Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S3W3 - The Wallets by @temitopef

in SteemitCryptoAcademy2 years ago (edited)

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Good day, Steemians, and I welcome you to my blog once again for the 3rd week of the engagement challenge in this season 3. The Academy has once again given us a very interesting topic to work on and I am very happy to be writing on it today as I talk about wallets.

What are wallets? Why do you think wallets are important? Let's talk about it.

Wallets are pouches that can be made of different materials like leather and many others, they are used to hold our normal conventional currencies, ID cards, ATM cards, small documents, and others. Wallet ensures that the aforementioned materials are properly and securely contained in it. But being a crypto academy contest, wallets have a different meaning.

In the crypto space, wallets are a digital type of wallets that is used to store cryptocurrencies (a form of digital currency) so that it remains unique to the owner at any point in time. Buying and selling of cryptocurrency is directly into or from a crypto wallet which means to buy a crypto asset, you must have a wallet where you will receive it and to sell as well, you must have some in your wallet.

Furthermore, wallets play important role in the safety of our crypto assets to ensure that it cannot be stolen or lost easily. Normal wallets can be lost while walking on the road and once it's lost that's forever especially when it falls into the hand of someone who lacks the integrity to call the numbers that may be on the documents in the wallet.

Wallets in the crypto world can be easily retrievable through different means even when the devices that host them are lost or stolen. They can be retrieved by simply logging in again with passwords into wallets of centralized exchanges or restoring funds using the private keys of the decentralized wallets or other cold wallets. These wallets are of two types which are hot and cold wallets and I will be talking about them below.

  • Hot Wallets: Hot wallets are the types that can also be classified into web or desktop wallets and mobile wallets which are directly installed on our mobile phones or computers and can be accessed anytime.

  • Hot wallets are connected to the internet at all times and make their access easy. Examples of Hot wallets are TronLink, MetaMask, C98, TrustWallet,, and many others.

  • Cold Wallets: Cold wallets are the types that can be classified as hardware wallets, paper wallets, and many others which are used to store cryptocurrencies and are not connected to the internet all the time.

  • Hardware wallets as one under cold wallets can be USB device that stores someone's assets and is only connected to the computer when the owner needs to access the assets. Their examples are, Ledger Nano S, Trezor Model, D'CENT Biometrics Wallet, Secure X, and many others.

    Why do you think wallets are important?
  • Wallets are important because they serve as a component that is used to store our crypto assets which means without them, we cannot own any cryptocurrency.

  • The wallets do not only store the assets but hold the private keys to ensure the safety of a user's stored assets and make them accessible when needed.

  • Wallets are important because they make buying and selling of cryptocurrency possible, to buy means one must have a wallet to store the assets into or to sell must be from a wallet which makes wallets very important.

  • Wallets are used for different types of trading which means without a wallet, a user cannot perform any trade. An example is a wallet for spot trading on Binance which is different from the margin trading wallet on the same exchange (assets can be moved from one to the other). So different types of trading require a wallet.

  • Wallet gives us ownership of assets, we can not save our assets in the cloud without confusion. Wallets give us a unique identity and various ways to control our stored assets.

  • Which wallets do you own? Why did you choose those wallets? Talk about your experience, show screenshots of your wallets

    The wallets I own are hot wallets and they are classified as mobile wallets because I access them from my mobile phone most time. I will be listing the wallets that I own below.

  • TronLink Wallet.
  • Trust Wallet.
  • Steemit Wallet.
  • Binance Wallet.

  • TronLink: TronLink wallet is a wallet type that is built on top of the Tron blockchain and it's the official wallet of the Tron network. Furthermore, it is a Web3.0 type of crypto wallet that has built-in decentralized applications that can be used to connect with other DAPPs for various activities in the crypto space.

    The Screenshots of my TronLink homepage and Voting SR page

    Why I chose TronLink
  • One of the first reasons for chosing TronLink is because it's the official wallet of the Tron blockchain, so I trust it so much.

