Story 5 - Oh, Mom, what should I do? || 10% to Dream Steem

in Dream Steemlast year

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Emily was a young woman who lived in a quiet town. She had a secret sorrow that weighed heavily on her soul, hidden from everyone else. She pretended to be strong and cheerful, but inside, she was haunted by her inner demons. She was on the brink of a black void, and falling seemed inevitable.

She couldn’t tell the difference between day and night anymore, as her mind was constantly tormented by negative thoughts. She wondered why she existed, what her value was, and what the point of everything was. She felt hopeless and trapped, hearing a sad song in her head that wouldn’t stop. “Oh, Mom, what should I do?” she cried out, her voice full of despair.



Emily 's problems had old origins, dating back to a hard childhood and a string of misfortunes that chased her into adulthood. She longed for happiness, warmth, and a place to call home, but fate had other plans for her. She felt lonely and cut off, giving up on her goals and dreams.

She wondered if she could ever be free from her suffering, imagining that the only solace might lie beyond the grave. But even in her misery, there was a spark of courage left, a tiny voice that said, “You can overcome this.”

One day, as Emily walked through the park, dragging her feet with the burden of her problems, she came across a small garden hidden among the noise of the city. Curious, she went closer and saw a labyrinth, its paths curving and twisting like the puzzle of her own thoughts.

With cautious steps, Emily entered the labyrinth, each turn mirroring her internal struggles. She confronted her demons and doubts as she journeyed through it. The garden became a symbol for her journey towards self-discovery and healing.



Sometimes, she ran into dead ends and obstacles, feeling lost and discouraged. But in the labyrinth, she also found moments of relief and insight. Conversations with strangers, kind and wise, made her realize that she was not alone in her challenges.

Days became weeks, and weeks became months as Emily continued her quest for understanding and inner peace. She dug deep into her past, accepting her pain and forgiving herself for past errors. Through self-reflection, therapy, and the support of new friends, she started to untie the knots that had bound her spirit.

And then, one day, at the heart of the maze, a deep insight dawned on her. She understood that she had the choice to create her own fate, to reclaim her life from the clutches of hopelessness. The hardships she had faced had made her into a strong soul, able to embrace her flaws and find beauty within her wounds.

With new strength, Emily left the labyrinth, her heart lighter than it had been in years. She had found her answer—not in an external solution, but within herself. The journey had been hard, but she had discovered her own resilience and the will to keep going.

As the sun shone on her face, Emily whispered, “Oh, Mom, I found my way.” Her voice, once filled with despair, now carried a hint of hope. She was aware that her road ahead would be full of challenges, but she had discovered how to savor the journey because it was in the hardship that she met herself.

I would like to invite @leonciocast, @paholags, @senehasa, @patjewell, @cruzamilcar63 and @fjjrg to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 04-June-2023 | Achievement 1

What a nice comparison... the live of a human to that of a maize.
With each new day we must find our way. Sometimes it is easy and with other times it is not so easy.
Good luck with the contest and thanks for the invite!

Life can definitely be a journey with its ups and downs. Thank you for your visit and engagement. 😊

Are you in the coaching business by any chance? That sounds so encouraging...! Very nice allegory, the labyrinth.

Haha 😃, I’m not in the coaching business. I just like reading fictional stories. I watched a motivational video on YouTube a while back that linked the concepts of thoughts and labyrinth. That’s where I got the idea from.

PS: Thank you for the encouragement and for visiting my post.

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Usted es un extraordinario escritor. Siempre que leo las historias que redacta, quedo absolutamente encantada con su gran talento por ello, lo felicito amigo... Eres poseedor de un extraordinario don y, vas a llegar muy lejos con este arte.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica. Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thanks. 😊

 last year 

Tusi te kamaal kar ditta e bro 😄I really loved the way you have developed the story and finished it. I think that's you who took Emily out of her trouble. 👍

Tusi te kamaal kar ditta e bro 😄

This made my day. ❤️

I'm happy that my writing has brought a smile to your face. And yes, you’re right - I wanted to end Emily’s journey on a happy note. 🙂

With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @malikusman1, member of team #2. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 04/06/2023


Thank you brother @malikusman1 for the support. It really means a lot to me. 😊

The source of happiness is our mind, how we think, and how we deal with problems. We can see the light of joy if we can let go of our negative senses.
Good luck with the contest and thank you for inviting me.

Thank you for your visit. 🙂

You are welcome.

You are welcome.

 last year 

...and another plot for a complete novel...!

Worked out on - say - 200 pages, it could be thrilling and comforting both in one.

Maybe the novel could be called:
"The Release of Minotaur", where the Minotaur stands as metaphor pointing on the part of Emily inside her inner labyrinth...

I'm glad you liked it. 🙂

 last year 

So you'll start the writing of the novel as well?


Nah, I’m not planning on it right now. 😄

 last year 

What a pity...
(But I'm joking a little bit - since I know: writing a novel takes a lot of time!)

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