualidad y del amor como se sienta más a gusto. Asimismo, opino que todos debemos aprender a respetar el modo de pensar, sentir y actuar de cada quien.

Todas las épocas han tenido sus luchas y con ellas han avanzado y se han reevaluado los Derechos Humanos. Así ha pasado con los movimientos por los derechos de las personas de color, los derechos de las mujer y demás. Del mismo modo es para el movimiento LGBT.

Se nota que son una familia muy unida. Mis buenos deseos y apoyo para los tres.

¡Saludos a todos ustedes!



¡gracias por sus amables palabras! Sí, el progreso y el respeto a los derechos humanos es imparable, lamentablemente la dinámica de los cambios es diferente en diferentes partes del mundo.

En Pakistán o Nigeria sigue siendo peligroso salir del armario, en Venezuela o Polonia no tanto, pero hay algunos inconvenientes para las personas denunciadas. En Argentina o Francia, el único pensamiento que nos impide ser delatados es nuestro propio miedo.

De hecho, mi familia está formada por mí y mis cuatro novios, pero dos de ellos todavía viven con miedo y no quieren salir del armario. Estuve escribiendo sobre esto pocas veces en mis publicaciones anteriores; no solo es muy dañino para ellos, sino que también causa muchas situaciones incómodas para mí y para otras personas y simplemente eso no puede durar para siempre. Ya dura demasiado.

Cuando escribo sobre vivir en una verdad conmigo mismo, no solo puedo mostrar con mi propio ejemplo cuánto mejor me sentí desde que salí del armario, sino que también puedo escribir desde la perspectiva de los novios y mostrar lo difícil que es ser un novio. compañero de la persona que aún se queda en el armario.

Gracias por su comentario otra vez! Que tienes un buen día! 🤗

Es una pena que no puedan vivir plenamente su romance. Si, creo recordar que hablaras de ello en el Juego del Diario en donde decías que estabas pasando por el COVID-19, no estoy seguro.

Hay muchas restricciones que dependen de la cultura del país. Asimismo pasa con las leyes y políticas empleadas. Lo único que les queda en esos casos es buscar un lugar del mundo más seguro.

Ojalá se lograra un mundo más empático y respetuoso, no sólo en este aspecto sino en general. Por ahora solo podemos revelarnos contra la injusticia cuando la tengamos en frente. La cooperación es más importante que las diferencias.

El mundo no está en peligro por las malas personas sino por aquellas que permiten la maldad.

Albert Einstein.



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