Steemit Engagement Challenge | S14W4 | Advertisement

in Steem4Bloggers7 months ago
I am here to take part in "Week 04 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 14" in the Steem4Bloggers community.

As a marketing professional advertising is one of my favorite tools so I will not go into the detail but first of all I will invite @josepha, @ridwant, and @patjewell to express their views. I am not in favor of essay-type articles but in this case, I will answer your points as you have asked them.


💹 What are the advantages of advertisement for the growth of the business?

It takes a variety of strategies to make a business successful, especially in today's competitive world. The most effective of these strategies are considered to be advertisements, which contribute a great deal to the success of a company's products. Advertisements provide information about new products and services to the audience. Brand awareness through advertisements helps in building trust among customers.

It also differentiates a business from the competition. Through advertisements, businessmen can make their products appear better than other companies' products, get good exposure among customers, and get their attention. Therefore, adopting an advertising strategy can be a good step to getting good profits in any business.

As we know, in the present time, the business world has become competitive. Everyone wants to overtake their competitors and move ahead, but not everyone gets success. It is essential to have a proper strategy for business success, and the best way to keep your products and services in demand is to advertise them. Therefore the need for advertising in business is increasing and a major portion of the budget is allocated for this particular head.

Advertising plays a big role in a business. Advertising differentiates and creates awareness among consumers about particular products and services in the market.

We have several advertising mediums to convey our advertisement to consumers, like radio, television, newspapers, print media, etc., but today the use of digital advertising is the main source of publicity as it reaches millions at the same time.

𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙙𝙤 𝙬𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙙𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜?

Advertising is used to achieve various goals, and companies select advertising mediums based on those goals. For example, new modern appliances or fashion-related products are advertised more on social sites, which is the best means to reach young customers. Effectively designed advertisements help a business grow.

Advertising can be used to achieve many goals. Advertisements play many roles in taking a business to new heights.

𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙙𝙪𝙘𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨

When a company introduces a new product to the market, customer awareness of that product is essential. We can raise awareness through advertising by focusing the attention of customers on the benefits of products or the solution to a problem. We can use "before and after" photos to prove the claims a company makes about its products and show their effectiveness. Advertising increases brand awareness and builds trust with customers. The biggest advantage of brand awareness is that just by promoting the company's logo and name, it starts giving positive results.

Some companies use advertisements to inform people about the sale of products for a limited period at the time of the offer. The work of conveying information to customers about any special offer or discount becomes possible through advertisements. As a result, customers become eager to make purchases at that particular time, and this directly benefits companies by earning good profits.

💹 What are the most effective ways to advertise a business in your country to gather the attention of people?

We have different forms of advertising in our country to face the increasing competition in the markets. Companies try to show their products are better than the products of other companies through advertisements, so they keep changing their strategies and how they use advertising to show how their products have more benefits or are more effective than competitors' products.

Advertising plays a big role in the success of any business. Investment in advertisements over time helps generate good growth and revenue for the business. However, even a successful advertisement requires repeated exposure to remain effective in markets.


For instance, I have been hearing the advertisements for Colgate since my childhood, and they are still doing it even more aggressively. If they hadn't done it, then their customers would start losing interest in the Colgate brand, and other products would grow in popularity. Therefore, to survive in the markets for a long time, it is necessary to display advertisements repeatedly so that the customers' trust remains in that product and the business flourishes for a better profit.

💹 Select any technology product of any company (it could be anything you want to present) and advertise it just like you are advertising your own company's product.

I am in corporate marketing but in engineering products, which will not sound cool here, so I will go for my second love, travel, for this advertising campaign. I will present a mock advertising campaign that, as a travel company owner, I would launch to attract maximum attention.

I will make a pamphlet and distribute it through hawkers, advertise it on television, and get it published in newspapers. There will be different formats for different media, but the message and pictures will be the same as given below.


Dear Citizens,

As you all know, 21–12 is our favorite travel date, so My City Transport Corporation has decided to take you all on a two-day excursion at a very nominal all-inclusive price to make this number a memorable one. This tour, normally priced at $399 all-inclusive per traveler, is available at a heavily discounted price of $251.00 for singles and $351.00 for couples. We have limited seats, so call immediately to book your seats.

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We have decided to take you to Tidbinbilla and Gibraltar Falls, the famous Forest Reserve, about a 30-minute drive from Central Park. We shall start at 8.30 a.m. sharp on December 21 and reach the Trdbinbillla Tourist Center at 9 a.m.

The Tourist Center in itself is a treat to watch, with many facilities available, including a souvenir and gift shop, coffee, and a sit-in restaurant.

You can gather information and collect our guide map with your booking. Please note that this offer includes the entry fee and all other charges in your package. Incidentally, you have your rooms reserved at the tourist center (single and double occupancy).

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You have a good chance to see Koalas, although bushfires in this area caused a great loss of animal life in this part of the world. Some animals were taken to other places and kept in other zoos and are now brought back, including kangaroos, koalas, and various other species, and of course frogs, and bunnies, that you don't see often. They have a memorial stone for departed souls.