  • It's a Web3.0 wallet that allows me to visit other DAPPs for the exchange of TRC-20 assets, provide liquidity, stake assets to mine other cryptos, and many others, through its built-in DAPP.

  • It's easy to use. It has quick swap and exchange functionality. Also, I can easily stake or freeze my TRX to gain more voting power to vote for super representatives on the Tron network.

  • It provides one with many earning opportunities in one App that can be used to access other platforms where I can earn passive income on my assets.

  • Trust Wallet: Trust Wallet is also a Web3.0 wallet, a non-custodian wallet at that, which can be used to store cryptocurrencies across several blockchains, Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, Avalanche and many others, in one wallet. Furthermore, it can be used to store BEP-20 tokens, ERC-20 tokens, and many others, also Non-Fungible tokens (NFTs), it's one of my favorites.

    The Screenshots of my Trust Wallet homepage and quick Swap/exchange interface

    Why I chose Trust Wallet
  • I chose Trust Wallet because it's easy to use and can be used to store cryptocurrencies across several blockchains.

  • It has DAPPs that can be used to access other decentralized platforms for swapping tokens and other passive income activities. I use Trust Wallet to access Pancake Swap DEX many times.

  • It's a non-custodian wallet and that keeps me in total control of my assets stored inside the wallet.

  • Steemit Wallet: Steemit wallet is a non-custodial wallet that is used for the recipient of Steemit curation and author rewards and it is also used to store assets like Steem, SBD and TRX that is integrated to the platform. I started using this wallet when I joined Steemit last year.

    iMarkup_20220802_132057.jpgThe Screenshots of my Steemit Wallet

    Why I chose Steemit Wallet
  • I chose Steemit wallet because it makes it easier for me to receive my rewards on Steemit.

  • Also because it's decentralized it puts me in total control and no one can steal my asset away from me.

  • Furthermore, it helps me to hold Steem power which would give me influence on the Steemit platform, that's why I have been powering up to increase my SP.

  • Binance Wallet: Binance wallet is different from those I have spoken about earlier because it is a centralized wallet of the popular centralized exchange, Binance. It was created in the year 2017 and it has been one of the best in the world with good service. I have many reasons for choosing this exchange's wallet and I will talk about them.

    The Screenshots of my Wallet's overview on Binance and my Spot wallet

    Why I chose Binance Wallet
  • I chose Binance wallet because of its high trading liquidity. The exchange has many cryptos listed and that makes it easy for me to trade my stored assets at any time with enough liquidity.

  • I also chose Binance wallet because of its P2P platform after the government puts an embargo on trading cryptocurrency, this has helped us in Nigeria to easily convert our cryptocurrencies in the Binance wallet into fiat currency and I can also buy cryptocurrency easily through this method.

  • Furthermore, I chose Binance wallet because of its different trading methods. If I don't have enough money to trade, I can use leverage trading on the platform to magnify my positions (long or short) and earn more profits into my wallet.

  • Have you suffered any theft in any of your wallets? Tell us about your experience, what do you do to protect your cryptocurrencies?

    This is one occurrence I don't want to experience in the crypto space, that is theft. I have lost so much money in trading and holding some assets but fortunately for me, I have never experience theft before, and with this, I don't have any experience to share about the theft of my cryptocurrency assets in any of my wallets so far but I will be talking about some of the ways I protect my cryptocurrency assets in the wallet.

    How I Protect my Assets in my Centralized Wallets
  • First of all, I ensure I use a very strong password for my centralized exchange wallets which includes letters (capital and small letters), numbers, and characters, which will be hard for anyone to get or guess and I don't repeat the same password for other crypto exchanges.

  • I don't reveal my password to anyone not even my mom, sister, or colleagues at work and I add an extra App lock to prevent entry into the wallet should in case anyone borrows my phone at my workplace.

  • I don't click on untrusted links to avoid being a victim of hacking attacks.

