Whoever That Said "Fear + Manipulation + Domination = Witchcraft" Is A Superlative Genius

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Credit: Sammy Williams

"Fear, manipulation, and domination are the three ingredients of witchcraft," said someone, emphasizing emphatically, "If these three ingredients of fear, manipulation, and domination are found in any situation, then that's a witchcraft."

I heard of this formulaic expression from two different speakers. They said it in different words yet the core message is essentially one and the same. Isn't this knowledge super useful? When it comes to having to decode complex human relationships?

We human beings tend to instill fear in other fellow human beings when doing so has benefits in our sight. We invent a fear when there's none. We'd then go on to prescribe the solution for that fear. The solution says, "You, you, and you, do my will!".

Credit: Alexandru Acea

Our unregenerated hearts desire to have people and situations subjected to our will. For that objective of dominating over people and situations, we resort to the witchcraft. We resort to dominating over others through the use of fear and manipulation. That's our craft. That's the craft of the fallen humanity.

Jeremiah 17:9 reads, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" The Jeremiah verse pops up in my mind when others say, "Follow your heart!".

The real solution lies in giving our heart over to the one who will cleanse it white as snow. "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool," Isaiah 1:18 goes on, giving us the good news of the cleansing we can, through God, receive.

Credit: Justin Luebke

There are two ways before us: the right path Vs. the might path. The RIGHT has to subordinate the MIGHT should we want to have a free society. Whereas the MIGHT has to subordinate the RIGHT should we want to have a tyrannical society. Tyrannical powers practice the "witchcraft" mentioned above. The formulaic expression is therefore – more than anything else – the product of the mind of a superlative genius!


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Thanks and I do beleive people understand these things.

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