Crypto Academy Week 7 - Homework Post for [@stream4u] BY Azizulhassan

in SteemitCryptoAcademy4 years ago (edited)
Hello everyone how are you all I hope that you are doing great and amazing in your life I am doing good today I will be doing another homework for  Crypto Academy I talk honest this is my favourite   homework of the week So let's begin

Discussed Money Management.

 I always say half of the answer is always in the question Money management is managing your money  for investment and for living life as well let's suppose that you have $100 and you have to do to many things you have to invest and you have to survive for the month as well and you have to enjoy as well now how will you do it there comes the money management you will manage your money in such a way that you can do all of these things if you don't manage your money you might spend all your money on one thing and then you won't have enough money for the other thing so money management is really important in each and every one's life if you are a traitor or not it doesn't matter if you are poor or rich it doesn't matter money management is important  Money management helps you get richer 

How can you manage your money easily

I am not an expert but I will try my best to explain how can you easily manage your money even if you are earning not that much you will take an example of $100 let's suppose I earn $100 a month Now divide this money into three parts the first part is needs which we will keep 50% it means that we will have to give $50 to our needs what  comes under the needs food clothes  house rent school fee thing  that you need in your life

you know this is the  part 2 to 30% will go to   your wants   now this is my calculation you can keep it  30% or 20% that complete it depends upon you I am just trying to teach you how can you manage  Sona $30 will go to or wants like going to Mcdonalds eating something for fun watching a movie  as we learn in the last lecture this is a risk capital this money will go to  risk capital

now we have 20% left  means that we have got 20 Dollars In My Pocket now this should go to your Investments will the best part about cryptocurrencies is that you can buy very low you do need to invest really hai you can invest that anywhere I am just suggesting that repair currency it completed depends upon you and this is a great way to manage your money

Future plan on your Money Management.

 I am planning to to invest more money me and reduce my I need nowadays most of my money goes to my needs not my wants and not to the investmen  I will try to to put more money   into Investments As I explained I will use that formula and I will try to reduce my wans because I can live without thatSo that's why I will try to invest more money and spend less money on my needs and I don't have as such want so there will be a really big portion going to my investments in the future Inshallah   I will try to build some income sources through my money that I have and that I can do only if I start doing money management I will divide all my income and then I will give a certain percentage to a certain thing

Needs  25%
Want   25%
investment 50%

 this is my future planning for my money

Discussed Portfolio Management, if you have an investment and if it is okay with you then show portfolio and explore it briefly.

Ok so this  is also easy I will try to explain it in my own word I guess that will be really easy for you guys so This is a process in which  we try to know where we should invest how much we should invest and when we should invest this is the easy way Ok so what we do is we try to get more profit and less risk on our investment What we do in this is we try to lower the  as much as we can and at the same time we try to increase for profit as  as much as we can that is the primary objective of  portfolio management   we try not to lose our investment And we can grow our capital And we are more focused on time in this like if you are trading for long term or short-term and we have to see if we are getting  20% profit in one year and at the same time we are getting 10% profit in two months which one we will choose  how these are the things which we manage in portfolio management

Well I will be honest with you guys and no lies currently I don't have any investment going on but soon I will beat in which thing in many reply currencies if I'm being honest these days I am learning you know from last lecture I have learnt a lot and you don't want this lecture I have London or a lot because when I am doing homework I am researching and that is how I know about different things so right now I don't have any investment I hate in past I will be talking about father in the forced but right now I don't have any investment

Future plan on your Portfolio Management.

well I am clear on that I have a simple plan and that is true focus more on the penny cryptocurrencies from the last lecture I got to know about and my plan is to focus on the small capital companies so I will be trying to  focus on that

the second thing is that I will research deeply on each cryptocurrency that I am going to invest in I will be there white paper And I will try to understand if I will get a good reward or not and if this company will be able to sustain in future or not

When was the last investment failed and Why? (those who have experienced this can provide views.)

I don't like talking about it but this is my homework so I will talk about it In July 2019 I had my first investment in cryptocurrencies  and it was BTC well at that time it search $10,000 and then $12,000 and everybody was talking about it at that time I had not that much knowledge about cryptocurrency so so many of my friends were talking about it I bought it   investment was not that big but still it was money that I lost I bought it for life $200 which app to convert that into Pakistani Rupees that will be  30000 rupees 35000 rupees I don't remember exactly January 2nd 2020  when the rate was around about $7,000 I sold it and I lost so much I don't remember the exact figures but I lost more than 50%

experience that I got from that investment

always do you research before investment  Read each and everything about that In which you are going to invest  don't listen to anyone they might not have knowledge about that be patient on whatever your investment is you don't lose until you don't self don't jump into  big capital companies small ones can give you more profit


money management is really important and everyone should learn this skill this is an art and you can't say that I am a doctor and I should not learn it everyone in this world should learn the art of money management it's really important and I will do more research on this topic because I really like it second thing that I really want to talk about is that portfolio management I think this is also really important and everyone in this world should do investments because if you want to be a wealthy person you can't be without investment investing because from job no one has ever become a millionaire

 investment failures I think is really important in life because that is how you learn once you lose something then you know the value of that and this is my personal experience now I try to pay more focus to each and everything and to learn many new thing so that it can help me tomorrow

respected @cryptokannon@steemcurator01 @steemcurator07 and @steemcurator02 to get their support.

with love @azizulhassan


Hi @azizulhassan

Thank you for joining Steemit Crypto Academy and participated in the Homework Task 7.

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Explain well, but we are in Crypto class and discussing on money management in trading and investment of cryptos. Here you could try to explain and show how we should manage money like what do we need to do and what not to do like this.
Looks fine, but try to give own examples, suggestions, own view based on past experiences, after all we learn from experience.

Your Homework task 7 verification has been done by @Stream4u, hope you have enjoyed and learned something new in the 7th course.

Thank You.
Crypto Professors : Steemit Crypto Academy

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