The Interview Showcase #65- Exclusive Talk With A long time Ukrainian blogger

in Hot News Communitylast year

Hi there,

Welcome to the 64th edition of “The interview showcase...." and my 34th show for 2023. Stay calm and follow along as I unveil this interesting edition of the Interview showcase.

If you are new to this page, this lifestyle program has many educational values. A weekly interview of top users/users in the blog concerning some trending topics on the Steemit platform. And tips that can help other Steemians to progress positively and help boost the Steem’s growth.

It will help you to get to know more about Steemians around the globe and even Steem and Steemit itself.

I take time to look at some of the most important topics in the blockchain and have a chat/call with top Steemians who have a greater idea about those topics.

They also share some tips that can help other users understand the blockchain and correctly use it. Sometimes they seek valuable suggestions here to help them solve some of their challenges.

This week, I have decided to speak with @strecoza from Ukraine. She has been a constant blogger and contest organizer in the Ukrainian community. Despite the war in her country, she continues her commitment to the platform. What is really helping her to stay focused? If she had the power to remove something from planet Earth, what would that be...?

Follow along as I uncover this through this interview...

: Hello Strecoza, it's nice to have you on my show today, a lot of people would like to know you, how would you describe yourself?

🔶Strecoza : Hello. I am also pleased to read your interviews, it is very interesting to learn about many people here on steemit. I would describe myself as someone who is expressive, observant, and loyal. I love creative people and I like to communicate with them. I like to read books, and also learn a lot about people and analyze them.

: How old are you on Steemit? And how will you describe your experience on steemit so far?

🔶Strecoza: I have been blogging on Steemit for 6 years now, since January 2017. I was paused for a while as I got a full-time job to earn money. Then my friends brought me back and I started writing here again. I really liked that I can write in a language that I understand.

The reason for my first exit was that I didn't understand English. Now there are a lot of translators in browsers and I can translate what they write on blogs and I can write in English myself. Most of all I get the experience of communication. I like to communicate with interesting people and with newcomers.

: What has been your biggest achievement since you joined the Steemit platform?

🔶Strecoza : I became a dolphin. I move with small steps toward the killer whale. I believe that I will become a whale when all crises are over. I dream about it. I know that dreams can be made with my own hands. I strive for this.

: As a top user, how have you contributed to Steem's growth in your country?

🔶Strecoza : At the moment I am a moderator of the Ukraine community on Steem. I run contests and relay races, as well as some entertaining posts to support the audience and our community.

At the moment, I can give an announcement of a new competition from our community @ukraine-steem. It will be out this week. @olesia will be the sponsor of this competition. As long as it's a secret, don't miss it, it will be interesting.

: You seem to have been doing great on the platform, what advice will you give other users in your country to make such great progress?

🔶Strecoza : Advice to users of our country - do not stop writing, continue to develop on the Steem platform and luck will smile on everyone. And it's real..

: Despite facing war situations in your country, how do you cope with your daily activities while still carrying out your blogging on the Steemit platform?

🔶Strecoza: I just keep on living. We don't have to do anything other than just live and survive this war. We don't know where the next rocket will land. Rockets fly into our city without declaring an alarm. We don't have a bomb shelter. We are in our apartment between two walls. I am afraid to take my son to school from September 1st. The children of our city will study online..

: I can only imagine this tough situation and I wish for better days to you all.

: Describe a typical day in your life? What makes your heart smile despite all these hard times?

🔶Strecoza: My friends will not let me get bored. Every day we communicate and support each other. In the morning we wish each other health and are glad to see you again. It's like a roll call. In the morning I do exercises, drink coffee, read the news, and chat with friends. Now in our city, the main problem is water. After the explosion of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, we were given water by the hour in order to build new water conduits. The water is not suitable for cooking.

The morning begins with where to buy drinking water, Which store did bring drinking water to? Then, as an ordinary housewife, I do household chores. Despite everything, we rejoice in the new day, rejoice that I live in Ukraine, the most beautiful country in the world, and rejoice in the success of my son. And my animals, two cats, smile at me. They are typical robbers, but very gentle.

: What is your greatest fear?

🔶Strecoza : .Most of all I fear for my family. I want everything to be fine with them, so that they can be healthy and that their house is intact.

: If there was something you could undo on planet Earth, what would it be?

🔶Strecoza: Naturally, to abolish nuclear weapons and prevent war in the world. Stop environmental pollution.

: If you were to write a poem, what would your title be?

🔶Strecoza: I love you - life.

: If steemit was to be your own, what do you think you can do to improve its growth?

🔶Strecoza: Difficult question, I didn't think about it.

: If you were to handle SC01 or SC02 account for a day, what would you consider before voting?

🔶Strecoza: First of all, I would go through newbies to motivate them to write interesting posts. Secondly, I don't forget about the old users as they have contributed a lot to the development of the platform.

:What do you like doing in your leisure?

🔶Strecoza: I love reading books, walking outdoors, and chatting with friends.

: Whose blog do you enjoy reading most?

🔶Strecoza: I don't have favorites. I just love to read, it doesn't matter who, to find out how people live, the everyday life of people.

: Which user/users will you like me to interview on my show?

🔶Strecoza : @stef1.

: What significant event in your life really made you who you are today?

