Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S3W1 - The Metaverse by @patjewell

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I was one of those who shook my head when I heard about Facebook and “Meta” . Meta what?

And then the jokes started…

  • My Facebook says “Meta”. How do I change it back?
  • Meta as in "we're totally gonna sell your metadata"

Today I don’t think of Meta or Metaverse as a joke. It is a reality and by taking part in this engagement challenges it is now also a must have!

My understanding of the Metaverse

It is a world, a space full of virtual actuality” where you;

  • Can work, play and interact with others as an avatar
  • Can play with various objects, building etc.
  • Can own assets like a virtual house, cars etc. Those NFT’s we’ve previous learned about, digital assets

The Metaverse is the expansion of the technology for the internet as we know it today.

The term “Metaverse” comes from science fiction. Neal Stephenson wrote in his novel “Snow Crash” in 1982 about a 3D virtual world and he called it Metaverse.

Since then the word Metaverse has been used in many ways to describe different things.

The best way for me is to explain the Metaverse is to look at the difference between the Internet and the Metaverse.

Internet – It is consist of millions of computers and it is “browsed” by its users

The Metavers – It is a “world that you and I can live in”

Of importance is that the Metaverse is not only about virtual experience, crypto currencies and NFT’s allows the Metaverse to become a digital economy as well.


What has the Metaverse aimed to achieve?

For me the main aim is to “connect” people in a safe environment.
That then also the reason why we see things like “hangout spaces” where you can connect with each other virtually.
It can be use by individuals to connect as well as by companies who wants to connect with their employees by using AR (Augmented reality) and VR technology. Think of that virtual meeting between avatars.

The aim is also for people to be “inside”!

Instead of scrolling the internet users will be able to share what they are doing with each other through virtual reality and in real time.
By being inside the world is literally at their feet and all corners of the world can be discovered.

Furthermore it is aimed to allow people to actually be present even if they are not there in real live. Imagine, a front row seat watching your favourite movie or being in the crowd with a Soccer World Cup final by wearing a headset.

Lastly it aims to allow companies to generate new revenue avenues through providing the technology, advertising, NFT’s and more.
Virtual shopping is already happening.


Is Metaverse here fully with us yet?

Nope, not yet but I am pretty sure that developers are planning and writing like that well known duck on the water. Smooth sailing on top but mad paddling at the bottom.

Part of the Metaverse are for sure already with us.

Facebook - July 2021, Mark Zuckerberg promise to rebuild Facebook based on The Metaverse platform. That then also the name change to “Meta”. Subsequently they have sold millions of headgear which will need to interact on the new “Meta”.

Disney – appointed an executive to oversee their Metaverse strategy.

Epic Games – is busy improving their Fortnite game.

I think that right now it is a story that we are telling of how technology and the internet is going to look in the future via virtual reality.

The New York Times describe it as “The metaverse refers to a variety of virtual experiences, environments and assets that gained momentum during the online-everything shift of the pandemic”.

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Technologies that can be utilized to achieve Security, Ownership, and others in the Metaverse and how it is going to be tilized to achieve security and ownership

Metaverse is going to change the world. There are various factors which need to be looked at as far as security. If they fail users will become frustrated and will not play which will defeat the issue.

“Identity management is probably where we’re going to be the most challenged when leveraging technologies associated with the metaverse,” this according to Kayne McGladrey, IEEE Senior Member.

Digital identity is number one!

With the Metaverse so much more personal user information will be available in your profile. Protection of this information is crucial.

  1. Protection against theft
  2. Protection faking of identities
  3. Protection against hacking
  4. Protection against tampering
  5. Protection of ownership
Blockchain → Cryptocurrencies → NFT’s →AR & VR → 3 D → Artificial Intelligence → Data like 5G → Internet of Things → Edge computing

All of these technologies plays a vital role in the development of the Metaverse and the various companies will have to work together to make sure that the user is protected.

As far as security and privacy the two technologies that stood out the most for me were blockchains and AI.


Most of the Metaverse run on blockchain therefor it is for sure the most important technology when it comes to security.