  • I enable 2-Factor Authentication (2-FA) on my account which includes authentication through, email address, text message, Google authenticator, and Security key authentication to ensure extra security for my activities like withdrawal, setup and others.
  • iMarkup_20220802_161418.jpg
    Security on Binance

    How I Protect my Assets in my Non-Custodial Wallets
  • When creating my wallet, I made sure that I backup my wallet's seed phrase or private keys offline. These keys are written on paper offline in a place only me have access to because if anyone gains access to my keys then he or she might take over my account. My keys are kept to me alone and on no account would it be shared with anyone.

  • Furthermore, I avoid clicking random links and only visit websites I trusted and ensure I'm visiting the correct address.

  • I also diversify my assets into different wallets so that when a mistake happens and a wallet of mine is hacked, assets in others will be kept safe.

  • Do you prefer hot wallets or cold wallets, give your opinion about

    At the beginning of my entry today, I have explained what hot and cold wallets are with their examples but in this section, we are expected to show the one we preferred which I will be doing just that. Once again, Hot wallets are the types that are connected to the internet at all times and examples are Mobile wallets or web wallets like Trust Wallet, C98, TronLink, Metamask, and many others.

    Furthermore, cold wallets are the types that are based offline to store crypto assets in a way that it's only connected to hosting devices when needed, examples of them are Ledger Nano X, Trezor, and many others. In terms of security, cold wallets are better because they are only connected when needed while hot wallets are more susceptible to hacks because they are connected to the internet at all times.

    My choice out of the two will be based on my experience, I have not been able to use a cold wallet before because its initial investment is costly, I checked one today and it is around 98,000 Naira that is equivalent to 600 Steem. So after all, I prefer hot wallets.

    Why I prefer Hot Wallets
  • Cheap Initial Investment: The initial investment of a cold wallet is cheap and only involves downloading the App or extension, this makes it suitable for everyone and I love it for that.

  • Accessibility: My accessibility to my assets stored in the hot wallets is very easy as I can take a look at my holdings anywhere and any time of the day without needing an extra device to do that, only Internet is okay.

  • Ease of Exchange: Hot wallets make it easy for me to easily exchange my assets using the swap functionality of the wallets or other marketplaces as the case may be.

  • Sufficient Liquidity: With the use of hot wallets, I can take advantage of enough liquidities for my trades because I have the option to choose from many trading methods that are not present in cold wallets.

  • Conclusion

    Wallets are very important in the crypto space because without them a lot of things are not possible, if we don't have a place to store our cryptos how are we going to trade them? This is why wallets serve as the storage place for our assets so that we can perform many transactions. I prefer hot wallets for ease of accessibility, cheap initial investment, and many others. Many thanks to the @crypto-academy for this awesome topic. This is where I will be stopping for now, thank you so much for reading.

    I invite @samuel20, @yakspeace, and @patjewell to join this contest.


    Thank you for publishing an article in the Crypto Academy community today. We have accessed your article and we present the result of the assessment below

    Verified User
    Plagiarism Free


    • You have discussed Wallets in your own words and have also stated its importance in the crypto industry.
    • You have also discussed the wallet you own and your reason for choosing your preferred wallet.
    • You have discussed your experience with Wallet theft and possible ways to protect your Cryptocurrencies.
    • Finally, you have discussed your opinion on cold and hot wallets.

    Overall, you have done great in this contest. You explanations on wallets are well detailed . Thank you for participating in this contest.


     2 years ago 

    Thank you so much professor for the review.

    Cold wallets are the types that can be classified as hardware wallets, paper wallets, and many others which are used to store cryptocurrencies

    You define cold wallet very well. The best cold wallets are those that are disconnected from the internet, such as an external hard drive or a thumb drive. Cold wallets also make it impossible for hackers to steal your coins because they can't access them.

     2 years ago (edited)

    I'm very happy that you love my explanation. Thanks for stopping by.

    Just like passwords, OTP codes or PINs, private key wallets must also be protected. Because if the codes are leaked to irresponsible people, your crypto assets might disappear. Then, how to keep the private key? First, never share your private key wallet with anyone, including individuals claiming to be from crypto companies, whether they are crypto exchanges, wallets or the issuer of the currency itself. Second, write down the private key on a piece of paper (try not to use it on a cellphone, computer or other electronic device), then store the paper carefully, for example, in a safe, under the bed or any other place that you think is safe.