Have a look at "The Great Gibraltar Falls."

You can have an enjoyable time on the walking trail, which is in an absolute circle. That will take you back to where you started your walk. We request you please come back to the tourist center where you will be served lunch at 1 p.m.

And then we shall head to Gibraltar Falls from here, which is one of the most visited places in this part of the world. You can spend a few hours here watching the beauty Mother Nature has provided to this area.

Please come back by 6.30 in the evening to your rooms to gather in the dining hall for a drink and dinner session at 7.30 PM. We are sure you will enjoy the Ritz Band playing some lovely songs and then offering to dance to their tunes. We guarantee it will not be your standard music experience. The great Ritz Band will play Abba’s greatest hits.

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Please take your seat on the buses by 7 AM on 22-12-23 in the morning, as we shall move to the Black Hills for a lifetime experience of the Hot Air Balloon Trip that the City Council has organized, especially for My City Corporation’s request. We shall reach St. Jules White Hall at 8 a.m. for a treat of hot drinks and breakfast before moving to the balloon launch pad.

This will be a great experience sitting in a basket floating over the lake and valley watching other hot air balloons floating all across the city during the City Balloon Trip. This trip of three hours will end at 11.30 AM. We at City Transport Corporation believe that this will be a morning to remember. We shall then take you to the lake for a boat ride. Finally, we shall leave for the city center to finish the tour at 6 p.m.



So what are you waiting for? Call us now and book your seats to avoid disappointment. Remember, we have a limited number of seats.

Please call 6112345678 (9 lines)

Or book online at


I hope you enjoyed reading my humble effort
 7 months ago 

Okay... where can I sign up and pay for this tour?

Well done! You've made it sound like an unforgetable and must-do journey. I can see why traveling is so close to your heart.

You are right; advertising for all businesses is important.

Good luck with the contest, and thank you for the invitation!

 7 months ago 

You missed the bus ma'am 😄The last date for this trip was 20th December. Now I will come up with my next trip on 30th through 1st December. The last date for booking will be 29th and for you, I have an extra discount of 25%. Hope to see you on my next bus.
Thanks for your kind support!

 7 months ago 

If only I had a magic wand!! (•ิ‿•ิ)

 7 months ago 

Thank you so much for inviting me sir. Advertisement is very important for every business. I wish you best of luck.

 7 months ago 

Thanks and welcome!

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

@dove11, your insightful take on advertising as a marketing professional is commendable. Your clear articulation of the advantages of advertisements for business growth, emphasizing brand differentiation, trust-building, and effective communication, adds valuable perspective. The mention of diverse advertising mediums and the significance of repeated exposure for lasting impact resonates well. Your simulated travel company advertisement is creatively presented, offering a captivating and enticing experience for potential customers. Great contribution to the Steemit Engagement Challenge! 👏🌟

 7 months ago 

Wow, thanks a lot, bro! I guess you yourself have a great knowledge of advertising and how it works, thanks again.

Congratulations! This publication has been supported through the Steemcurator06 account for containing good quality content.
Curated by: @karianaporras

 7 months ago 

Thank you so much @karianaporras, I appreciate your support!

Thanks so much for your participation in this engagement challenge. I am happy to see your post and to know about your perception about the word advertisement that how much you considered that it is impactful as well as I totally agree with you that you can increase your sale and purchase by advertising product of your own choice and at last you are advertising your product in cool way. I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.

 7 months ago 

Thank you bro, I have been in marketing for a long time so I know the importance of marketing. Would you believe that sectors like medicine spend over 50% of their budget on advertising to increase their sales? But that's the hard truth.

 7 months ago 

Greetings friend,

In a competitive market, advertising gives businesses an edge. It helps them stand out from their competitors by highlighting their unique selling points. Whether it's price, quality, or innovation, advertising helps businesses differentiate themselves and attract customers.

 7 months ago 

Thanks for your knowledgeable comment and your support!

 7 months ago 

Hola apreciado amigo ☺️👋🤗

Es impresionante como la publicidad ha venido abarcando gran terreno ayudando a los empresarios a obtener mayores y mejores ganancias y como bien dices es importante que una publicidad sea repetitiva para hacerle saber a todas las personas consumidoras que ese producto está allí que llegó para quedarse y mostrarle los beneficios que pueden obtener si lo obtienen.

Su presentación del folleto haciéndole publicidad a los viajes estuvo muy bien realizada tomando en cuenta que el turismo merece de una gran explicación del viaje a realizar para motivar a las personas a acceder al boleto.

Saludos éxitos y bendiciones 🤗☺️🤗

 7 months ago 

So true, I just can't imagine a business without aggressive advertisement in today's cutthroat competition therefore we need to penetrate our products continuously in consumer minds and we need innovative ways to do that. Thanks for your kind support and words.

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