Once upon a time after my puppy died I looked to decipher its everlasting image among the moving white clouds above

in CCS3 days ago (edited)

landscape bike.jpg

Going fishing


A humble abode with a natural moat


A semi-shady roadside tree alongside a swamp


Skyscape contrast


A part of the first heaven's place on earth

The other day as myself together with my loving and selfless parents for my regular dialysis session being in company with my parents to take me ta the dialysis clinic, I had photographed these few things which in my own view is worth valuing and capturing using my old smartphone. I used my phone's "Super resolution" feature which is giving-out a 52 megapixels quality. The only difference that I am seeing is that the said feature has a fixed setting of being all automatic compared the to "Pro" feature where the settings such as the portrait mode where you can adjust the camera on how and what it should focus on, then the exposure time, the ISO settings, the color temperature which you can adjust to make the photos to get either "warm" or "blueish" if you prefer, and then there is the WB settings where you can improve the colors for making the photos achieve better colors by adjusting the more realistic color of white in the photos. Well, sometimes to make it easier I will just leave those setting as they are in automatic mode if I will use the Pro mode. However I would prefer the super resolution mode to get a relatively better and "crispier" photo quality because it shows "processing" after each shot which I assume that the camera is making the photos better-looking. I captured these photos in a fast-moving car but I know that given a better focus on things I could be able to improve such photos in a much better quality and detail. But the lower light is making the contrast look artistic in that way so it still in my opinion a good shot because it does capture the essence of the scene and moment.

I actually have no time to mix and match these camera settings in the "Pro" mode feature because my father is just driving so fast enough that I have no choice but to use now either the main camera shooting in the automatic manner so that I can be able to take more shots per second or the "Super Resolution" features which boasts a 52 megapixels resolution but in also in the fixed automatic setting. It does make a better picture quality but after pressing the button to capture a phot it will take some crucial time to take another shot. You can be able to see what is the Super resolution in these examples of the photos above because the automatic main camera is showing the date when it was captured while the super resolution phot does not show it and I find it weird because now I like all my photos shows the date on when it was taken for validation purposes. Regardless of my photography shots, I still feel that the photos remains to be interesting to look at because they are still pretty as if you have to look at them like a painting and that would already satisfy me because I am only beginning to realize their value like a young lad who had seen and discovered on how it was fascinating to watch a television in the 80's and back. Oh well, you know, kids today are different, they would grow up with Smartphones as their first toys unlike me where I was only able to buy my first Smartphone which I am still using today because it is still working and I am, if you would believe it is newly discovering some of its useful features like the "Gesture" feature where if I were to tap the screen twice in a fast manner, I will make the screen to turn off to sleep and wake-up which I was before struggling with because I have to either press the power button to make it sleep and it sounds easy to do but not for me with weak hands and fingers and the fact that both the volume rockers and the power button happened to get misaligned after my Smartphone technician failed to put the back cover precisely but at least the power button still works but it is difficult to press it anymore unlike before. I was also happy to fix my issue with this Smartphone's fingerprint sensor. I thought that the fault was from this Smartphone but I was thinking, why would a very good phone manufacturer would botch this very important security feature in the first place. Well, little that I knew that I was not really following the instructions of the phone while I am setting-up my fingerprint into it because I was just tapping one of my finger unto the sensor repeatedly until the end and I thought that it was it. But upon trying it again, it just failed me or I should be saying "I failed to follow the instructions. So I tried to set-up my fingerprint again and I am really determined to really make this work. what happened was I followed the next instruction half way in the middle of the set-up where the instruction was telling me to "tap the other regions of that particular finger" so that I can be able to effectively make my finger print read by the fingerprint sensor, and so I tapped the sides and then the top and lower part of my particular finger which I am using and what do you know, I finally nailed it because my Smartphone now can read my fingerprint lie a charm, I never was so happy before because I really had thought that this phone is really dumb but in reality I was the dumb one for not precisely following the instruction on this seven year issue of fingerprint function failure. The important thing is that at least now I know and I will be doing the same for my laptop which I also had the same issue and I am more than sure that it will work as well for me. Furthermore with the gesture feature of this Smartphone, it has this functionality where if you draw a certain letter for example, it will trigger a certain app in your phone which you assigned to open instantly while this phone is on a stand-by or sleep mode. It is really awesome to discover it after all these past seven years coming this month of October when I purchased it a few months after I was able to buy it online because I can already afford it. Well, it is not perfect though because only one out of five apps which I had assigned would get opened which is the camera. All the letters to choose from for assigning the apps which I want to open are all predetermined so I just have to allocate one app for each drawing gesture of those letters on the screen of this Smartphone. Now I also have the option to turn most of them off because it causes the camera app not to close after opening it with the letter gesture for it on my phone so I just decided this particular letter to be the main gesture so that I will not have anymore problem it after using it or after taking photos instantly. I have yet to see where the problem lies and it will take some time for trial and error to solve it but if I will not be able to correct the supposed error, I will just let it as the way it is but of course it will be awesome to have all the letter gestures to function accordingly because it is just useful when you need it at a certain point in time rather than taking extra steps to do it for your particular need.

