Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S14W6 - Future of cryptocurrenciessteemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy10 months ago

Hello Everyone!

Happy New Year to my Steemain friends how are you all, I hope you are all doing well and enjoy your precious life, I am also fine by the Grace of Almighty Allah. Today, I am glade to take part in the exciting challenge hosted by SteemitCryptoAcademy Community's S14W6 Engagement Challenge Contest. The theme of this engagement challenge is Future of cryptocurrencies " This is very interesting topic all time I participate in this without any further delay so let share my thoughts about Future of cryptocurrencies .

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We know the buzz around cryptoccurrencies is undeniable they are seen asa game changer in tod ay's world and People recoggnize their potetial to swiftly transform someone finncial situation and However, the chal lenge lies in understandinng where to investt and why itsa wise decision.

This week's Steemit Crypto Academy will delvep into the future of cryptoccurrencies and It aims to provided insig hts into naviggating this volatile lands cape safely and Understanding whaat to invest in and whyis crucial to safeeguard our investmment because wh ile these assets offer imense potential, they also cary the risk of subsstantial losses.

The academy will covver various aspects, inclluding the evolving natuure of cryptocurrencies, pottential investment oppor tunities, & strategie to navigate this dyamic market. Ultimate, it seeks to equip participantt with the knowl edge & tools necessaryto make informed decis ions in the everchanging world of cryptocurrencies.

1.- Which cryptocurrencies under $ 1 can have the best performance in 2024?

"Strategic Insights: Identifying Top Potential Cryptocurrencies Under $1 for 2024"

In the vast landsscape of cryptoccurrencies, pinpointing the one with promiising potental demands a keen undesrtanding of variou factor and Selecting theese cryptocurencies involves a meticulous evalluation encompasing the blockchain they operat on, their functionalites, & the inherent qualitis that set them apart.

The aim is to curatee a list of cryptocurencies priced under $1, which are antiicipated to showccase robust performaance in the year 2024 and the primary criteerion for inclsion in this compilationis the practical utility that these coins offfer within the digital ecosysstem & beyond.

Each selection is meticculously analyzed bsaed on its intend purpose & real world applicability and By exammining the underllying technology, the plat form's capabiilities, &the innovative solution they pre sent, these choosen cryptocurencies under $1 emerge as potyential game changers, poised to deli ver noteworthy growth in the up coming year.

This strateegic approach take into acount not only the blockchain they reeside on but alsohow they are posittioned to addres specific induustry needs or rede fine existing norms and the focus rem ains on coins that posess solid fundameentals and a clear utiliity case, aiming to pro vide tangible value & contribute signiificantly to the evolving lands scape of digital assets.

The inteention behind this currated selection is to pr,ovide insight & persspective into cryptocurrencies thatmay be consiidered promising invesstment considering their utiolity driven approach & potential forgrowth in th dynamic & ever evolving reealm of digital currencies.

  • Galactic Games (GALA)
  • Shiba Inu (SHIB)
  • Dogecoin (DOGE)

These coin can do 50x to 100x in 2024

Galactic Games (GALA):

We know Galactic Games Token (GALA) is gaming coin a block-chain base gaming platform where players can earn through game like we are earn steem coin through posting..

Basic info about Gala Coin:

Basic InfoNumber
Top 100 RankNo 83
Market Cap$843.84M
Fully Diluted Market Cap$1.55B
Market Dominance0.0490%
Circulation Supply27.26B GALA
Max Supply50B GALA
Total Supply29.29B GALA
All time High$0.8366
All time Low$0.00015101

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Shiba Inu (SHIB):

We know SHIB is a cryptocurency coin that gaine popularity in the decentalized finance (DeFi) space & It was created as an expeeriment in comunity driven token omics & draws its inspration from the Doge coin and SHIB opeerates on the Ethereum block chain & It's a cryptocurency token that gained attention due to its comunity driven na ture & asociation with the Shiba Inu dog breed, simillar to Doge coin and aims tobe a playfullyet potentially valu able asset and It gaine atte ntion for its low price & large token suply which appaeled to some invesstors looking for highrisk highreward opportuunities in the crypto market and anyinvestment it's esseential to conduct thoro ugh research & consider the inhherent risks be fore investingg in SHIB or anyother cryptocurency.

