Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S2W1 - How Cryptocurrency has Shaped the Financial Realm. What is Its Future? by @patjewell

in SteemitCryptoAcademy2 years ago (edited)

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Are you think of booking for that next holiday and you don’t know how? The online travel agency doesn’t take a direct transfer and you don’t have a credit card.

Think no longer as you can now use a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin to pay for that dream holiday


Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency and operates on blockchain technology.

Blockchain technology is a set of blocks which record set of information and transactions;

• Who made the transaction and to whom
• The amount of the trade

The trade is then stored in the form of a digital ledger which is then distributed across the network of computers. This means that the data is replicated and stored on each node across the network which makes it so much safer. The data is then verified and validated by each node after which the process is concluded.

Cryptocurrency was designed as an online method of payment for good or services. This method of payment was introduced in 2013, nearly ten years ago by Satoshi Nakamoto.

The “crypto” stands for “cryptography” which is used to secure the data so that a third party like hackers cannot access it.

Cryptocurrencies are influenced by a lot of people, globally hence that a lot of companies are investing into cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency is changing the finance industry globally. Anyone with an internet connection can trade, borrow or spend money. All that you need to do is to create an account or wallet on any of the cryptocurrencies.

The acceptance of cryptocurrency as another medium of payment is continuing to grow worldwide.

Let’s take a closer look at what makes cryptocurrencies so much different than other conventional currencies.



They say that “less is more” therefore I am going to take a look at the difference between cryptocurrencies and other currencies in a simple manner.

Controls Cryptocurrency Other
Third party appearance
Control external authority
Transactions can bounce/fail
Transfer limit
Account can be hacked
Failure of a server
Low transaction fees
24/7 access
Extra cost for Int. transactions

With the above in mind one can understand why cryptocurrencies are backed by their users, they have faith in this form of payment.

It is also clear that other forms of currencies can become vulnerable over time and I do believe that inflation, theft and hacking will play a big part not even to mention money laundering.



Distinctive innovation can be compared to cars. Today a car is designed with a distinctive innovation like power steering. Tomorrow it will be a standard feature in most cars.

For me there are three distinctive innovations in cryptocurrencies namely;

1. Better control over finance
2. Faster
3. Accessibility

1. Better control over finances

Is this truly an innovation? For sure! I do believe that without third parties consumers can have better control over not only their finances but also the privacy thereof. We have seen that cryptocurrencies offers lower fees s which also results into a cost effective transactions. In today’s economy every cent counts not only when you make a purchase but also when you invest.


On the downside is the price volatility of cryptocurrencies. This can hinder consumers to make that decision to make the move to have better control over their finance. This goes for using cryptocurrencies not only for a payment method but also for an investing avenue.

2. Faster!

People hate waiting whether it is to stand in a cue for a Starbucks coffee or for making an online transaction. One of the best innovations of cryptocurrencies for me is the quick and easy manner in which transactions happens.

The downside is that “Oops”! So easily a transactions can be send to the wrong wallet and there is absolutely no way to reverse nor recover the transaction. If you are not extra careful when using cryptocurrencies as payment method you can lose your money.

3. Accessibility

According to data release by Statista there are currently 6.648 billion smartphone users in the world. This means that 83.72% of the total population is smartphone owners. It is predicted that soon the percentage will reach 90%.

Cryptocurrencies allows these users a way in which they can perform Frictionless, Fast and Furious transactions and the best part, without any human or third party intervention and at a cheaper rate.

Availability of the Internet globally is a problem. With that forgotten passwords, stolen smartphones and accidental loss it can be more difficult to recover.



Problems are part of our everyday life and it is the same with cryptocurrencies. There will always be problems which needs to be addressed.

For some users the price volatility of cryptocurrencies is an appeal as with higher risks comes higher returns.
When we take a closer look at Bitcoin and the history over the years.

The price volatility was due to four main reasons;

1. User and investor sentiments
2. Government and other authority regulations
3. Hype in the media
4. Supply and demand

Solution: Educate! Educate! Educate!

Consumers, investors and governments must be educated. Price volatility is not new. In the 2008 financial crisis we saw the Dow Jones nearly collapsed. Price volatility is also not going to go away.

