Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S4W3 - Understanding Blockchain Technology In Business And Finance

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Hi, steemians,
It is with great joy that I take part in this week 3 engagement challenge even when I know it's a trial by error. Week after week, I see more intriguing contest themes in the different selected communities for this season's engagement, this week, this distinguished community also present us with a very unique topic as well. With the theme "Understanding Blockchain Technology In Business And Finance". Below is what I have to offer you all, Enjoy!


Blockchain is a technology that’s been around since 2009, but it’s only recently become popular. It’s still not clear what exactly blockchain can do in business and finance, but there are some clear advantages to using this emerging technology.




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A blockchain is said to be a disseminated ledger that records transactions across several computers. It is a list of blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. The blocks can only be added to the blockchain in specific ways, which makes it difficult to tamper with the information contained within them.


A blockchain is a decentralized ledger that stores transactions in blocks. Each block contains a hash of the previous block, which allows it to be linked with other blocks through a chain of blocks. The network of computers running nodes on this chain continuously verify and record each transaction, creating an unchangeable history for each piece of data that gets added to it.

This means that all parties involved in making sure transactions are accurate can do so without needing any centralized authority—they're simply checking each others' work on their computers! This makes it very hard for anyone else (such as banks or governments) to tamper with this process because they would need access from all corners at once; if someone does try breaking into one node, then another node will notice immediately and kick them out before anything happens again!




As a ledger, the blockchain holds records of every transaction ever to have happened on the network. Contrary to banks, however, public blockchains present this evidence open to everyone on the system. This, therefore, means that evidence, information or data about all transactions carried out in a blockchain can be freely accessed from part of the globe, as long as you have an internet connection. Therefore, depending on the various blockchain available, it can be utilised as a means of;

Blockchain can be used to track assets, like cryptocurrency since transaction data stored in public blockchains are available to everyone.

When cryptocurrency payments or transactions are made to a given address in a blockchain, details about that transaction are added to the blockchain.

Each transaction contains the transaction data, the amount of cryptocurrency transferred, the sender’s address, the receiver’s address and the timestamp, also, each transaction is assigned its peculiar transaction ID (TXID). Thus, making it easier to track transactions

The records stored in a blockchain are encrypted. This indicates that only the owner of a record can decrypt it using a public-private key pair.


The advantages of blockchain include;

This can help you know how your money is being spent and where it’s going. You won't have to trust someone else with this information, as it's all stored on the blockchain itself, which means no one else can change or delete anything unless they're permitted by everyone who owns their part of it (aka miners).


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For a blockchain network to work properly, every single user must have access to their copy of the database via their device—which means there will always be an equal amount of power held within each node for things like fraud prevention measures like double spending attacks (where one person spends money twice) not happen!

This also means that if anyone tries stealing something valuable or sensitive through hacking or other means such as malware infection then everyone knows immediately because there's no way around being able to view everything happening at any given time within its entirety without any sort of "glitches" occurring alongside them when attempting




Cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital currency that uses cryptography to regulate its use and generate new coins. It's also the most popular form of cryptocurrency, accounting for more than 80% of all the money invested in cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency is used as a medium of exchange and has no central authority to manage it. Instead, it uses peer-to-peer networks (also known as "blockchain") to verify transactions without involving any third party or centralized server

The first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, which was introduced in 2009 by an individual using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Since then many other cryptocurrencies have been created and released into circulation—some with specific purposes like Litecoin or Dash while others just exist as collectables like Dogecoin or Monero (which both focus on anonymity).




Perhaps no industry sits to profit from incorporating blockchain into its moods of operations more than the Business and Finance Sector.

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Financial establishments operate wholly during business hours, which is mostly five days a week, with Fridays even cut short as it signifies the beginning of the weekend.

This only means if you wish to deposit a check at 6 p.m. (or even by 4 p.m) on Friday, you are most likely to wait till Monday morning (hopefully by 9-10 a.m) to receive that money in your account or even have the chance to deposit the check.

Sometimes, even when you make your deposit during business hours, the transaction still takes time to verify due to the sheer volume of transactions that banks are expected to settle. Whereas Blockchain never sleeps, unless you are out of data or lack internet.

By incorporating blockchain into financial institutions, users/customers can see their transactions being carried out in just a matter of minutes (for as little as 10 minutes). This is virtually the time required to add a new block to a blockchain, regardless of holidays, weekends or the time of day or night. It is virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week even on Christmas day.

With blockchain, banks would also be presented with the chance to exchange funds between establishments more promptly and securely. For example, the settlement and clearing process in the stock exchange industry can take up to three days (or longer, if trading internationally), meaning that the money and shares are frozen for that interval.

