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RE: Childlike soul dreamer | Kindlicher Seelenträumer

in Dream Steem6 days ago (edited)

I'm online and just received a notification of your comment. A different way to talk to me! I like it...

Since I am a bit busy today, I read your article. It's blubb again, which seemed to blubber on about history, science, existence, interconnectedness with a cat, and whatnot :) I'll have to give it another read tomorrow or maybe the day after tomorrow. It has very rich context that I need to savor slowly—I can't devour it all at once. But I'm leaving a comment here: excellent interweaving of tapestry and fantasy.

P.S: A question though... Could you explain the title of this assignment to me. Am I childlike or what? Maybe the language barrier isn't letting me grasp it fully...

 6 days ago 

Don't let me be misunderstood!

The title is NOT meant to blame someone. It is central part of the central lyrics I dared to interweave.

To tell the full truth: before starting my text, I remembered Jon Anderson singing "Soulful dreamer", but then I found him singing "Childlike soul dreamer". To be childlike is nothing poor or negative - but free and fresh and funny and creative. The opposite to be annoying like so many grown-ups.

Oh no

I didn't mind a bit. And as I said I would give a thorough read again tomorrow. I just asked because I didn't understand.

Thank you so much for making me read this beautiful piece of literature.

Kaum läßt man Dich ein paar Stunden alleine, schreibst Du wieder so was Schönes! ;-))

I'll take the liberty of adding: I was talking to @ty-ty the other day about the fact that there is actually a musician who makes such soulful, dreamy guitar meditation music under the name Soulful Dreamer... For the sake of interest:

Yes, now I know.

And I am so very happy for this nickname of mine now 😉

Isn't it a beautiful piece of art? I will be reading it multiple times. Say thank you to him (in person) from my side :)

I will find a way ;-)))

 5 days ago (edited)

What is the opposite of awesome?

But let's go to another Soul Dreamer (be it without this name),
by this time just cured from a soul illness (as one might say):

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