It is also of importance that cryptocurrencies try and eliminate rapid news cycles which can result into traders moving swiftly in and out of their trades which can cause panic.

Unfortunately there is currently no precise guide to measure crypto volatility.
2008 Financial Crisis. I do believe that as cryptocurrencies grows and develop it will reach maturity which will reduce the volatility.

“Fast” transactions can cause a problem. The only solution to this is to build a method or way in which the identity of receivers can be identified before the transaction is concluded. Is this possible? I have seen that the word never does not exist therefor I am sure that somewhere, somehow, somebody will come up with a solution for;

• Identification
• Reversing of transactions

Solution: Maybe something like a Decred Decentralized Exchange (DEX) with an exchange interface is something which can be adopted and changed.

Accessibility to the Internet is not a problem that crypto currencies can solve. What they can improve is what to do when passwords are lost or forgotten.

Solution: The improvement and innovative drive behind cryptocurrencies is what is going to make the stronger to be stronger and the weak to be weaker.



I am a strong believer of social approach as the “rich and famous” has been followed by billions of year and it will not change.

What the famous has to say of cryptocurrencies can indeed move the markets.

Elon MuskCEO of Tesla“I find that often times the most ironic and entertaining outcome is the most likely. And the most entertaining outcome would be Dogecoin becoming the global new earth currency.”
Warren BuffettCEO of Berkshire Hathaway“They don't reproduce, they can't mail you a check, they can't do anything, and what you hope is that somebody else comes along and pays you more money for them later on, but then that person's got the problem.”
Janet Louise YellenUnited States secretary of the treasury“It’s an extremely inefficient way of conducting transactions, and the amount of energy that’s consumed in processing those transactions is staggering.”
Mark CubanAmerican billionaire entrepreneur"Crypto reminds me of 1995. It's not so much about all the tokens, and all the trading, and all the frenzy that's going around — that reminds me more of the dot-com stock market. What's interesting to me about crypto is the actual networking platforms themselves, and the ability to connect with smart contracts."
In the world of the famous it is for sure that it is the “old bears” who is not in support of cryptocurrencies.

The support of crypto in general comes from the younger generation.
With a young and innovative person like Elon Musk supporting Dgecoin I for sure can see it becoming the first cryptocurrency in “space”.

Cryptocurrencies are here to stay!
Millions of people will still invest in crypto as it is so much easier and faster to invest in than normal stock. For me the investing in crypto and the presenting of cryptocurrency goes hand in hand.

The days of central banks printing money whenever they want to is over and it I clear the cryptocurrencies can play a vital role in the global economy.

A country with a successful cryptocurrency system can for sure be the leaders of the financial arena as early as tomorrow.
In addition, with the right system countries can potentially solve problems they are currently facing like corruption.

As a newbie to the world of crypto I've got one recommendation - Make Crypto Island a reality so that we can ensure the growth or our finance!

“There is no second best Crypto asset” Michael Saylor

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 2 years ago 

You have than well as crypto newbie to bring out this innovative article.
Crypto has a great future, as many countries such as US, Denmark and El Salvador have accepted it as a legal tender.

Awh thank you! It is is sill very much taboo in South Africa but we will not give up hope.
Thank your for reading and engaging with my post. It is appreciated!

 2 years ago 

Sure, you are welcome 🤗

very interesting writeup i have seen today. @patjewell

Thank you my fellow Steemians. These crypto post are not easy for me but I think I’m making progress. Especially when I read a reply like yours.
Thank you!

A country with a successful cryptocurrency system can for sure be the leaders of the financial arena as early as tomorrow.
In addition, with the right system countries can potentially solve problems they are currently facing like corruption.

I agree with you on that but unfortunately some countries like mine still think that cryptocurency is gambling which is absurd.

Recently binance and yellow card were suspended by bank of uganda until further notice in my country.

Most unemployed yourth were catching up but unfortunately they are loosing hope as the country keeps depriving them there right to participate in crypto.
We keep our hands crossed.

Thank you for the excellent write up.