Blockchain technology retains the potential to enhance the financial industry for good. The goal of blockchain applications in finance and business is to reduce the cost of transactions, increase security, reduce the time it takes to complete transactions, and make transactions more transparent and trustworthy.

Blockchain is a decentralized ledger that tracks transactions across thousands of computer systems. It's a distributed database system, meaning it's stored on multiple computers and can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection. The records are permanent and cannot be altered without the consent of all parties involved in a transaction.

Blockchains can be public or private, depending on how they're governed—the former being more open-source than its counterpart (and therefore easier to use).




Cryptocurrency is still a very young technology. It has only been around for about ten years, and there are still many unknowns about how it will evolve in the future.

In terms of business and finance, cryptocurrency will continue to grow as more people start using it as a currency or payment method.

Cryptocurrency is also being used for non-monetary purposes such as voting and trading assets on platforms like eToro (a stock exchange). This means that blockchain technology can be applied outside of just banking institutions or government entities—and this makes it even more disruptive than before!

Cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology built on a distributed ledger system.

Blockchain is a type of technology that allows users to make transactions without the need for a third party. Cryptocurrency is a type of currency that is based on blockchain technology. You can think of cryptocurrency as digital money, but it's not regulated by any government or central bank like fiat currencies are.

Blockchain has the potential to become one of the most disruptive technologies ever created because it is so resilient to attacks and hacking attempts.

Blockchain is a decentralized ledger, which means that each block contains only one piece of information. This allows for massive amounts of data to be stored on a single network without being duplicated or stored in more than one place.

In addition to its ability to store large quantities of information securely and efficiently, blockchain technology can also be used as an open-source public record-keeping system—and it's not just limited to financial transactions or other business matters! For example, you might use a blockchain platform like Ethereum or NEO if you want your company's employees (or yourself) to be able to see what they've done while they were working there so they don't have any questions later managing things at some point in time during their career path.

In business and finance, blockchain technology can be used to track assets and securely record transactions with greater accuracy and efficiency than previously possible. A blockchain is a distributed ledger system that maintains a continuously growing list of data records linked using cryptography. Every time something new is added to the chain, it must be verified by all parties before being accepted as legitimate. This prevents tampering or alteration of entries on the ledger without detection.

Blockchains are decentralized systems: no single entity controls them; rather they are controlled collectively by their users through consensus mechanisms such as Proof-of-Work (PoW), Proof-of-Stake (PoS), or Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). They also use encryption techniques such as hashing functions to ensure security against cyberattacks while allowing anyone who has access to read transactions at any point in time during history when they were made available publicly on an open source platform like Ethereum’s network which runs smart contracts written over these ledgers called “DApps”

Blockchain removes the need for intermediaries and third parties to confirm transactions, which increases security while also reducing transaction costs.

The blockchain allows for a distributed ledger that can be used to track assets from one party to another without having to rely on an intermediary like banks or governments. This means that you no longer need an intermediary who might have been hacked or colluded with other parties for your information (such as money) to be transferred securely and quickly.

Cryptocurrencies are a great way to buy goods and pay for services online. You can use them for international payments and make payments without having to go through intermediaries or pay high fees.

Blockchain allows people to bypass banks and financial institutions when transferring money between individuals or businesses, greatly reducing the cost of sending payments internationally. By using blockchain, you can send a payment from one party to another without having to go through a bank or other financial institution for it to be processed. This means less time spent waiting on hold with your bank and more time spent doing what matters most: making money!

Blockchain technology has been around since 2008 but it wasn't until recently that we started seeing more widespread use of this new way of sending money around the world. One reason why this trend is happening now could be because many people have been losing trust in financial institutions over recent years due to scandals such as Wells Fargo's fake account scandal (which occurred in 2016), where employees opened millions more accounts than they were authorized by law; JP Morgan Chase's $2 billion trading loss (2016); Credit Suisse Group AG's €1 billion ($1 billion) fine for helping wealthy investors evade taxes during the housing bubble busting period between 2006-2009 etc.

The ultimate goal of blockchain applications in business and finance is to empower users by removing restrictive barriers that lead to high fees, long wait times, intermediaries, and third-party involvement in transactions.

Blockchain technology can be used to track assets and securely record transactions with greater accuracy and efficiency than previously possible.

Blockchain technology is disrupting business and finance in some good ways.

Blockchain technology is disrupting business and finance. It's a decentralized ledger, which means that it’s shared among thousands of users. The blockchain ledger allows for the secure recording of transactions in an immutable way, so no one can tamper with it or manipulate the data.

Blockchain can be used to track assets and securely record transactions between two parties without needing a third party like a bank or financial institution involved. This makes it ideal for those who want to avoid costly fees associated with traditional banking systems or want better control over their money flows—and even if you don't need blockchain itself (or its related technologies) right now, these ideas may still apply:

Blockchain technology could reduce transaction costs by eliminating middlemen from the equation;

It could also enable faster settlement times at lower fees than traditional systems allow;

And finally, It might even make sense as part of your business strategy if you have something valuable worth protecting against theft!