Basic info about Shiba Inu Coin:

Basic InfoNumber
Top 100 RankNo 17
Market Cap$6.09B
Fully Diluted Market Cap$6.09B
Market Dominance0.3696%
Circulation Supply589.3T SHIB
Total Supply589.54T SHIB
All time High$0.0000884508
All time Low$0.000000000081646

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Dogecoin (DOGE):

Dogecoin is a kind of online monney that start asa fun & silly idea in 2013 and It useed a funy dog picture as its symbool and ev en though it beegan as a joke, lotsof people like it & begn using it and Peopple oftenuse Doge coin to give small rewards to oth ers online, like sayin thanks and It's also good for new bies lea rning about digital monney because it's not very expennsive to buy and as time wenton, Doge coin became poppular & many people sta rted buying & selling goge coin.

Basic info about Dogecoin (DOGE) Coin:

Basic InfoNumber
Top 100 RankNo 10
Market Cap$11.81B
Fully Diluted Market Cap$11.81B
Market Dominance0.7294%
Circulation Supply142.5B DOGE
Total Supply142.5B DOGE
All time High$0.7375666
All time Low$0.0000854743

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Choose a cryptocurrency by its fundamental analysis. Would you recommend buying this cryptocurrency?

Do you know if you want to undersstand if a cryptocurency is a good investmment sothere are something to look att:

What's it for?: Suppose if cryptocurency does some thing speccial or fixes aproblem and If it does, it miight be worth more inthe futuree.

Who's working on it?: When people know behind the cryptocurency are experieenced & trustworthy and If they kep making it beter & telling people aboout it, thats good.

Do many people use it?: If we find out there are lots of people usethis cryptocurency & if there's a big grup of supporter too and More users can maen it will growmore.

Do people want it?: If we check there are many peopple want to buy or use t his cryptocurency and If lots of peopple are intetsted, its price mightnot change to much.

We know better each coin in cryptocurency is diffrent and Some are them like Bitcoin& Ethereum, are popular because they're stroong in these area and be careful Cryptocurency pricescan change lot, andso only spend money you are okay with losing.

Provide the step-by-step to buy the selected cryptocurrency. Show screenshots.
  • First we have to create our Binance trading account,

  • login it when you login you have to seen right up side Deposit option.


  • When you click on Deposit option you have to seen option of P2P trading


When you click on P2P trading option, open a page of buy and sell USDT etc.

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  • After this click on the Green Buy Option.

  • and have to option you change your currency into USDT like I have 15000 thousand change into USDT see in screenshot below.

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  • And then click on BUY USDT option.

  • First you have to transfer your currency to buyer and then click on option below Make Payment

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  • After clicking Make Payment buyer notify and send a payment in the form of USDT to your account.

What is the future of STEEM in 2024? Give your own opinion, you can project the price of STEEM, making your own analysis.

STEEM's coreidea revoloves around intgrating social media & rewarding conttent creator and Its nichefocus sets it ap art fromother cryptocurencies and it continue to ennhance its plat form usabiliity, scalability, & attracts more usersby offering unique featuree, its value could potentiially rise.

The cryptocurency market is incrredibly volatil and STEEM's price can be signiificantly impacted by varrious elements such as invesstor sentiment, reglatory changes, technol ogical advancements, & overall market trend andAny positive or negative changes in the se areas can affect STEEM's price moveements.

A stroong and engaged comunity can positively inflence a cryptocurency's future and STEEM's succes relies on maintainng and expanding its userbase and it managee to retain a comitted community and attr act more users, itmay strenggthen its position inthe market.

STEEM operatee in a space where comppetition is incresing rapidly and Numerous cryptocurencies & platforms are explooring social media inte gration & content rewards and STEEM ne eds to differntiate itself, offerunique advantaages, & continuously inovate to stay aheadin this competitive land scape.

The brooader trends inthe cryptocurency market also affect indivdual cryptocurencies like STEEM and If the over all market experiiences positive gro wth, STEEM might benefitfrom increased investoor interest & enthusiiasm for cryptocurencies as a whole.

Is the future of cryptocurrencies promising? Explain. Show data on the adoption of cryptocurrencies in the world. Give your own opinion.

Cryptocurencies are gradualy gaining acceptancce worldwide and Cryptocurencies have come tostay & looking at how many cryptocurency exchanges & cryptos have faced law suits it is aclear undersstanding that the future of cryptocurrncies is promising more busineses are accepting themas payment, andsome countriees are exploring th eir use in officcial financial ssystems.

The underrlying technlogy of cryptocurencies, blockchain, hasvast potential beynod finance and cryptocurency is become more poppular day by day and Itsapplications in variou industri like health care, supply-chain, & voting systemsare being expllored.