Thank you! I love reading about the current happenings regarding crypto in your county.
It is also very difficult in SA as our government only allow those where there is transparency regarding the earnings.
In other words, they want to tax us on our incomes which is so sad.
Thank you for engaging with my post 🌼

Yes I believe you, crypto is here to stay. It's never late to hop in as a country and as individuals. Massive and global adoption of cryptocurrencies will eliminate counterfeit money.

Nice one mummy 😍

Thank you my child 😊
Your feedback is appreciated!
I truly hope South Africa will change their mindset and “hop” on board 🤞🏻
Miracles do happen, so they say

 2 years ago (edited)

Actually I started having an interest in cryptocurrencies ever since I was about 15 years(that’s still kinda old ) but I was not very much knowledgeable in that area.

A year ago I didn’t have much knowledge but am it’s getting better.

I didn’t know musk had an edge for cryptocurrency, I only knew him as one of the richest in the world but after I started paying more attention to crypto then I realised musk actually loves crypto.

The one who actually surprises me is Buffet. Am surprise for a man like that he hates cryptocurrency so much.

Maybe he has not had the time to sit and look at the world of crypto from a different perspective; maybe he would just fall inlove with it.

Crypto has changed how we see finance and thats for the better. I think for anyone in the world of cryptocurrency right now it’s a big relief when you compare it to the traditional system and I will always choose crypto.

Kindly check you tag as we are in week one of season 2 in the challenge.

First of all, thank you! I owe you a chocolate for that tag🍫 Thank you!

Musk - I don’t know if you know of his childhood growing up in my beloved country. He was always different and innovative. Always stood for those things which people believe will never work. He had to proof them wrong.

Buffet- the older you get the less you want to change. I truly believe that being old school is what influence him

Myself - For many years CFD’s as been the way to do things. It took a lot for me to take to crypto and I’m stll learning. At least I am willing.

Thank you for your great reply!

 2 years ago 

First of all, thank you! I owe you a chocolate for that tag🍫 Thank you!

You are welcome.

For the chocolate I will have to come to South Africa for it 😂

Musk - I don’t know if you know of his childhood growing up in my beloved country.

Oh I see; I haven’t had too much time to look into Musk and his life history. I only like home becomes he loves Crypto even though I think he acts weird most times😂.

Buffet- the older you get the less you want to change. I truly believe that being old school is what influence him

I thinks that’s true.

Myself - For many years CFD’s as been the way to do things. It took a lot for me to take to crypto and I’m stll learning. At least I am willing.

That’s really great to hear. At least you are willing to learn and that just great.

I really enjoyed reading your post.

It warms my heart that you enjoy reading my post. Thank you!

Yes I believe you, crypto is here to stay. It's never late to hop in as a country and as individuals. Massive and global adoption of cryptocurrencies will eliminate counterfeit money.

Nice one mummy 😍

Let’s go for it!! 💪🏻

 2 years ago (edited)
  1. Faster!
    People hate waiting whether it is to stand in a cue for a Starbucks coffee or for making an online transaction. One of the best innovations of cryptocurrencies for me is the quick and easy manner in which transactions happens.

The fastest transaction with a low price is a great invention of cryptocurrency. We can now send money from one place to another in less time with the help of cryptocurrency. Crypto money is also a safe money. Thanks for sharing an informative article with us.


There are in fact so many innovative factors about Steemit that one can write more than 1 post.
I witness my husband the other day doing a transaction and I changed my mind from complicated to fast 😊

Thsnk you for engaging with my post!

I do believe that without third parties consumers can have better control over not only their finances but also the privacy thereof.

Yeah this eventually the desire of every individual having total control over their finance without waiting for authorization of a third-party to make a successful transaction.

You have done justice to this topic so far..

Good luck

Thank you for reading and the kind words.
I suppose we must not give up but keep fingers cross for governments to wake up.
I doubt however that they will as they need control over incomes for taxation.

 2 years ago 

It can only be cryptocurrency, I believe with time it will be generally used As a medium of exchange.
It just a matter of time
Best wishes

It will be great! Here by us not even Starbucks wants to accept a digital payment. To date I haven’t found one shop who does.
Thank you for your visit 🌼

 2 years ago 

I saw a user post that Steem is accepted in Austria as a medium of exchange on some places

Oh wow! That’s what we need, countries joining one by one.

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