How did I choose my username...? / Wie habe ich meinen Nutzernamen ausgewählt...?

in Dream Steem5 months ago

Deutsch im Anschluß...

How did I choose my username...? Well, this question is quite simple and at the same time hard to answer. Although I may no longer count myself among the called newbies, I am happy to try my hand at this task: thanks to @dove11 for this exciting competition!

@weisser-rabe: when I started my own account on Steem, I didn't think twice about the user name - it had long since become mine.

My real name is Rabe; the English translation would be Raven. The German "weiss" corresponds to the English colour "white". In the combination weisser-rabe / white raven you get exactly what has characterised me for many years...

I have neither a loving relationship nor any contact at all with my family of origin. So to choose a suitable comparison in the animal kingdom and at the same time to perfect the play on words with my name: just as a black sheep is the one in its (predominantly white flock) that somehow - ingloriously - stands out, a white raven in the midst of its black conspecifics is also quite a peculiarity.

So firstly, it's a demarcation from the rest of my family. I am the white one among the black ravens!

White ravens also have various mythological meanings that I can identify with.
For example, they are seen as proclaimers of the dawn of new times, heralds of change. Well, I certainly have a little sense of mission.

weisser-rabe has always been my account name in various online contexts; email addresses, Facebook, Skype,... Recognisable across the board. Unsurprisingly, I named my first company after it. When we set up a foundation soon, the "white raven" will be there too.

I AM a @weisser-rabe!

As such - and as a social phobic - I fly over the big picture at an appropriate distance from everything and everyone and take a benevolent look at life from above.

On the Steem, it felt good to help this existence reach its logical conclusion. So I thank you for your attention and continue to go round in circles... ;-))

The graphic was designed several years ago as a logo for my company presence and at the same time as a tattoo motif. Unfortunately, neither was realised. / Die Grafik wurde vor etlichen Jahren als Logo für meine Firmenpräsenz und gleichzeitig als Tattoo-Motiv entworfen. Beides wurde so leider nicht verwirklicht.

Deutsche Version:

Wie habe ich meinen Nutzernamen ausgewählt…? Nun, diese Frage ist ganz einfach und gleichzeitig kaum wirklich zu beantworten. Obwohl ich mich nicht mehr zu den aufgerufenen Newbies zählen mag, versuche ich mich gerne an dieser Aufgabe: Dank an @dove11 für diesen spannenden Wettbewerb!

@weisser-rabe: als ich auf dem Steem mit einem eigenen Account angefangen habe, dachte ich nicht lange nach über den Nutzernamen – er gehörte längst zu mir.

Mein Klarname lautet Rabe; in der englischen Übersetzung wäre das Raven. Das deutsche „weiss“ entspricht der englischen Farbe „white“. In der Kombination weisser-rabe / white raven erhält man genau das, was mich seit vielen Jahren prägt und kennzeichnet…

Zu meiner Herkunfts-Familie habe ich weder ein liebevolles Verhältnis noch überhaupt irgendeinen Kontakt. Um also im Tierreich einen passenden Vergleich zu wählen und gleichzeitig das Wortspiel mit meinem Namen zu perfektionieren: genau, wie ein schwarzes Schaf dasjenige in seiner (vorwiegend weißen Herde) ist, das irgendwie – unrühmlich – auffällt, so ist ein weißer Rabe inmitten seiner schwarzen Artgenossen auch eine ziemliche Besonderheit.

Es ist also erstens eine Abgrenzung zum Rest meiner Familie. Ich bin der weiße unter den schwarzen Raben!

Außerdem haben weiße Raben verschiedentlich mythologische Bedeutungen, mit denen ich ich gut anfreunden und identifizieren kann. So gelten sie z.B. als Verkünder des Anbruchs neuer Zeiten, als Herolde der Veränderung. Nun, ein wenig Sendungsbewußtsein nenne ich durchaus mein eigen.

weisser-rabe ist also schon immer mein Account-Name in verschiedenen online-Zusammenhängen gewesen; Mailadressen, Facebook, Skype,… Wiedererkennbar auf der ganzen Linie. Wenig überraschend habe ich meine erste Firma danach benannt. Wenn wir demnächst eine Stiftung gründen, wird sich auch dort der „weiße Rabe“ wiederfinden.

Ich BIN ein @weisser-rabe!

Als solcher – und als Sozialphobiker – fliege ich in angemessenem Abstand zu allem und jedem über das große Ganze hinweg und schaue mir das Leben wohlwollend von oben an.

Auf dem Steem hat es sich gut angefühlt, dieser Existenz ihrer logischen Fortsetzung zu verhelfen. Ich danke also für die Aufmerksamkeit und ziehe weiter meine Kreise… ;-))

 5 months ago 

I knew some of it and now I know more of it and I feel every word coming from the core of your heart. However, we can't change our family but yes, we can keep a distance for sure sooner or later depending on circumstances. I can read you loud and clear.

danke für deine namens erklärung
kurz knapp und verständlich

Hi there Rabe !!

Yours is such a cool username. Although I didn't know why would someone choose white raven as a username. You are unique in many ways, regardless of your terms with your family.

Hi Hira! To make it complete: my first name is HEIKE. RABE (Raven) is the last name. And if you believe or not: that's only oe side of a complicated medal... ;-))

What does Heiki mean?

I wonder what's more to the medal...

We also have some first names that have a meaning due to their origin or word stem. This is not the case with HEIKE. So I can put any meaning into it that suits me ;-))

First of all, thank you for sharing your real name with us. A lot of us are knowing this for the first time ever.

Secondly, thank you once again for teaching us a little bit of German language.. at least, i can now boast to people that I know a little bit of German.😊😊

Speaking about family, I believe by now they will be proud of you seeing the great things you are doing for yourself. Some day in the future, give them a call, they will be so happy to hear from you ..

Dear Samson, I am convinced that you have a big heart and love harmony between people. I'm sure I'll write a few things about my family one day... For now, it will have to suffice that they will neither be proud of me nor answer the phone when I call. Not that I have any intention of doing so... My parents have been saying for years that they don't have a daughter. So, ever since I testified against my father in court...

Hello there Ms. Rabe!

What an apt choice of username. I think it is safe to say that you are the personification of this name: a raven who is solitary and wise at the same time.

You hinted about your family. If it's okay with you, I would like to know more...

Thank you very much! And it's totally okay for me - I'm just not ready yet. In fact, one of my reasons for getting active on the Steem was to try out parts of my autobiography on a public audience. I just don't have the courage yet...

So you are the only White Raven among us, black sheep. 😊 Very authentic! And fabulous at the same time. I love it!

Hihi ;-)) I'm happy when you're happy ;-))

As I learn more and more details, I realise I don't know you at all ;)

We've heard about the black sheep since our childhood but now we're learning about the weisse rabe amidst the shwarz raben. Such a uniqe username aligning with your unique way of blogging.

Also, I read it in the post as well as soulfuldreamer's comment and your reply as well. I'd be there to lend you an ear... only if and when you're ready. You've always been very supportive of me, I'll never forget that. :-)

I appreciate your offer! Let me think about...

It sounds very interesting

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