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If I were The Principal

Menjadi seorang pemimpin adalah sebuah tanggungjawab yang besar, dimana pun kita berada harus menjadi teladan serta menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi rekan atau pun bawahan kita. Ide serta gagasan terbaik di butuhkan oleh setiap pemimpin, dengan harapan terwujudnya sesuatu yang bermanfaat dan berguna bagi siapa saja.

Being a leader is a great responsibility, wherever we are must be an example and a source of inspiration for our colleagues or subordinates. The best ideas and ideas are needed by every leader, with the hope of realizing something useful and useful for anyone.

Saya adalah seorang guru yang bekerja di salah satu sekolah Negeri di Lhokseumawe, dalam menjalankan segala proses mengajar saya juga harus patuh dan taat terhadap peraturan negara serta kebijakan dari kepala sekolah yang sekaligus pimpinan saya. Hal ini untuk menjamin proses belajar dan mengajar berjalan sesuai dengan yang di harapkan, sehingga segala bentuk harapan dapat tercapai dengan kerjasama yang baik. Namun menjadi kepala sekolah di butuhkan kemampuan lebih, hal ini dibutuhkan untuk dapat mengatur dan menjalankan segala bentuk kebijakan yang bermanfaat. Jika saya menjadi seorang kepala sekolah, kira-kira apa yang bisa saya lakukan, berikut uraiannya :
I am a teacher who works in one of the public schools in Lhokseumawe, in carrying out all teaching processes I must also obey and obey the state regulations and policies of the principal who is also my leader. This is to ensure that the learning and teaching process runs as expected so that all forms of expectations can be achieved with good cooperation. But being a principal requires more ability, it is needed to be able to organize and run all forms of useful policies. If I become a principal, what can I do, here's the description :

Apa yang akan Anda lakukan untuk pertumbuhan sekolah Anda di bidang akademik? - What would you do for the growth of your school in academics?
Di Indonesia agar menjadi kepala sekolah yang baik sebenarnya tidak tidak terlalu sulit, namun proses dalam menentukan kebijakan terkadang banyak terbentur dengan berbagai aturan yang terkadang tumpang tindih. Dari segi Anggaran yang bersumber dari pemerintah terkadang sulit untuk menentukan kebijakan dalam pengembangan akademik, karena setiap anggaran memiliki tempatnya masing-masing.
In Indonesia to be a good principal is not too difficult, but the process of determining the policy sometimes has a lot of bumps with various rules that sometimes overlap. In terms of budgets sourced from the government, it is sometimes difficult to determine policies in academic development, because each budget has its

Photo source comes from my personal photo



Namun cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan mutu Akademik sekolah agar tumbuh dengan baik dibutuhkan jiwa kepemimpinan yang bermutu, artinya kita dapat mengarahkan potensi para guru untuk memberikan program unggulan dari setiap pelajaran yang mereka ajakan. Diluar dari kurikulum yang telah di tentukan oleh pemerintah, para guru juga dapat mengembangkan potensi siswa berdasarkan minta dan bakat mereka. Nantinya berdasarkan minat dan bakat tersebut para siswa akan mendapatkan perhatian lebih dari program unggulan para guru, sesuai dengan Pelajaran yang mereka ajarkan masing-masing.
But the best way to improve the academic quality of the school to grow well requires quality leadership, which means that we can direct the potential of teachers to provide excellent programs from every lesson they invite. Apart from the curriculum that has been determined by the government, teachers can also develop the potential of students based on their requests and talents. Later, based on these interests and talents, students will get more attention from the teachers ' superior programs, according to the lessons they teach each.

Dengan mendorong para guru untuk memiliki program unggulan mereka selain mengajar secara normal sesuai peraturan, peningkatan akademik yang mungkin terlihat dan berkembang dari seluruh siswa dapat tersalurkan dengan baik. Hal ini secara otomatis membuat pertumbuhan yang baik di bidang Akademik, meningkatkan mutu serta lulusan yang berbakat dibidang masing-masing.
By encouraging teachers to have their excellent programs in addition to teaching normally according to regulations, the academic improvement that may be seen and developed by all students can be channeled well. This automatically makes good growth in the academic field, improving the quality and talented graduates in their respective fields.

Kiat apa yang akan Anda berikan kepada para guru tentang pemeliharaan disiplin? - What tips would you give to the teachers regarding the maintenance of descipline?
Sebagai kepala sekolah sudah semestinya terus memberikan motivasi dan arahan kepada para Guru agar dapat berusaha secara bersama-sama menjaga kedisiplinan, ini menjadi hal terpenting agar harapan untuk menciptakan generasi hebat serta meningkatkan mutu pendidikan berjalan dengan baik. Disiplin dapat berupa menaati segala peraturan sekolah, menaati peraturan pemerintah yang berhubungan dengan pendidikan, menaati tugas sebagai pengajar, dan sekaligus memberikan contoh nyata kepada peserta didik tentang pentingnya kedisiplinan dari diri sendiri.
As the principal should continue to provide motivation and direction to the teachers to try to jointly maintain discipline, this is the most important thing so that the hope to create a great generation and improve the quality of Education runs well. Discipline can be in the form of obeying all school regulations, obeying government regulations related to education, obeying duties as a teacher, and at the same time providing real examples to students about the importance of discipline from yourself.

