I am more than happy to receive cash donations from my church brethren and the provincial social service this week

in CCS26 days ago (edited)


Captured by @cryptopie

Who couldn't be happy who received some donated money but lucky are the one's who gives rather than to receive.

I can only look at some of this cash where I will use it to buy the high-flux dialysis which is just the copay for the said dialyzer because if I will buy it in cash then it will cost me 2,200 PHP and what will be left out I will use for buying fruits which I needed for protecting my intestines against the side effects of using Calcium carbonate which I also needed to use for my bone health too.

So thanks to my dear church brethren for their donations which I really do not want to take for the reason that I should be giving and supporting the church (mcgi.org as the church's website) because our aim is to save souls of people which is more important than helping me in particular because I feel that I am just a deadweight for the church and actually have no use compared to other members which can also support the church via joining the local district church charity work like feeding program where they can volunteer to feed people in the street who like a free breakfast. There are so many charity activities in the church which members can volunteer in providing either donations for such cause or if not they can volunteer to share their manpower, transportation and hauling support, their own free time, etc., so that these charitable events can go forward with much ease.

Meanwhile, my mother also got a call from the social charity service from the provincial capitol where she was told to actually claim her request for financial assistance in my behalf tomorrow, however my loving mother told the officer of the said charity service that if she can go and get it today which she was able to do because of her reason that I will have my dialysis tomorrow at the time of this writing because my mother always go with me along with my father as the one who is driving us to and from the dialysis clinic. Thankfully the officer of the charity service took heed of my mother's request which is why she was able to claim the financial assistance which she filed a few weeks ago.


Captured by @cryptopie

The money envelope says "For sick brother"

So my mother got back home quite happy but the money which she always gets from such government sources always goes for her insisting to helping me with my hospital bills despite of I am telling her to use it for her own needs. However if she would use it solely for our daily needs for example, my father will take it for the maintenance of that gasoline-gobbling car which my sister had made us to use after my brother had taken his car which we are using before as our mode of transport to and from my dialysis clinic but after the diesel prices went pricier than gasoline we used the car that my sister had donated but as mentioned, it is just freaking thirsty for consuming gasoline and in turn adds to our burden of expenses.

We are still paying from our pockets for my regular dialysis treatments because of the copay and the cost of high-flux dialyzer which is not included in the "package" of my Philhealth insurance where I have to replace it two times per month and I have to pay for almost half and for the full price respectively. The reason for that is that my insurance can only pay for one low-flux dialyzer in which if I want the high-flux type then I will have to pay 1,000 PHP and after using it for two weeks I will have to pay full so that I can get one again but with a full price of 2,200 PHP. I pay it together with the copay for every treatment session which is 500 PHP where it all adds up to a heftier financial burden because I needed to get three times of dialysis treatment per week. Most of the money to pay for these would come from me which I am more than happy to pay because I do not have to bother anyone with my financial difficulties and it is a great achievement in my part. I will never survive this long if not for my God-given gift of supporting myself because that is what I prayed for God to happen and now at least I am quite financially free to solve this never-ending expenditures for the rest of my existence in this world. But thank God that my mother is still around and her mere existence is just what I needed to keep myself being motivated because one of my dream goals is to provide her a new house but I think it will come soon God-willing.

Captured using my Zenfone 4 Max X00ID

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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