Food Diary #013 | Ayam Goreng

in CCS10 days ago

Good Evening Everyone

What food did I have earlier as my lunch? Or what dish should I post here as my food diary? That's the question I have every night, and for today, the same as the last one, I will go with Ayam... Or Chicken in English.


I pick Ayam goreng as today diary dish, ayam goreng is fried chicken. There are a lot of type or style on Fried Chicken dish. Not only how they are fried, even the same type of fried chicken will have different taste, I mean the taste can be very different from each other.

ayam goreng 1.jpg

My fried chicken is generic fried chicken which come with Cassava Leaves Curry or we call it gulai daun singkong. This dish is a javanese dish, although the fried chicken is general one because Javanese people have their own Fried Chicken, which is a bit different than this one.

Anyway KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken is a fried chicken too... there are plenty of fried chicken out there, what is your favorite? mind to share it on the comment below, I might appreciate it because it gives me good idea what should I get for tomorrow lunch.

Ok that's all for my Food Diary today. I hope you like it and please feel free to leave any comments below. Thank you for visiting my post and special thanks to theentertainer and visionaer3003 who have been managing our community very well, The Camping Club Steemit CCS.

See you tomorrow!!!

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