🔶Strecoza: I don't have a significant event. My life has made me who I am today.

:What is your favourite song?

🔶Strecoza: I have a lot of them, from modern music to classics. One of them, a short one, was remembered at the moment:

Barbra Streisand.

: What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?

🔶Strecoza : 😁An interesting question. I know a lot of funny facts. I can just tell you a simple fact.
Tarantulas have pets.
Tarantulas keep frogs as pets. And this strange relationship has its own explanation: spiders suffer from small insects that are attracted by the smell of carrion (and this smell is often found in the lair of a tarantula). And in order to protect its food, the spider puts a frog to itself. Despite the fact that from now on he protects his pet from other predators, sometimes he can think and accidentally try to eat it. But in this case, the frog has a toxic mucus that discourages appetite..

: Do you have any messages for the Steemit team?

🔶Strecoza: I wish you a peaceful sky, an understanding audience, and adequate people on the platform who are a pleasure to work with

: What can you say about the Interview Showcase, do you think it is interesting and should be continued?

🔶Strecoza: I think this is one of the most interesting blogs on steemit. Of course, I want to continue reading the Interview Showcase..

I hope you enjoy the Show...? Do you think I am missing something? Please feel free to tell me, let's make this better daily. Share your suggestions with me, I'll so much appreciate it.

Do you have a particular topic you would like me to feature? Is there a user you would like me to feature? Please contact me (language) is not a barrier and all will be handled successfully.

If you are interested in being one of my guests, please don't hesitate to contact me any time soon through my details: Discord: ubongudofot#9499

Telegram: Contact Me

Please note that users/guest's privacy or confidentiality would be considered first before posting, thank you.

See you next week for another interesting show, don't miss it.

⭐⭐⭐ Announcement⭐⭐⭐


Multisig Wizard is now available on the blog, read here to know more about it and how to use it:

My message to all is that everyone should accept this new tool to avoid this 👉 Warning to all communities 🚨 The STEEMIT TRAVEL Account has been compromised, it will reduce the numbers of complaints like this, it's that simple.

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Hello. Thank you. It was interesting to participate in this interview :)
The competition I mentioned has already been announced and is ongoing. I invite everyone to take part in it :)

 last year 

Thank you for giving your time and for this wonderful Interview. Indeed we are here for a long time and we do not know much behind the usernames but it is good to have such nice discoveries like this. I love your spirit and you kind character still full of love despite of hard time. I noticed you being more active lately and that is the best to do at this stage, to be connected, to be distracted and to be rewarded for that.

Beautiful contest and thanks for sharing here.

Thanks for the kind words and for the support. Now this is the main thing for us. Without support, it is difficult for us in our situation. The Russians continue to bomb our country every day. Today in my city the sounds of explosions were heard again. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

 last year (edited)

Great to have you on my show @strecoza ...hopefully, I can have you again in the future.

Thank you!)

 last year 

Hello, @strecoza this post has paid out.

Hello. What does this mean?
I invite you to join ;)

 last year 

I wanted to join the contest.

I will be very glad to your participation;)


 last year 


 last year 

Thank you for organising this interview was great to learn more about @strecoza seen her before and of course, the contests that we often see around, but now we know a bit of a person.

 last year 

Thank you...., I'm glad the information here can help everyone to know more about Strecoza.

 last year 

Hai teman baik, @ubongudofot
Ini adalah wawancara yang menarik untuk disimak.

Saya suka perbincangan anda dengan steemian Ukraina @strecoza.

Semoga hari-hari anda berjalan lancar. Semoga anda dan tetangga anda segera mendapatkan solusi untuk mendapatkan air. Karena air adalah kebutuhan yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan 🙏

Mengenai sekolah pendidikan. Keluarga adalah pendidikan pertama untuk anak. Orang-orang menyebutnya informal learning. Semoga anda tidak bosan mengajak anak anda belajar.

Dan mengenai tarantula dan kodok. Ini hal menarik yang baru saja saya dapatkan. Haha.

Sehat dan bahagia selalu untuk anda berdua, @strecoza dan @ubongudofot. Life long happiness 😊

 last year 

Thank you for your comment and wishes. Those were some interesting highlighted points.

Terima kasih atas komentar dan dukungannya. Saya yakin perang akan segera berakhir dan rusia akan menghentikan teror. Negara kita akan pulih dan sejahtera selama berabad-abad sebagai negara bebas.

Saya berharap yang terbaik untukmu.

@ubongudofot Your interview was a pleasure, it shows. A video had the music of the song, which was very melodious. felt good
Best wishes to you.

 last year 

Maybe, if you read the Interview well, you may as well see some interesting points worth more than those things you highlighted...

Thank you.

@ubongudofot thank you so much for your nice comments.stay well.

I'm glad you liked the music.
Good luck.)

@strecoza thank you so much.

 last year 

Great interview! It's a pity that @strecoza was not allowed to develop their Ukrainian community! But the interview is really great! It was nice to read!

Greetings friend, it is very interesting this initiative that you have taken to interview users.

I say it is interesting because in addition to know them a little more (both inside and outside the platform) give us advice and help to continue growing. And you get a little more motivated.

I will be attentive to follow your showcase, it has caught my attention.

Be well, greetings!

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