President Trump's Speech 02-26-20 - Squirrel Bait's Reaction

in Informationwar4 years ago (edited)

President Trump's Speech 02-26-20 - Squirrel Bait's Reaction

Here is his speech......

(Source: just click the youtube logo on the video - Global News)

The official narrative here in the United States is that the flu is the big threat. How do I know that? Because now the President is saying this. Now, we know that these two viruses are nothing alike. We also know that when this is all said and done the death toll will be much higher than anything the seasonal flu can produce. He knows that too or at least he should. No one in the world quarantines entire cities, builds makeshift hospitals, restricts travel, damages their own economy over an illness less dangerous than the flu. Sorry but again, watch what the governments of the world do and not what they say.

He assured us that our country took immediate action with travel restrictions which we did indeed do. He assured us that we are screening people coming into the country which we know is ineffective due to the fact that one is infectious before having symptoms. We are very ready he said. In fact, we are rated #1 by John Hopkins University and held up a map.

Here is the map he was holding up.....

preparedness map.jpg

Notice at the bottom it is clear it was NOT generated by John Hopkins University. More on that here

and here

Is this factual?

Then Pence took the mic and I think he did a fantastic job. He was much more specific as to how we are preparing and did a better job assuring the American people of Trump's leadership regarding this issue than The President himself. I think he was much more informative and reassuring in general.

Then after all the "risk is low" and "flu is a big deal" and so on the next few speakers tell us it's time to get ready as that "may" change. It's clear they are telling us this very likely will change. Well, we know this too from watching how it starts up and spreads in other countries and how fast it gets out of control to where contact tracing is no longer an option. More on that here....

Untraceable coronavirus clusters emerge outside Asia, worrying health officials - FOX business

The Secretary of Health and Human Services stated that the immediate risk is low but clearly they expect a broader spread at some point. This is clear pretty quick in his speech. He does however do a wonderful job assuring the public that we are preparing for this. He does not touch on whether or not we can expect to see mass quarantining like in China and Italy.

Dr. Schuchat with the CDC lets us know it's time everyone to prepare. ( She confirmed that it spreads the same way as colds and the flu. She recommended taking the same steps we do to prevent the spread of flu to help protect ourselves from COVID19. COVID19 operates a little bit differently in that it is literally covertly infectious but ya know, what else can she say. It's good advice regardless.

Dr. Fauci with the National Institute Of Health ( thinks we will have a prototype vaccine ready for trials in about three months or less. Of course each level of trials takes months. All in all we are still talking the 12-18 months expected. They think this may cycle back around next year so the vaccine is still valuable. So, without a vaccine "the answer to containing is public health measures" though he did not elaborate on that. He also talked about antiviral medication including the new one being tested on patients now called remdesivir. More on that can be found here.....

Trump took questions and assured us once again that "whatever happens, we are totally prepared". He came across confident and convicted at this point. I think he does a better job here now that he's not focused on giving a speech word for word. He does not, at this time, feel more travel restrictions are required regarding S. Korea, Italy, and others. We are "checking people as they come in". Perhaps he realizes there is no point in doing that at this stage in the game. He knows the "checking as people come in" is window dressings. It makes us feel safer and that's it. he knows that. He does mention that China's numbers are leveling off which we know, as does he, is not true. They are building 19 more makeshift hospitals and it's spreading throughout their prisons.

China's Wuhan to build 19 more makeshift hospitals

But, well, ya know, what else can we expect him to say when he's trying to calm the people and the stock market. He needs to help maintain law and order, reduce panic, increase public compliance with authority figures, and so on. That's the real goal here.

He was clearly trying to create a sense of calm given the stock market activity of late. Do you think he did a good job of that?

Someone actually asked my question which is are we planning any mass quarantines like cities or towns as a response to this? (min. = 30:48) He says we do if we need it!!!!! I am back to asking the same question I have been asking. Global power grabs? These quarantines have created more suffering than they are sparing. They don't work. Is this a humanity get in line and bow to our authority moment? Never let a good crisis go to waste. Honestly folks, I worry more about this than the shortages of supplies we can expect and the virus itself. This is why I have get out of the area plans. If my hubby was willing to give up his job, we would already be in isolation in a remote area.

I just want to remind everyone that the number one job of government is to maintain law and order and to continue. Keep that in mind. Be prepared to deal with this on your own.


Catch me on:


Question cropped 2.png

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I agree with your basic skepticism regarding President Trump's statements. We are far beyond 'it's just the flu, bro'. Unfortunately, most people fall into either the Orange Man Bad or the God Emperor Trump camp, so rational skepticism and independent consideration of available facts are going to remain minority views.

Since rational people understand their survival is their responsibility, we are required to consider how official actions will fall short, or wildly exceed, what is necessary and desirable in pandemic prevention and survival. Travel restrictions are like quarantining countries, and we should be doing this without regard to economic concerns for countries - at least - with known community transmission ongoing. Presently, unless we test every individual entering the country multiple times (testing is shown to work ~30% of the time), we cannot ascertain whether or not they are carriers. People can be infectious for a month prior to showing any symptoms, or perhaps even remain asymptomatic indefinitely, yet infectious, like Typhoid Mary.

Quarantine does work to prevent transmission of the infection. It reduces physical social interaction, which is the primary vector for the virus. Brutality as witnessed in China's imposition of quarantine in Wuhan reduces quarantine effectiveness, because it forces people to flee instead of enter quarantine. Other actions we can take as individuals can dramatically reduce transmission, and we should all begin doing them. Dr. James Lyons-Weiler says:

"Overall, if we all act as though we, and everyone we meet, is infected, and do not shake hands,hug or kiss, use the “Ebola elbow bump” to greet (in short, keep your fluids to yourself), don’tshare food or utensils, carry and use tissues, and throw them in the bin (as HMG suggests), wipedown all common public surfaces w/bleach wipes (door knobs, door handles, keypads, elevator buttons,bathroom fixtures, light switches) throughout the day, we can all work together tobring R0 down to below 1.0. And we should do these things anyway during flu season."