I like the "Skyscape" photo above if you will ask because of the clouds which has its own unique beauty because cloud formations maybe similar but each formation is unique and tells a lot of story on why they appear like that in the sky. So it is worth taking time to appreciate their beauty and the fact that they play a crucial role in the life below them is what makes clouds useful in giving life below them all over across the land where they have a big role of fashioning how the fate, condition, and situation below them will happen. Once upon a time after my puppy died because of an accident where I placed my puppy below a heavy and big pipe where me and my sister are sitting so that the puppy will get some shade from the sunlight while it was sleeping, the pipe suddenly crashed down while we are sitting on it. It is because the metal pipe is just held by a rock placed on both ends so that we can make it as a seat while me and my siblings are plying in our backyard. While I already forgotten that I placed my puppy below the pipe after the pipe crashed down, I only remembered it after seeing the puppy jerking around until it faded away on my hands and died. I even placed my ear unto its chest to hear its fading heartbeat sound. I couldn't believe that I was the one which caused my puppy to accidentally die and so I cried because of course I was very upset and saddened by that tragedy that I myself had caused. I have no choice but to bury it in our backyard near the small citrus tree. My puppy was one of the offspring of our beloved guard dog named "Puti" or "White" if it would be translated to the English word. Puti will only get pregnant when she would accidentally get to be freed from our backyard, later her belly would get big until she gives birth to more than a dozen puppies at a time. Puti had gotten pregnant several times over the course of her long life.

Days alter after the untimely death of my puppy, I would always remember it while I am alone. I would often think of what she is doing on her afterlife as I believe it back then where animals have their own destination when they also die. There is an instance that I would see my puppy among the cloud formations in the sky and I would point her out to my friends while we lay down on the open and grassy area of our primary school grounds where me and my classmates play while we are on recess time. It is the same area where we would sometimes visit with my friends and my siblings in the weekends if we want to play there and hang-out as if it were a park. Here in my barrio we can roam around and do all sorts of things, like playing or fishing where I myself do not really fish but is always with my eldest brother who is always the main guy who does stuffs and I only watch him do it like even if we would fly kites at the rice fields after rice harvest season where my brother is the only one that makes the Kite and I only watch him do it. Off tot he rice filed we go together with our friends and it really was so fun to see the Kite reach so high up in the sky. The season of flying the Kites would end after the string would accidentally get cut while the Kite is flying so high and it cannot be retrieved anymore. So me and my brother would go home and conclude the Kite-flying season is over and wait for another seasonal games to happen like playing "Tops", "Text" cards, the afore mentioned fishing activity, playing or frolicking at the nearby river's riverbank or swimming in its pristine waters too, but I don't swim myself and never learned it too because my body is weak enough already for doing such activity but my eldest brother who is the only one in my family that could swim as he learned swimming in our river.

As mentioned, when we were kids, our neighborhood was our playground because there are different places where we can go around our Baranggay aside from playing on the street just outside my house is fun enough because there was an abandoned health center in front of our house where we can just hang around and sit on its knee-level concrete fence which I believe was higher once upon a time because the flooring of the health center was much lower compared tot he level of maybe the relatively new road in-front of it. That is why when you enter inside the health center, you will have to step down which is like our own house's flooring level now relative to the raised road level if I would compare it now to the flooring of that abandoned health center which is now had been claimed back and then converted into a house of the son of the person who actually donated it to the barrio. But our barrio's local government later was able to make use of the property beside that reclaimed health center facility to build one of our barrio's Baranggay halls to be the main service hall in our own zone where sometimes the barrio captain with his councilors would convene to talk for some important things that is related for governing our barrio. Now I am also using that Baranggay hall in our zone area of our Barrio as a landmark for leading delivery services to my address when ordering online. It does pay when you are living near a landmark because its easier for the delivery service to locate you and it saves them time and money for calling you when they can't find your exact location considering that it quite makes me panic when people or a certain phone number would call me because it jus triggers my anxiety and so if they do I would just call my mother if we happen to be inside our house and let my mother do the talking since she will be the one to receive my parcel or online orders.

Anyway, now I had grown older but still none the wiser as I am still lacking in knowledge about many things in this life alone considering that there are still many unknown things that humans can never discover and understand within humanity's own lifetime and history, my beliefs and perception about things had changed like believing that animals also goes to heaven but I believe that there are also creatures in heaven, their main purpose is to glorify God but one thing is for sure, even if I would be placed in its lowest of the low parts, it is better than spending micro-seconds in hell. Also, as take more years within my short stay here in this world, I became much animal-lover than ever before and always perceiving their needs just like that of a human needing basic things although animals doesn't complain, they just suck-it all up no matter how things go around for and against them but I will still kill cockroaches that will go outside from their dark enclave with no mercy especially if they would fly around the room although cockroaches turn their dead comrades into small pellets of cockroach poop and a determining factor on how your house is clean.



Sometimes some animals has to live and sometimes they have to die to make us feel much better, that's why

Captured using my Zenfone 4 Max

Camera resolution: 13 and 52 Megapixels (4:3)

Camera Modes: Automatic and Super Resolution

Settings: Fixed Auto

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