     2 years ago 

    Your contributions on my post is very good and appreciated. Thanks for stopping by.

    I am very happy.

    Once again a great post!
    You are truly nailing these crypto challenges my friend. Well done!
    Ps. Thank you for the invite. I am coming for you (•ิ‿•ิ)

     2 years ago 

    Yes momma. I can't wait to read your post in this contest. Waiting...

    Haha! It’s a tough one this week 😊


    Wallets are pouches that can be made of different materials like leather and many others, they are used to hold our normal conventional currencies, ID cards, ATM cards, small documents, and others.

    I love the way you start your publication before jumping into the real matters of the day LOL. it caught my attention to actually read your publication.

    I love the measure you have put in place to secure your wallet, Top level. I actually learn from your publication.

     2 years ago 

    Hahaha. I just thought I should begin with the basic knowledge of wallets. Thanks for stopping by.

    You are always delivering , your crypto articles are always top-notch, i initiated 2 step verification on my exchange as well, as this makes it more safer and I get to authorize the transactions myself.

     2 years ago 

    It's good to know that you also authenticate 2-FA on your exchange account, it gives improves the security of our accounts. I have read your post too, you wrote a beautiful post in the contest. Thanks for stopping by.

    Hi @temitopef, very good post.
    For some reason I omitted in my post the fact of placing the binance, Huobi, steemit wallets, which are also wallets, very good that you have placed them.
    There is a huge diversity of options, it is good to read different posts about it, because it allows us to know a little more.
    Thanks for the information

     2 years ago 

    You are right my friend, they are all wallets which allows us to chose any that suits our needs at a particular time. We also learn from each other and I am very happy that you learned more from my post. Thanks for stopping by.

     2 years ago 

    This is one occurrence I don't want to experience in the crypto space, that is theft.

    The same with me. I wouldn’t want to experience theft at all. We’ve already lost so much due to market instability that losing due to theft would be something else.

    That is why I want to understand and start using cold wallets cos of their safety although they’re not easy to use.

     2 years ago 

    Theft has never been a good thing not even in the crypto space. I can't bear to see someone's hard earned money flew away just like that.

     2 years ago 

    Wallets are used for different types of trading which means without a wallet, a user cannot perform any trade.

    Yeah that’s true, future trade has its wallet, spot trade has its wallet and even when translating with P2P a separate wallet is used. Wallets are very important in the crypto space.

    I can easily stake or freeze my TRX to gain more voting power to vote for super representatives on the Tron network.

    This also a reason why I possessed this walle, you can vote for super representative, stake TRX and the highest stake person earn rewards in the Tron-fan-club community.

    I also chose Binance wallet because of its P2P platform after the government puts an embargo on trading cryptocurrency, this has helped us in Nigeria

    The P2P feature has really help me a lot. Oh, I never knew there is a band on trading cryptocurrency in Nigeria. I don’t know if my country government is even away of cryptocurrency.

    I can take advantage of enough liquidities for my trades because I have the option to choose from many trading methods

    Yeah that’s true, we can trade with any crypto pair with hot wallets or even with different trading methods.

    Please find time to visit my post. Good luck..!!

     2 years ago 

    The P2P helped us in my country so much that it was through this method many of us were still able to remain in the crypto space. I have visited your post before. Thanks for sharing on my post.

     2 years ago 

    The P2P has help me a lot too. My pleasure dear.

    A very complete and descriptive post. I like the analogy you make between the meaning of wallet in real life, as a means to carry various documents and paper money, and what it means in the crypto universe.

    Like you, I have never gone through the unpleasant experience of a theft of funds, and I hope it doesn't happen.

    Thanks for sharing this post!

     2 years ago 

    I'm very happy that you have never gone through thefts too in the crypto space, it is something we pray we don't experience. Thanks for stopping by and recognizing my work.

    It was a pleasure!

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