The advantages of blockchains;

  • Create records on a virtual ledger
  • Decentralized database
  • Information is stored in blocks which close when it gets full and allow for
  • the next block to be formed
  • Transactions are irreversible
  • Arrange the data chronologically

Artificial Intelligence (AI) based solutions

AI can be used for security and privacy.

The advantages of AI for security

• Detection of malware
• Can prioritize threats
• Automated actions against threats

The advantages of AI for privacy

• Automated features
• Identifying malware
• Automated action to counter attacks


Gamification developments that look like the Metaverse

Gaming has been around for many years. I am sure most of you can still remember the Super Mario Bros game from Nintendo.

The world of gaming has changed a lot over the recent years as a result of the manner in which technology was developed. Through virtual reality more and more people are “drawn online into the games” .

Players are now experiencing realistic life features.

Some of these games are called pro-Metaverse protocols.

Pokémon Go

Niantic in partnership with Nintendo launched the game in 2016.
The game is a combination of tools and technology. Three core AR functions are powered by the game. Understanding, sharing and Real-time mapping.
This made Pokemon on its release a pro-Metaverse.

They announced in 2021 that they will make 20 million USD available for developing a more “real world feeling”.

“Transforming humanity’s relationship with technology by merging the physical and virtual worlds will require the ideas and perspectives of as many people as possible,” said John Hanke, Founder, and CEO of Niantic.

As a keen Pokémon player I will for sure keep my eyes open for Pokémon Megaverse.

Horizon Worlds

2021 and Facebook (Meta) launched Horizon Worlds on a VR Platform. It is a place where users can hangout and interact with each other like, work meetings, virtual event participation and also playing games.

What I like about Horizon Worlds is that it connects with the older users for example featuring American Idol style contest, film experiences and stand-up comedy.

Currently it uses 3D motion and is played with VR Headsets. They are however busy developing a web based version of Horizon Worlds.

“You don't have … something driving a lot of people to the place, then you run the risk they're not going to get it”. This according to Andrew Bosworth head of Meta Reality Labs.

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The Pros and Cons of Metaverse

Just like with anything in life there are always the pros and the cons. The same with Metaverse.


More immerse digital communicationUser can interact with each other while using avatars while navigating a virtual environment.
The experienceI have watched the kids play their game and I was blown away with the manner in which they were drawn into the games.
Blockchain technologyRunning on a blockchain environment it gives the feeling that it is a safe and secure place which can proof ownership of digital certificates.
Upgrading of social media platformsSocial media platforms like Twitter can now upgrade from 2D to 3D allowing for a virtual face to face interaction.
Noteworthy applications in businessTechnology is creating new opportunities for businesses like digital marketing, advertising opportunities and bringing it to the office as workplace communication.
Creating a virtual economyI suppose as a business women the opportunity for a virtual economy from my point of view is huge from using it in creating shopfronts to trading in crypto currencies and NFT tokens.
Learning and educationTraining can be passive and direct making it a reality, more interactive and far more interesting.


What we need to take in consideration is that in the world of Metaverse you are not playing with buttons and consoles, you are using your body. You are moving around and using evolutionary apparatus.

Technology and digital toolsNot everybody can afford the digital tools required with the result that it exclude the poor communities which will not be able to join or use the benefits.
Privacy and securityInternet usage can be a problem. Privacy and security risks, cyber bullying, misinformation and other cybercrime are so of the main factors and worsen as technology improves.
Fast and reliable internetFibre-base connectivity, wireless network technology, 5G technology and next-generation networks are required.
Social and cultural impactsThe possibilities of changing of human nature
What is human nature?

Distraction – driving with headsets

Addiction – perfect and wonderful world

Overuse – glued to the “screen”, simulator sickness

Forming bad habits – violent activities

At this stage I am not sure if the scale is tipping to the Pros or the Cons.
Do you know?


The future of the Metaverse

Metaverse was “unknown” to most of us. Like I said at the beginning of my post, it was only when Facebook changed the name to “Meta” and announced that they will be investing 10 Billion USD in the development of a Metaverse that the world was made aware of it.

For me the question remains, “Can the Metaverse really be the same as the real world”? I don’t think so.

