Art Explained By A Writer: The Ugly Dutchess

in Venezolanos Steem14 days ago (edited)

After the Hurricane - part 1
Two Women - part 2
An Officer Dictating - part 3
The Visit of the Suitor- part 4

A sound behind the door, a problem occurred. What to do, how to make sure no one knows what happened?

Sir, the butler forgot to knock on the door and wait to be allowed to enter and Sir Noble looked shocked. He was roaming through his wife's closet, the woman who had disappeared unnoticed, and worst of all she hadn't left a note behind. He felt annoyed because he wasn't used to falling asleep alone and the nights were long. He also wondered about his underwear. Who would wash his pants and take out the sheets if he had wet the bed?

Did you find her, he barked, it sounded ruder than he intended but at least it had its effect on that noisy, snooping-around butler. Why hadn't she taken that guy along on her journey or wherever she had gone?

No, Sir, that's not why I am here the problem is the painter is on his way, he just sent the messenger who also delivered the needed paint, brushes and...

Yes, yes, I know but why are you bothering me? You could have cancelled the appointment sent those messy things painters use back and told the delivery boy that the Duchess is absent.

In awe, he admired the dress. Why on earth hadn't she taken it with her? It was her favourite outfit. he dove deeper into the closet to search for some proof, it's not that he had something in mind but it should exist.

Sir? What about Quentin Massys?


Quentin Massys the painter and also the friend of those others.

ugly duchess painting.png

The Ugly Duchess (1513) - Quentin Massys

It took longer than expected but after hours of waiting the butler came in and announced the arrival of the Duchess adding that Madame expected him not to speak of Madame's beauty. The painter who was tired of waiting and had already drunk at least two liters of tea nodded in agreement. All he wanted to do was... paint.

Let me in, out of the way, said a voice the sound of it couldn't please the painter and the butler also stepped aside in fright. What the painter saw was not what he would call a beauty and he had great difficulty not to burst out laughing about whatever it was that appeared in his vision. He tried with all his might to keep a straight face which was not easy and the two liters of tea also started to play up. He tried to hold in his laughter and bladder.

The Duchess strode forward and looked disapprovingly at the person who was said to be the best to paint the portrait that would please and impress everyone.

I hear that you are the best in your field, she barked although it sounded more like a he. In amazement or was it horror he looked at whatever it was that had lost all beauty centuries ago Not even if the Duchess had ever looked great, the old guy with the breasts could not please his eyes. He felt anxious about what he saw... how was he supposed to make something that ugly look e?

Duchess? he asked in a trembling voice, I had ...
Yes, yes, yes.. leave all that nonsense behind, I already know your price. What is more important than money is the time you spend on your appearance. As a lady of nobility, it is important that I look good and am not captured on canvas for eternity as an old corpse due to your unskilled hands.

free writing 15 steem(1).jpg

Be quick, pick your painting, and write about it @ibesso @vwrites @fadthalib @jiva34 @el-nailul and @musaddikpase. See here for the contest hosted by @solperez.

Header/Photogrid: Canva
Picture painting: public domain
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Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
Jajaja. Gran esfuerzo tuvo que hacer el pintor Quentin Massys para hacer este retrato, que pasaría a la historia como la "duquesa fea". Creo que en esta obra el pintor quiso demostrar que en la realeza abundan los feos, aunque se vistan con trajes lujosos y exhiban sus pechos sin escúpulo alguno; o, por qué no, demostrar que también hay "duque stransformistas", como el resto de los mortales, jeje.

Siempre es grato leerte. Saludos.