Lowering the R0 below 1 stops the spread of the virus.


I agree with you and have to deal with the tribal all in or all out when it comes to The President. More and more people are guided into thinking you are either 100% on board something or 0%. Like anti- and pro vaccination or whatever topic you like. I am very grateful ( though it caused much trouble as a kid) I am mentally free. Perhaps not as free as I could be but free enough to operate independently.

I sure do agree with Dr. James Lyons-Weiler. You know, this mega-city idea is insane......unless the population is drastically reduced. Ah ha!

Anyway, I agree about reducing the R0 factor somehow however I disagree with you regarding quarantines in this case. It may slow things down and perhaps that the only goal to reduce burdens on the healthcare system. I can see that but here's my thinking. Perhaps I need to think it through further. Hence, discussions with folks like you. Here is my thought process on this.....

With no real way to screen the populace and such a long incubation period during which time folks are contagious (now possibly afterwards too for a time- possible double whammy with this thing) any community with community spread has had that spread for at least a month before people ended up in the ER in trouble. Okay so lock down the town or whatever. Well, you would have to lock it down for 24-30 days AFTER the last detected sick individual. Everytime a new case is found, the timer needs to be reset. This is where I see the problem in quarantines so far. To lock an areas down that long creates a SHTF situation. More people will be harmed by that than the virus. Otherwise you would have to lock people in their homes, let those who die do so and those who make it on their own do so, let those who will starve do so, etc for two months. Perhaps that's why China was doing that. In other words, this will only work if you lock them in the city/town or their homes for an extended period of time and walk away. Less cruel to cull them. It's the long incubation period for something as contagious as the flu I see as the reason it doesn't work unless we literally lock hot zones down for extended periods of time while at the same time ending travel between countries and limit travel between region like states creating a huge SHTF situation. Do you see a flaw in my reasoning?

Yet, what to do. Employers want employees to go to work ( nice way to get exposed to this), people want to be able to go to the grocery store (needs employees and customers are contaminating the place), Americans are not accustomed to hardship and complain over simple inconveniences. Our corporations are consumed with greed. This is a bad combo for a serious pandemic. I think that unless one is on a mountain all alone, plan on getting it. Stock up on what you need to survive it. Zinc, vitamin C, and so on. Just get through it.

Your comments regarding forced quarantines aren't incorrect. This is why I strongly recommend quarantining ourselves, for at least 30 days, or longer, depending on continuing spread. We will prepare in advance, and not be surprised. Quarantine will be imposed. It's the most effective means of preventing people from spreading it to each other, and governments will do it, sooner or later.

Best we do it ourselves, and not grant governments that power.


I hear ya my friend. Hubby and I have been talking about him burning his sick and vacation time with that idea in mind. He agreed though that our plans need to be as fluid and flexible as the situation. I have several different plans worked out but yeah, we need to be part of the solution which is limit spread even if we think it is not in the area. We would have no way to know. Walmart shopping is done, LOL! Flu prevention protocols are in place here anyway so no biggie there. Our biggest threat is hubby bringing it home.

This is their big move. Regardless of whether or not this is a CIA false flag psy op it is still happening. Remember, it took China 5 weeks to quarentine 760 million of their own people. Now San Francisco has declared a state of emergency even though no one there has been infected yet. Think about that...

We got 4 to 6 weeks before it gets as bad as China and Italy here. Don't worry about catching the virus but the martial law that is coming as a result. It has already started in San Francisco.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and predict that it will fizzle out here in this country and end up being no big deal. lol.

From what I have seen so far .....nope it's just slow due to the long incubation period and the long illness period. People are sick for 9-11 days before they become severe if they're going to. I really really hope you're right but this is a tool and it's not done working. I'll gladly be wrong on this!!!!

I know all that, that's why I'm going out on a limb. lol. The evidence is so overwhelmingly against me that I decided to make a crazy prediction! But we are also preparing, Mrs. J got onboard.

Ah, got ya. Sorry I should have caught that. LOL

Good. You two need to be a united front and work together. My hubby is accepting the situation more and more as well. Same thing. We need to be able to rely on one another.

Howdy today squirrelbait! I agree that it's best to be on the same page. Most doctor's articles I've read recommend the best supplements to keep our immune systems strong but they say the more danger is from the flu which has killed 18,000 Americans this year.

So they're not sure what the panic is about. But people DO panic and cause supplies to dry up. Then there's those who say the globalists just want scares to take place so they can get everyone used to taking vaccines.

Remember, SHTF comes in many forms. It can come from the REACTION not just the PROBLEM. Sometimes, it's both.

Flu death rate is less than .01% on average per year according the the CDC.
This things is about 2% or so. Huge difference. When it is all said and done, the death toll will be much much higher than the flu and involve a wider age group. This was seen in China. They had more than just the older folks and those with weakened immune systems die. ( See my other posts). The doctors here are listening to the CDC and parroting. They are not looking into anything themselves. As per usual.

We will know more about the actual threat in time. Citizens will be reporting what's happening themselves using their phones just like in China. I am waiting for that to happen. That's when we will know what's really going on with this thing.

I saw those scary videos from China with the dead on the streets and people who just collapsed and we left there. It must be much stronger there right? I agree, we'll know more soon and thanks for the facts!

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