in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


The world is at war, crisis, and chaos is ravaging the Earth. But violence is never the way of resolving issues or conflict.

The Government declared state of emergency in my state, Jos. Killing, terrorists attack and suicide bombing was so rampant in my state, many people lost their lines properties, family, body parts. Now we’re displaced. It’s time for my mission, I’ll be going soon. The Zara IDP camp will be cleansed with fire and gunshots, Inshallah, if it pleases Allah, I’ll die tonight.

My name is Ibrahim Idris and I’m ready to die for Allah and the propagation of the prophet’s teaching Nigeria accepted the doctrine of the Westerners, who enslaved our people, our land and our minds. Now our children are brainwashed with western ideology and culture which pervert their morality and corrupt their spirits. Our children dress to expose their bodies for strangers, what an abomination.

That is why I went to a Islamic school, and that’s where I learned the truth of our oppression and the purpose of my existence. Western schools and ideas can’t save us and so long the Nigeria government accepts the abomination of western ideals, then we’ll light a fire in our own skin and burn bright as the sun which will end this dark night. Now our Islamic state is coming, our group is called BOKO HARAM. Its had already chased many of the infidels from Kaduna, Adamawa, Jos and Maiduguri into the refugee camps. Their government has abandoned them and now they are defenseless.

There are eight of us who is ready for the next strike. We carry incendiary explosives which will light the tents and spread from miles and create terror. I’m scared both my love and passion for Allah makes me strong, I’ll with him soon and he will thank me for doing what’s so hard to do and my reward is coming. I want you guys to know that we are not monsters but we’re propagating great Prophet Mohammed’s work. The eight of us are splitting to take up different strategic positions around the IDP camp to strike. I said goodbye to my sister Ibrahim Khadijat and we embraced. I’m ready, but her last words left me with thoughts.

“Brother I want to ask you something.” She said to me
The other bombers have already gone.
“Anything my lovely sister.” I said, still holding her close to my chest.
“Brother Idris would Muhammad do as you’re doing? If he were here, would he be happy seeing this, would he light the fuse?”

For a while I was left speechless and said to her.

“I know he would, Prophet Muhammad spent his life spreading the word, so he won’t hesitate to give his life to protect it.”
We draw apart, but Khadijat didn’t seem convinced. I left her to join others for the mission, I looked at my wrist watch, 4:45AM, we weren’t set to strike until 5:30AM, I don’t know why. Now it was time to detonate the bomb, but I couldn’t, It wasn’t fear that made me pause, suddenly I heard someone crying, could I’ve been spotted?

Finally the bomb did go off, and there was no one waiting for me on the other side. I had so many questions t ask, but an explosion threw me to the ground and other five explosions in all.

I leapt to my feet, I didn’t feel anything. But five explosions had already been detonated , all some distance from me. There was fire everywhere, so many people shouting at once, they sounded at once. They sounded more like frightened animals than humans. I took off my burnt jacket and walked away. I didn’t want to send those people to a place where no one was waiting.

Allah forgive me. My candle was burned out.

Thanks for reading. All characters, scenes and event are all fictional.

Special thanks to @belenguerra, @fendit, and @writingnreviews

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