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Quentin lo pasó mal como cualquier pintor. No es fácil hacer que algo feo brille y resulte atractivo. El hecho es que la Duquesa desapareció y el tiempo del pintor debe ser pagado. El agua y el pan son caros en estos días, pero ya que es del Sur (ya has oído el coronel) que siempre una fiesta y, casi no trabajan por lo que en lugar de agua valiosa es el té y litros de cerveza que vierten si no vino una vez un estilo de vida de lujo es bueno para ensordecer los oídos y matar el sentido común matando el cerebro. Quentin tiene algo planeado ese tipo con el aspecto del Rey Carlos, o es Camilla o Von der Leyen, es el sustituto de la verdadera Duquesa ya que por muchas penurias el espectáculo debe continuar. Pero en serio, ¡ese pintor es malo! Podría haber transformado fácilmente al tipo en una joven atractiva, igual que Leonardo creó la Mona Lisa, que no está completa porque no sabía cómo eran las cejas femeninas... Si no afeitadas.


Quentin had a hard time just like any painter. It isn't easy to make something ugly shine and attractive. The fact is the Duchess disappeared and the painter's time should be paid for. Water and bread are expensive these days but since he's from the South (you heard the colonel) they always a party and, hardly work so instead of valuable water it's tea and litres of beer they pour if not wine once a luxury lifestyle is good to deafen ears and kill the common sense by killing the brain. Quentin has something planned that guy with the looks of King Charles, or is it Camilla or Von der Leyen, is the stand-in for the real Duchess since no matter how many hardships the show must go on. But seriously, that painter is bad! He could have easily changed the guy into a young attractive lady just like Leonardo created the Mona Lisa which isn't complete because he didn't know what female eyebrows look like... If not shaved off.

Jajaja. La pregunta que me hago es: ¿Le pagarían a Quentin por haber realizado esta obra? Pues, para como la tituló: "La duquesa fea", jeje.

Good question I think he kept it 🤣

Over the top!!!

Thank you! You won't believe this but most of these entries I write around midnight, this one lasted two hours longer. I had a hard time to stay awake so typed the biggest part with closed eyes, dozing off while the picture of this guy plagued my brain and the questions remained "Where is the wife, what about all those painters but also after all those teas _where is the bathroom? _ before Quentin wets his pants and the floor!"

There are two more paintings who knows they explain more, what do you think is the Duchess part of the circus?

Thanks for stopping by.

I think the artist is also making a "political" statement. Like here in the US when they make a cartoon of a president like Nixon with a very very long nose.

Oh you mean the nickname of Rutte... the PM we had before the head of the Secret Service took his place...
Friendly picture, good for a laugh.

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Thank you @el-nailul how do you feel? Did you sleep well? Don't worry the Duchess is fake but that dress is great isn't it 😁

I feel a little bit better now....but after all the story is good, I saw the dress and it looked like an ugly version of Maleficent. it makes me laugh out loud.

Malificent? She is a beauty!

Besides I wear those dresses too

Incredible creativity from you, it really is a very risky story that made me laugh hahaha.

It's good to hear it made you laugh. Honestly, I had no idea what I was looking at.

Impressive. Although sometimes the muse visits us in the middle of sleep. Hahaha

What a fascinating interpretation, Kitty. The relationship between art and writing is described through an intriguing story. The idea of exploring the emotions and insecurities of the characters, like the nobleman who worries about his image and the Duchess’s portrait, shows how art can, in this case, reflect human anxieties. You subtly convey a critique of superficiality and social expectations, as only you can, in such an engaging way, highlighting the tension between appearance and reality.


Does this mean you like what I wrote? Do you like me more or the painter since you draw...

For now I take the sunflower and the heart ♥️🌻

I think the nobleman worries more about where his wife is and who will help him and next he decides to keep up appearances and pretend he is the dutchess. Afterall a painter can make everyone look better... 🤔... Just this painter did a bed job 🤣

I certainly don’t presume to consider myself a painter; I just doodle, so my admiration is directed toward the author. 🤗

You are, I will lift you a bit but not too long.. I didn't come to eating the past days except for cheese. Iwoke up thought it's weekend, how can it be Wednesday? The time machine is broken! Come here let's h....

When is the doodling done 😍

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