But if you ask me if there is a future for Metaverse my answer will be “Yes”! I do believe it is here to stay just like blockchains, crypto currencies and NFT’s.

These days even the kids knows about Metaverse and what goes and comes with it and that is what I based my conclusion on, generation Z.

I have seen how my stepson and his friends socially interact with each other in games far more than in real life. Six to eight hours online a day is not enough for them.

They also don’t want to spend their money on buying a soccer ball but would rather buy a new avatar, a piece of land or a weapon.
If there was a digital Nike shop they will walk barefoot and rather buy a pair of Nike’s for their avatar.

Gen Z started a digital culture and if technology doesn’t gain on this they will be losing out. The opportunity for a virtual economy is huge!

After all, you cannot live your life without constantly experiencing something new!


 2 years ago 

Your explanation on this is top-notch as you have seemed to quite understand fully how the metaverse work, Good luck with your entry.

Ah thank you!!!
You make me feel like an expert right now :-)

Great post, resteemed and upvoted on @southernafrica

You have given a detailed explanation of what metaverse is dear sister. I was even carried away when I was reading through thinking that I was playing the virtual game myself.

Thanks for taking your time to give these explainations of all who played roles in developing metaverse. I learned a lot from this entry

My friend.. these crypto geeks is killing me! Gosh, their challenges keeps me busy. But yah, you are not the only one who have learned. I myself is learning a LOT by taking part.
Thank you for your support and reply. 🎕

 2 years ago 

I love how you have explained the Metaverse and its aim to connect us together in the virtual world. This means if I had not met you before, I can still have the chance to meet with you in the Metaverse and travel the world without leaving my room.

I also agree with you on addiction as I wrote about it too, we should be expecting this because people will be addicted and may lose interest in our real world. I really love your entry ma.

Thank you! Your are so kind!
These crypto professors... I cannot help to wonder with what they are going to come up next.
If I had one wish right now I will wish for them to be kind with just one challenge. 😆

 2 years ago 

Wow you’ve written a lot highlighting what Metaverse truly is. It’s true Metaverse has a lot of pros and I agree when you say addiction is a con. Look how we’re already addicted to games and to add this virtual reality, it’s going to be worse.

Now this is true words, "already addicted to games".
I would like to know what is the average screen time is spend on games each day.. That can be interesting.
Thank you for your visit!!

wow. i have been on many things involve in technology but have never come across the metaverse. thanks to this post i now know what it is and what it can do. a virtual world, so dreamy. Great job ma'am

Oh thank you for your kind words.
I knew vrtual reality and meta but I didn’t put the two together🙈 It was only thfough writing this post that I truly understood it.
Never too old to learn 😊

 2 years ago 

El Meta verso es algo realmente interesante que está tomando influencia, sin duda esto será algo revolucionario que abrirá un nuevo nicho de mercado y grandes posibilidades económicas y para mucha gente además de un sinfín de entretenimiento y cosas que aprender al ser algo totalmente nuevo

Thank you for engaging with my post! It is appreciated.

  • a new market niche
  • great economic possibilities
  • endless entertainment
  • things to learn

You've nailed it with these words!

Impressive information dear sis,you have explained all about the great technology of maetaverse.You expalined the pros and cons of metaverse in a good way.

Best of luck for the contest.

Thank you! I've tried!
Gosh, these crypto challenges are not easy :-)
Thank you for reading and engaging with my post. It is appreciated!

 2 years ago 

Snow Crash” in 1982 about a 3D virtual world and he called it Metaverse.

Actually the virtual world that author talks about is because of compulsion as the world outside is mentioned as being dystopic. Metaverse however seems to have come into being with optimistic objectives contrary to novel.

At this stage I am not sure if the scale is tipping to the Pros or the Cons.
Do you know?

I have seen mixed response of people on it .

Thanks for sharing such an informative and detailed post with us.

Hello! Thank you for engaging with my post.
I think sometimes it is best to just.. go with the flow (•ิ‿•ิ)
That is for sure how I feel about the world of crypto.. I don't understand all of it but I go with the flow.
If only I had this attitude when Bitcoin was launched.

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