In conclusion, the future of blockchain technology is very exciting. It will disrupt business and finance in many different ways, but it has the potential to change the way we do business forever.

I wish to invite @kouba01, @patjewell and @preye2, and any other persons who would like to participate too to CLICK HERE for more instructions.


Thank you all for always making out time to go through my work, and I only hope you enjoyed it😉😁. I can never say thank you enough. You are my real MVPs.



My name is Samuel Godgift, but you can call me Sahmie or Big sam, I am from the country of Nigeria 🇳🇬 , born in the year 1995 and I like interesting and unique things/places. So on this beloved platform I will be sharing about photography, sports, traveling and other interesting things.

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NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.


 2 years ago 

Blockchain is a technology that’s been around since 2009,

Actually the concept of blockchain has been around since 1982 but it's true that since 2008 decentralized blockchain has become more popular through satoshi nakamoto.

This only means if you wish to deposit a check at 6 p.m. (or even by 4 p.m) on Friday, you are most likely to wait till Monday morning (hopefully by 9-10 a.m

Yes you have given a practical example and that would clearly help to understand the importance of blockchain in Bussiness .

Good luck

Thank you for your time. It is very much appreciated. Have a nice day.

Thank you for a good post! Not only does it look good, it reads easily and you've shared a lot of information.
What I like most of all for blockchains and finance is the quickness. In finance you don't want to wait. You want it done NOW.
Good luck!
Ps: Thanks for the invite

True, it makes life in the financial world easy, as it not only eliminate the need for third party, it is also 10X faster and available at any time, any day. Thank you ma for your knowledgeable input.

 2 years ago 

Blockchain is broad, and it's technological innovations have spread out way beyond cryptocurrency usecases, as diverse financial sector now prefers using a transparent and decentralized public ledger to run their organisations. Your post is very detailed friend, and I wish you good luck in this contest.

As I write, at some point, I asked myself, is this the reason why no one as attempted this engagement just yet as it seem to be limitless.. The more I wrote, the more the ideas kept coming, but it needed ending at some point, and I it still rings in my head how moderators kept telling me my work is shallow.. I hope this isn't this time around.. Thank you for your time.

Efectivamente amigo, blockchain vino a revolucionar el mundo de los negocios y finanzas e introducirnos en un mundo de grandes ventajas. Si, el mundo criptográfico es volátil y sorpresivo; pero a criterio particular tengo la convicción que tomara cada vez mayor auge en todo el ámbito económico/ financiero y su visión futurista se proyecta solida. Excelente entrada. Exitos!

Wow! I think i just got hit by a truck! Lol 😆 .. Your words of description were amazing, I was moved. Thank you for making out time for a visit.

 2 years ago 

I really appreciated your work for this contest, thank you for this valuable lesson about blockchain apps in business and finance.

Am I much more appreciative of your input and engagement with mine. It means a lot to me as I have in you a new friend. Thank you for your time here and have a wonderful day.

The adoption of Blockchain in business will no doubt improve the security of financial transactions and relevaing nodes the burden of trusting in financial transaction deals.

Truly, we are only been held back by infrastructure and/or computer knowledge among masses to catapult ourselves into a greater financial and business future with blockchain as it deals with financial without stress.. Thank you for dropping by, I really appreciate your show of support.

 2 years ago 

Financial establishments operate wholly during business hours

That is one of the disadvantages of central financial banks which causes a lot of delays in business, but with the blockchain involvement in business, there is no delay as the transaction can be done at any time and anywhere without the need for central authorities.

Good luck with the contest friend.

The involvement of the blockchain Technology in the financial world is very much impressive as there are lots of future of the blockchain technology that could be very beneficial for the financial system.

Cryptocurrency is used as a medium of exchange and has no central authority to manage it. Instead, it uses peer-to-peer networks (also known as "blockchain") to verify transactions without involving any third party or centralized server.

Yes brother, the transactions that are carried out through the cryptocurrency are very much transparent secure and efficient as compared to the other systems.

Thank you for nice explanation. Good luck for the contest.

I am over the moon right now, to have your thoughts on my work.. Am way beyond the limits of the atmosphere.. Thank you senior and have a nice day.

 2 years ago 

Good evening friend,

Cryptocurrency is also being used for non-monetary purposes such as voting and trading assets on platforms like eToro (a stock exchange).

Wow this would be awesome because with such awesome features of a the Blockchain technology the voting of new ideas and executives in organizations would be faster, easier and reliable.

Thank you very much for sharing please check out my post my entry

wishing you success

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