Adoption of cryptocurencies hasbeen increassing steadily qnd While exacct figures can varry & real time datais not availiable to me, seveeral indicators highilight growing aceptance:

Various busineses, from smallretailers to multiinational cor porations, are increeasingly acepting cryptocurencies as payment, show casing wideer adoption.

Cryptocurencies have imense potential to re shape finanace & several other indusstries and challenges like reggulatory un certainty, volatlity, security concserns, & scalablity issues stillneed to be addresed and aditionally, public perc eption & understanding of cryptocurencies play acrucial role intheir wide spread adoption.


Many people sharre the beliief that the up coming Bitcoin hallving will decrase its supply & drive up demaand and this expecctation could leadto more peopple wanting to buy Bitcoin and, creating ahigh demand andthere is a lot of demnd for some thing but notas much sply, the price usually goes up and this event mightcause a bulish trend, which means pricee might rise.

In conclusion, Bitcoin is like the bigg leader inn the world of cryptocurencies and so when Bitcoin does some thing signifcant like this halvingg event, itoften affect the whol crypto market and If Bitcoin' s price goesup after the hallving, it mightbring in a lot of profit f or people inveesting in cryptocurencies and this is one of the reasoons why manypeople see a succesful futurefor cryptocurencies.


Here's my today's engagement challenge, and I hope you enjoy it alot and Thanks a lot for checking out my activities, and I'll see you all in my next post and need your support in the form of comments and vote. Take care of yourselves. Goodbye, my Steemit family.

Thank You So Much For Reading
My Introduction
Best Regards By

SL No.My Invited Steemit Friends

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Your production about the steem Price is really giving us hope that we might see steem price will rise soon.

You have given all the answers very well and fully understandable and I think this is the main aim of the contest.

Your very right Bitcoin is leading rule next coming days.

You are right, Bitcoin is like the big boss in the world of cryptocurrencies. When Bitcoin goes through significant events like the halving, it often has a ripple effect on the entire crypto market. If Bitcoin's price goes up after the halving, it can bring in a lot of profit for people who invest in cryptocurrencies. That's one of the reasons why many people see a successful future for cryptocurrencies. It's like a domino effect.

Thank you so much dear

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

First Thank you so much for the previous invitation here. Your favourite coins here for long term holdings are: Galactic Games (GALA)
Shiba Inu (SHIB)
Dogecoin (DOGE).

Yes I can see these coins have too much potential to multiply our portfolio even UpTo 100x. These are included in my portfolio of holding too. I hope we can see their best performance very soon. I will surely try to participate here in this contest.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

💯⚜2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ This is a manual curation from the @tipu Curation Project.
Also your post was promoted on 🧵"X"🧵 by the account josluds

@tipu curate

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Thank you so much

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Thank you so much

It is good to see that You decided to share about Gala Cryptocurrency. I have been trading Gala from a long time and It is really a good investment. In recent time, We saw a huge dump in the price of gala and It went down to 0.012$ and after that, It went 3x from that price and I beleive that was the bottom of it and It is going to touch 0.06$ level soon.

Good luck for the contest.

Thank you so much @sachin08

Greetings friend, it is nice to know that yiu have chosen three cryptocurrencies that you think have the potential to hit $1 before the end of the year. A good mention of the Galastic games (GALA), Shiba Inu and dogecoin (DOGE). Surprisingly, our almost had all of the well explained and analysed.

The world is gradually accepting cryptocurrency and as so the world of cryptocurrency is seen to have a promising future. Adoption has been on the increase daily and the extended use and application of blockchain in various sectors such as healthcare, supply chain and voting system gives us more reasons why cryptocurrency has a promising future.

The Steem market can be influenced by investors sentiment, market trends and more. This year , a great event will happen which will have impact on the price of Steem making it skyrocket to a very good height.
A historical look in 2020 shows how steem moved from $0.16 to $0.32 immediately after the Bitcoin halving. This year the Bitcoin is happening and we are expectant..

Thanks for sharing and Goodluck

I also participated, have a look

Thank you so much

What an awesome post! Your detailed analysis on the future of cryptocurrencies is both informative and engaging. I appreciate the effort you've put into explaining the potential performance of different cryptocurrencies under $1 in 2024. Your insights on GALA SHIB and DOGE are particularly helpful for someone like me who's exploring investment options.

I love how you've provided step-by-step guidance on purchasing ADA and the screenshots make it super easy to follow. The predictions and analyses for STEEM and the overall future of cryptocurrencies add a nice touch offering a broader perspective.

Wishing you the best of luck

Khu paise pe na raki kana ahhaha

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 68665.88
ETH 2524.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.53