in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


Hello everyone,

I’m Chamodi Nayanathara from Sri Lanka. I have completed my Bachelor’s degree in Information and Communication Technology in 2018 at University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. I have successfully completed an Advanced Diploma in Computer Science and Data Security in 2020 at University of Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka. From the time I started my higher studies I developed my knowledge of Distributed Systems, Cryptography, Networking and Data structures. Currently I’m following a Bachelor’s Degree in B. Tech at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology.

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In 2018 my husband started trading with Binance exchange. I had a keen interest in trading as my husband did it. I wanted to learn about trading and my husband taught me everything in trading as he is an expert by now. I engaged in Binance Trading by the end of December 2018 after gathering knowledge and experience in trading. I was used to gain continuous profits from trading. That is because I had the ability to identify the accurate price trends of assets and grab profits. There were instances where I got lost when I was demo trading. But my knowledge of understanding the price trends by using indicators and strategies like moving averages, RSI, Stochastic Oscillator , Fibonacci retracements and many more.

Here are some demonstrations done by me using different indicators and strategies.

Then in 2021 April I joined the steemit platform which was much familiar for me. My first goal was to complete all my achievement tasks and be a pro new comer. I could do it within two months of joining the platform. That helped me to have deeper understanding about the platform. I joined the crypto academy for the Beginners Introductory courses. Even though I had enough knowledge to work with academy posts I didn’t have enough eligibility to take part in the courses. Then I could join the Six Introductory courses for beginners. Then I could join the Crypto Academy season 3 courses. It was a turning point of my life because I had the ability to use my trading knowledge in doing homework posts.

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As I stated above I have completed all my achievement tasks successfully to become more eligible in teaching users about blockchain technology.

Compilation of Achievement Tasks

Currently I’m holding the designation of Greeter Fairy in the newcomer’s community. I think I would produce new courses with the help of my knowledge that I have gained from my B.Tech Bachelor’s Degree and My BA in Information and Communication Technology.

I’m happy to say that I have already completed all the six introductory courses with high marks. From among 315 steemit users in the Steemit crypto Academy who have engaged in the introductory courses there are less than 50 users who have completed all six Introductory courses and I’m one user among them. This would be a good qualification for me.


Screenshot taken from the comprehensive summary sheet by @sapwood

Then I joined the Steemit Crypto Academy season 3 courses series. During the first 5 weeks I completed all beginners’ level courses. Then gradually I could complete Intermediate and Advanced level courses after being eligible.
From among 16 weekly Beginners’ level courses I have completed 13 courses. From a total of 16 weekly Intermediate courses I have completed 7 courses as I got the eligibility later. After being eligible for the advanced level in the week 8 I could participate for 2 advanced level courses among 16 weekly advanced level courses.

From among 56 weekly courses in the season 3 I have completed 22 courses and I have twice been among the weekly tops.

Screenshot taken from the comprehensive summary sheet by @sapwood

I have a frequency of 9.09% and I hold the 24 position in the winners with high frequency list.

Screenshot taken from the comprehensive summary sheet by @sapwood

In Steemit Crypto Academy season 3, I hold the 14th place in the leader board according to the consolidated score in Beginners Tier.

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Screenshot taken from the comprehensive summary sheet by @sapwood

I think the above factors prove my suitability to become a professor in the steemit crypto academy. I will be available full time on steemit to guide users and I will lead them to have an extreme knowledge about blockchain technology and trading.

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WEEK 1: Introduction to Blockchain Technology.

I think every Student in Steemit CryptoAcademy must have an idea about Blockchain Technology. This blockchain technology is the origin of the most popular coins available today. Also, I hope to introduce more about this blockchain technology as the beginning of my lessons including the following categories.

  • Define Blockchain Technology.
  • How Blockchain Technology works?
  • What are the Properties of Distributed Ledger Technology?
  • Define Advantages of Blockchain Technology.
  • Define Disadvantages of Blockchain Technology.
  • Conclusion.

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WEEK 2: Identify Coins and Tokens

I've noticed that most of people doesn't have an idea about Coins or Tokens. Actually they do not know whether they have coins or tokens. So, I wish to explain the actual difference between Coins or Tokens according to the following categories.

  • What is a Coin?
  • What is a Token?
  • What is the difference between Coins or Tokens?
  • How to find Coins or Tokens?
  • Define Advantages and Disadvantages of Coins.
  • Define Advantages and Disadvantages of Tokens.
  • Conclusion

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WEEK 3: Cryptocurrency Analysis

Before invest on Cryptocurrency, we have to perform a better analyze to our desired Cryptocurrency. Actually, over time, a large number of cryptocurrencies are being created and we must have a better idea to find the correct one. So, I wish to provide adequate knowledge in this regard.

  • Analyze Cryptocurrencies using CoinGecko
  • Identify 3 coins that suitable for investment and provide reasons.
  • Identify 2 coins that not suitable for investment and provide reasons.
  • What Are the Alternative Coins In Cryptocurrency?
  • Define the difference between Alternative Coins Bitcoin.
  • Define the relationship between Alternative Coins to the Bitcoin.
  • Conclusion

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WEEK 4: Cryptocurrency Wallets

We can imagine what this means by the name Wallet. But it is very important to know the difference between a traditional wallet and a Cryptocurrency Wallet. So, I wish to explain the actual difference between traditional wallet and a Cryptocurrency Wallet according to the following categories.

  • What is a Cryptocurrency Wallet?
  • What are the types of Cryptocurrency Wallets?
  • How to Create a Cryptocurrency Wallet?
  • Define TronLink Pro wallet.
  • Create a small Transaction from TronLink Pro wallet to any other desired wallet.
  • Conclusion

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WEEK 5: Cryptocurrency Airdrop

  • What is an Airdrop?
  • Identify ongoing Airdrop using TradingView Platform.
  • How to identify a Good Airdrop Event?
  • How to identify a Fake Airdrop Event?
  • How to participate for an Airdrop Event?
  • Conclusion

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Below I've summarized all the above mentioned lessons in an Organization Chart.


Above image created by me using Adobe PS

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These are some of the Homework posts that I did for the Steemit Crypto Academy season 3.

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I’m so grateful for giving a chance to apply for the designation of Steemit Crypto Academy professor. As I have mentioned above I will make course titles to give my maximum knowledge and dedication to acknowledge crypto academy users with blockchain technology. Thank you for reading my application. Have a nice day.


 3 years ago 

Hi @dilchamo,

I wish you all the best could be a crypto professor. 😊❤

Congratulations! You have been chosen as a professor at SteemCryproAcademy!
Good luck @dilchamo!

 3 years ago 

Congratulations @dilchamo now you are officialy a professor. I know there is alot that you will teach us. Thanks

Of course. And Thank you for the wish.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 67831.26
ETH 3460.55
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72