Cryptoacademy Homework Post week 13 for Crypto Prof @yousafharoonkhan on the topic: Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms. Written by @chinma

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago


Ques 1. Define decentralized and centralized social media platforms and in your words differentiate between Decentralized and Centralized social media platforms.

1a. Decentralized social media platforms are social media platforms that are not controlled by a Central authority i.e there are no persons or organisation controlling the actions of people on the social media platform. An example is steemit. While
Centralized social media platforms are social media platforms that are controlled by a Central authority. This authority mostly organisations control what users post and if they feel that a user is not following their rules, they have the liberty to either suspend the account or cut the person off even without prior notification. An example is Facebook.

1b. Differences between Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms

a. In decentralized social media, there is no Central governing authority while
In Centralized social media, there is a Central governing authority.

b. In decentralized social media platforms like steemit, every user is able to earn just from using the platform while
In Centralized, one has to have traffic on one's page or pay the governing authority to be able to sell adverts.

c. In decentralized social media, one does not need to submit his/her personal information(KYC) before being able to open an account while
In Centralized social media platforms, one's personal information(KYC) is needed before an account can be set up.

d. In decentralized social media platforms, one's personal information is not shared with a third party while
In Centralized social media platforms, users information have been known to be shared with third parties even without them knowing.

e. In decentralized social media platforms, one's account cannot be banned while in Centralized social media platforms, one's account can be banned based on the whims of the governing authority.

f. The decentralized social media platforms is not prone to hacking because each user has a private secured key but centralized social media platforms are prone to hacking.

Ques 2. Which is the future of social media? Decentralized or Centralized?

I think in the future both of them would be relevant but Decentralized social media platforms is the future although it still has a lot of work to do based on customer appeal. However, the fact that one has the liberty to write on his/her heart issues in various communities and earn is definitely a plus for the decentralized social media platforms. I imagine that in the future, a group such as we have on facebook would prefer having an account on steemit where 'likes' for a particular content would be 'upvotes' and not just the group administrator(s) earning but each active member has a stake. In addition, one is not scared that the account would be hacked or shut down or one's information would be shared by a regulating body. The decentralized social media gives one freedom unlike the centralized social media platforms.

Ques 3. How is steemit decentralized social media platform better than Twitter or Facebook?

Steemit decentralized social media is better than Twitter or Facebook in the area of inclusiveness of all users. Anyone can earn on steemit unlike on Twitter or Facebook where only 'influencers' are the ones making money.

Secondly, the possibility of my steemit account being hacked is probably based on my carelessness with my keys unlike Facebook accounts that are hacked per minute.

Thirdly, on steemit, no Central authority that would use my personal information unlike Twitter and Facebook that sells out users personal information to big companies who use it for data analysis and thereafter work on the perception of users from sales of their products to even elections.

Ques 4. How does steemit change the lives of millions of it's users?

Prior to my joining steemit, there is no month I don't borrow money to make ends meet in my family. Funny thing is I am employed but due to the high cost of living in my country, one's meagre salary is barely enough for feeding. I had searched for ways to make additional income and a lot of bad debts had been incurred. Along came steemit. I just have to use my brain and my data that I have hitherto been 'wasting' looking at irrelevant things on other platforms. Funny enough, just this week, my cousin who loans me money most of the time was surprised that I no longer ask for money.

Secondly, my husband also joined steemit and today he is raising a poultry project which he had been planning to do for a long time.

Thirdly, my younger brother who stays with me and is unemployed also joined steemit. He has stopped begging for 'pocket money' to be able to go around while job hunting. He even supports me financially now as regards his feeding.

Fourthly, my cousin who just finished school and is still doing his clearance joined steemit. He has been managing with a semi-bad phone and has been saving up from funds made from steemit to buy a laptop. His money is almost complete. With the laptop, he would be able to better 'steem'.

I hope to also save up and buy a laptop too.
To show how far steemit has changed my life and that of my family, even my dad who is aged 73 asked to join steemit. I do not want to stress him. I rather work and let him enjoy the fruits of his labour.

Ques 5. How can one make money with steemit decentralized social media?

  1. Authors reward: On steemit, when I write a quality content in any community like steemcryptoacademy, steemwomen's club, steemalive, steemfoods, steemchallenge and many other communities, my post is voted upon. I decide whether the payout is 100% Steempower which increases my influence on steemit or 50/50 which is 50% Steem Backed Dollars and 50% Steem power. The Steem Backed Dollars is easily converted to Steem which can be sold in an exchange for Fiat currency.

  2. Curation Rewards: I also make money on steemit when I vote on others post manually or join a curation trail where even when I am asleep, voting can be made on my behalf. On steemit, based on my Steempower, when I vote someone's post, I get half of the rewards. Interesting right? Little by little my curation rewards trickle in and I make my money.

  3. A third option is actually using Fiat currency to buy steem. This is called investing in steem. When I buy steem, I can then power up my steem which then turns to Steem power and use this influence to vote or join a curation trail as mentioned in 2 above.

Ques. 6. How can one create community on steemit?

Step 1. Log in to steemit and Click the steemit icon on the top left hand corner.


Step 2.Click on 'all posts', scroll to the end and click on explore communities.


Step 4. Click on create a community


Step 5. Write the title of the community and what it is about. My community is Steem weight loss and it is about Steemians losing weight by eating healthy and exercise


Step 6. I have been given an owner's name and password. Check the box, and click on create community.


Step 7. To continue and pay 3 steem, click ok.


Special thanks to Prof. @yousafharoonkhan for this very explanatory lecture.

I am a member of steemalive and this is my introductory post

:::Whatsapp :::join trail


Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • in making money steemit , in this area need more information, detail to explore the anwer
  • need more detail to explore the every question 2.4,5
  • every question demand to explore detail related question

hope below information will help to understand this area of earning on steemit that is written by our professor stream4you

As we know the Reward pool on the steem blockchain is 50%-50% which means post payout gets distributed between creator and curator 50%-50%. Here, it is possible that curator will gets its 100% curation which is 50%, but it is also possible that he will get more than it and less that it, but he will definitely get something , so it is false that reward may be awarded to the author and not to you as a voter.

What will happen if you vote before "5 mins age of a post" & after "6 days 12 hrs age of post" in Steem Blockchain?
At the time when the post published the first 5 minutes the curation reward gets increased by 20% after each minute. Like, suppose if the post published at 12 PM, then the curation reward will be as follows for the first 5 minutes.

If you vote after one minute means at 12.01 PM the curation reward will be 20%
If you vote after two minutes means at 12.02 PM the curation reward will be 40%
If you vote after three minutes means at 12.03 PM the curation reward will be 60%
If you vote after four minutes means at 12.04 PM the curation reward will be 80%
If you vote after five minutes means at 12.05 PM the curation reward will be 100%

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade ; 5

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