Hot contest #06 | Myself

in Hot News Community24 days ago

Hey all steemians across the world. Hope you all are doing well and are enjoying your happy lives. I am @owulama and I am super excited to participate in this contest titled; Hot contest #06 | Myself.

Thank you so much @fantvwiki for organizing such a beautiful and amazing contest🤗. May the Almighty God reward you🙏🙏

Introvert or extrovert.


I am an extrovert. I said I am an extrovert because I possess or have an extrovert personality.

I am a kind of a person that loves social life, I usually feel so good each time I spend time with various kind of persons and I enjoys having fun.
I can speak very well in public and you can never be bored each time you are around me.

I have a very good communication skills and I am also very good in conversation initiation, I interact with people very smoothly and I also respond and process information quickly.

In summary, I easily get along with others, I am an adventurous kind of person who loves to explore new things, I love sharing my problems with others in order to get solution and I also love taking on new challenges.

Idealistic or realistic.

I am a realistic kind of person.
I am that kind of person that thinks critically and objectively in terms of decision making process. I love being loyal, honest, and straightforward to people around me and I usually expects same from them in return. But it is so unfortunate that it is not so most atimes.

I am independent, strong and practical minded kind of person. I am a person who knows what I want, how to get it and how to keep it. Lastly, I know my worth!

Clever or careless.

I am a very clever kind of person. I am highly intelligent, I have a special ability understand things eaily and quickly.

I ask a lot of questions when I want to know about something, someone or confused. I love learning new things and also seek knowledge often in order to explore.

I have the ability to acquire knowledge, process it quickly and also works actively with the knowledge to come up and achieve something.

Shy or confident.

I am a confident kind of person. I am known to be a very confident person since from childhood.

All through my primary, secondary and tertiary institutions, I have always been the one representing my school in public speaking, debate, and competitions because of how confident I am.

And recently, I was also selected by my school management to go for a meeting at Lagos with the founder of my school to represent my study center simply because of my confidence. I am not shy and have never been known to be a shy type.

Prioritize feelings or prioritize thoughts.

I often prioritize thoughts than prioritizing feelings...

I have a special ability to manage and prioritize my thoughts rather than feelings. I often organize and evaluate all my thoughts collected in order to enhance the outcome of a better result.

Speak out frankly or better shut up.

I speak out frankly. I am a kind of person that does not pretend or keep quiet when I need to talk about how I feel.

I express myself so freely and frankly with people around me. And I always say the truth not minding what the outcome will be.
Shutting up when you need to speak kills, so I rather speak out frankly than shut up.

Like to joke or not like to joke.


Like to joke. I do not play with my entertainment at all. So any free opportunity or chance I get I use it to either say a joke or read jokes in order to feel excited and not to feel bored.

People are already going through a lot in our world today, so if you take your life too serious and not include a little bit joke to your life you will end up dying of depression. So that is the more reason why I like jokes.

But then it is not every kind of jokes I use to laugh or feel excited about, cause some jokes are not meant to laughed about. I am selective in my jokes.

Thank You All For Stopping By..🙏🙏

I am inviting @saintkelvin17 and @pandora2010 to participate in this contest.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 24 days ago (edited)

It my pleasure 😊 and thank you so much for the upvote 🙏

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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We are the hope!

 23 days ago 

You have said well about yourself and I think we both possess the same quality. Good luck to you.

 23 days ago (edited)

Thank you for stopping by and it is really amazing to know that you possess same qualities with me..🥰

Do have a fantastic day!

 23 days ago 

All this your quality are wife material 100%, you have really written well and this is the kind of characters I am looking for with a better girls.

It very important for a girl to be clever because if she is not clever she will use anyhow and also people will see her as nothing and they will not respect her..

I pray I can drop my entry on this topic, wishing you all the best in this contest friend.

 23 days ago 

Thank you so much for this valuable comment on my post, thanks for taking your time to read through my post 🙏🙏

Please do well by dropping your entry cause I will love to read about you too🥰🥰

Do have a blessed day!

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