Photo source comes from my personal photo


Kiat memberikan contoh nyata adalah cara terbaik untuk memelihara disiplin di sekolah, yang secara terus menerus dicontohkan oleh kepala sekolah, guru serta para siswa.
Giving concrete examples is the best way to maintain discipline in school, which is constantly exemplified by the principal, teachers, and students.

Apakah menurut Anda olahraga harus dipromosikan di tingkat sekolah? Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan untuk menyemangati olahragawan putra/putri di sekolah Anda? - Do you think sports should be promoted at school level? What would you want to do to encourage the sports boys/girls in your school?
Olahraga merupakan sebuah pelajaran yang terbilang sangat penting di sekolah, minat dan bakat siswa akan tersalurkan dengan pelajaran olahraga. Karakter kuat, disiplin, sportif serta percaya diri menjadi hal positif yang tercipta dengan adanya pelajaran olahraga di sekolah. Oleh sebab itu olahraga menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari sekolah, dengan olahraga proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan akan tumbuh dengan optimal yang meliputi Psikomotorik, fisik, mental serta sosial.
Sport is a lesson that is very important in school, students ' interests and talents will be channeled with sports lessons. Strong character, discipline, sportsmanship, and confidence are positive things that are created by sports lessons at school. Therefore, sports become an integral part of the school, with sports the process of growth and development will grow optimally which includes Psychomotor, physical, mental, and social.

Photo source comes from my personal photo


Kegiatan rutin setiap tahun seperti kompetisi antar siswa akan menjadi hal baik yang mestinya terus dilakukan, agar keinginan untuk berprestasi di bidang olahraga selalu ada dan tersalurkan bagi siswa yang memiliki bakat serta minat di bidang Olahraga.
Routine activities every year such as competitions between students will be a good thing that should continue to be done so that the desire to excel in the field of sports is always there and channeled to students who have talent and interest in sports.

Apa yang Anda lakukan untuk memberikan suasana yang mudah bagi siswa untuk belajar? (perilaku guru dengan siswa).- What do you do to provide the easy atmosphere for students to learn? (Behavior of teachers with students).
Di sekolah tempat saya mengajar diberlakukan semangat kepada para guru dan siswa, agar terus selalu bersama-sama membuat sekolah menjadi tempat nyaman untuk mendapatkan pendidikan. Hal tersebut membuat saya akan terus menerapkan Budaya 7S (senyum, sapa, salam, sopan, santun, semangat, sepenuh hati), budaya ini akan menciptakan suasana indah dan nyaman di sekolah. Hubungan dan interaksi di segala elemen sekolah diharapkan akan berjalan dengan baik bila budaya 7S dapat di terapkan dengan baik, sebagai usaha memberikan suasana yang mudah bagi siswa untuk belajar.
In the school where I teach applied the spirit to the teachers and students, to continue always together to make the school a comfortable place to get an education. It makes me will continue to apply the culture of 7S (smile, say hello, greetings, polite, polite, spirit, wholeheartedly), this culture will create a beautiful and comfortable atmosphere at school. Relationships and interactions in all elements of the school are expected to run well if the 7s culture can be applied properly, in an effort to provide an easy atmosphere for students to learn.

Itulah hal yang dapat saya sampaikan bila saja saya dapat menjadi kepala sekolah, semoga bacaan ini menjadi bacaan yang menarik untuk dibaca. Salam hormat untuk anda semua....
That's what I can say if I can become a principal, hopefully, this reading will be interesting to read. Greetings to all of you...

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 2 years ago 

Greetings my friend @fantvwiki,

Your post about "If I were The Principal" is an interesting take on the responsibilities of leadership. 🤔 Your thoughts on the importance of being a good example and a source of inspiration to others are right on point. 💡 It takes a lot of effort and dedication to be a successful leader and I appreciate your insights.

As a teacher, you already have a good understanding of the challenges that come with being a leader. I can see that you would be a great principal if given the chance. 💪 Your ideas on how to improve the academic growth of your school are also very thoughtful. 👍 By focusing on high-quality leadership and utilizing the potential of your teachers, I'm sure you could achieve great things as a principal. Keep up the good work! 💪🏻

 2 years ago 

Nice to get back to detailed comments from you, your feedback makes this post look useful, thank you for visiting.

 2 years ago 

As a leader, setting a positive example and inspiring others is crucial for creating a positive and productive work environment. It is important to lead by example and demonstrate the behavior and values that you expect from others. Good leadership requires continuous self-reflection and improvement, and I am glad to have been able to share my thoughts on the topic.

 2 years ago 

It is supposed that leaders have great characters to imitate, thank you for reading this post.


I must say you have written really nice words, as you mentioned spirituality is one of the basic thing a teacher should have. Spiritual learning is something when you learn by heart, this behavior really changes the minds of the students.
Also, I liked how you mentioned that smile for a teacher is very important and I would say that a teacher without a smile is more like a person without kindness because while you entered the class and smile at the students they feel happy, encouraging and most of all it show how kind you are towards your students.
Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful points with us.
I wish you all the very best with the contest friend!

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